Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1026 Court Trial

The wind blows the fragrant scent of shackles all over the city, and there are clusters of people vying to see Yuanwailang.

Yang Jisheng stood upright with his battered body, carrying heavy shackles and dragging the shackles, while striding forward, reciting "Oral Songs on the Way to the Trial" loudly, heading for a court trial that was destined to be unfair.

This scene vividly demonstrates his awe-inspiring righteousness and sacrifice of life for righteousness.

The eyes of the onlookers couldn't help but moisten. Yang Jisheng's fearless figure dragging his shackles forward was deeply imprinted in their minds, shining brightly.

"Master Yang is unjustly accused."

"Master Yang is a righteous man, why should you put shackles and shackles on Master Yang?! Why don't you put these shackles and shackles on that old traitor?"

"God doesn't have eyesight"

"Good people are not rewarded, and there is no justice in enjoying great blessings despite misfortune."

"Master Yang, we support you."

The onlookers were indignant, sighing, and cursing. Because there were so many people and the scene was chaotic, and the law did not punish the public, they could safely and boldly express their true feelings without worrying about being settled afterwards.

Hearing the commotion outside, Yan Maoqing, the left deputy censor of the capital, pulled an official from the Ministry of Justice to him and scolded him in a low voice.

The officials from the Ministry of Justice were obedient. After Yan Maoqing finished scolding him, he bowed his head and turned around to leave. He called in a few official servants and ordered them to maintain order angrily and suppress the public opinion outside.

"Quiet! No noise is allowed in this important place of court trial!"

The officer took the order and left, sternly reprimanding the crowd watching outside.

It was somewhat effective at first, as the masses were still afraid of officials. However, after a few minutes of silence and someone taking the lead, the order got out of control again. The crowd sighed and commented even louder than before.

No matter how much the official scolded him, it had no effect.


The officials from the Ministry of Punishment couldn't help but angrily scolded the officials who maintained order.

"Yang Jisheng secretly colluded with the two kings and falsely conveyed the prince's decree. His behavior is tantamount to conspiracy to commit treason. This is the kind of criminal who is chained!" Yan Maoqing shouted to the crowd outside, and at the same time ordered the official to repeat it loudly.

"The crime has been condemned before trial?! You are really good at it! Shady story! Shady story!"

"Convicted without trial?!"

"From here on out, the court trial is a joke!"

Yan Maoqing's explanation reached the ears of the onlookers. Not only did it not suppress public opinion, it also had the opposite effect, inciting the public's opinions even more.

"Forget it, it's better to block than to block. It's better to prevent the people's mouth than to block the river. It's better to do business, and the court trial is more important. These common people can only use their words, and their words are of no use."

Yan Shifan, who was sitting in the office of the Ministry of Justice, saw this scene, called Yan Maoqing, shook his head at him, and twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain.

At this moment, Yan Song, Zhao Wenhua and others were also sitting in the government office, silently watching the interrogation outside.

After Yang Jisheng walked into the criminal office, the court trial began.

This court trial was presided over by the Ministry of Punishment. The presiding officer was He Ao, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. Wang Xueyi, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Shi Chaobin, the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, sat at the middle seat of the presiding judge; Dali Si sat on the secondary benches on both sides. , several officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Jinyiwei. Further down, there is the auditorium where Zhu Pingan and others are.

Yang Jisheng stood in the hall wearing shackles and shackles.

"Who is there?!"

He Ao, the Minister of Punishment, patted the scaffolding and asked questions knowingly.

"The lonely criminal Yang Jisheng Yang Jisheng!" Yang Jisheng replied proudly.


Hearing Yang Jisheng's self-promotion, the crowd watching outside couldn't help but burst into applause.

He Ao, the Minister of Punishment, could not help but frown.

Wang Xueyi, the Minister of Punishment, is a die-hard Strict Party member. When he saw Yang Jisheng being so fearless, his eyes could not help but gleam with a fierce gleam. He sneered and shouted at Yang Jisheng, "You boldly offended Yang Jisheng. How dare you not kneel down in court?! You want to?" Are you contemptuous of the court?!"


Under the hint of Wang Xueyi, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, the officers on both sides of the public office immediately cooperated and hit the ground hard with the water and fire sticks in their hands, making loud and powerful sounds, putting pressure on Yang Jisheng who was standing in the hall.

"Wang Xueyi is well known to the world as a strict party member. This is no secret. He is known for having no limits and no moral integrity. Yang Jisheng was naturally particularly shameless towards him. He glanced at Wang Xueyi with his head raised and spat disdainfully, "I What crime did Yang Jisheng commit when he impeached a traitorous official who brought harm to the country and the people? Besides, I am a second-class Jinshi appointed by the Holy One. What qualifications do you, a treacherous minister, like a hawk and a dog, have to ask me to kneel down! "

When Wang Xueyi heard this, his face turned black with anger. He slapped the table in anger, stretched out his hand to pinch a stick, and pretended to throw it at Yang Jisheng, "You dare to offend Yang Jisheng, do not kneel when being tried, and insult the judge. You are contemptuous of the court." , you are so stubborn that it is not good for you to bully my official office to kill me with a powerful stick?! Come here, give me a hard beating."

Damn, how can there be such a judgment!

This is a misuse of public tools!

This is a court trial, not a rural county government office!

Seeing this, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but stand up.

"Zi Hou, calm down, we are just listening." Yin Shidan caught Zhu Pingan in time and shook his head at Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an calmed down after hearing this. What Yin Shidan said was reasonable. He was just a spectator and had no right to speak in the court. Even if he broke his voice, it would not have any effect, and people like Wang Xueyi would definitely disrupt the court. In the name of being driven out of the court trial scene.

A small leak will sink a great ship!

So, Zhu Pingan laughed dryly and said, "Haha, my butt hurts after sitting for a long time. I'll get up and move around."

After speaking, Zhu Pingan moved for a while and sat down again.

Fortunately, Wang Xueyi's sign was blocked by Shi Chaobin, a doctor from the Ministry of Justice.

Shi Chaobin stretched out his hand to hold the sign in Wang Xueyi's hand, shook his head slightly, and whispered, "Master Wang, Yang Jisheng has a great reputation, so he does not have to kneel. As for insulting the judge, since he is the first offender, I will give him a warning." That's all. If he does it again, it's not too late to beat him again."

Wang Xueyi looked impatient, but the thought of beating him was indeed a bit ugly, so he gave Shi Chaobin some face.

"Yang Jisheng, let me ask you, who ordered your Shang Shu to frame and slander Lord Yan Songyan?"

He Ao, the Minister of Punishment, had already been instructed by Yan Song before the court trial, so he asked questions according to Yan Song's instructions.

"First, my impeachment of the traitor Yan Song is not a false accusation. The "Five Traitors and Ten Deadly Crimes" committed by Yan Yan are true and the evidence is conclusive. They can be found out with just one investigation. Second, my impeachment of Yan Song is not a false accusation. I plead for the people and eradicate traitors and traitors for our Ming Dynasty. This comes from my passion, why should I be ordered by others!!!"

Yang Jisheng sneered and spoke generously.

"You were not instructed by anyone? Okay, then let me ask you again, why did you say 'or ask the two kings' in your memorial? Why did you involve the two princes?" He Ao was already prepared for Yang Jisheng's answer, and then asked again one question.

Hearing He Ao's question, Yang Jisheng couldn't help but think of Zhu Pingan's reminder yesterday morning.

"Why should I say 'or ask the two kings'?" Yang Jisheng looked up to the sky and laughed, looking at the people at the main and secondary judges' seats one by one, "Why doesn't He Shangshu ask himself?! Today's court hearing, everyone here Sir, you don’t need me to point out how many of you are Yan Thief’s accomplices?! Can you judge the case impartially?! Huh, just like everyone here, most of the courtiers now are Yan Thief’s buddies, only The two princes are young and are not afraid of Yan Song. They dare to tell the truth in front of the Holy Majesty. I said 'maybe ask the two princes' because I hope that the Holy Majesty can learn the truth from the two princes, Prince Yu and King Jing."

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