Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1027 Confrontation

Yang Jisheng's two consecutive defenses were very good, which surprised He Ao. He originally thought that Yang Jisheng's upright and hateful character could find loopholes, but he didn't expect that Yang Jisheng didn't fall for it!

However, He Ao is an old fox who has been practicing in the officialdom for decades. If he can't do one, he can't do two, then he can do three.

"Yang Jisheng, have you thought about it? If you say this, you are falsely accusing Shangguan in the name of the prince?! You are falsely passing on the prince's decree! This is a capital crime! Do you have to think clearly?!"

He Ao shook his head, sighed, then looked at Yang Jisheng with pitiful eyes, and slowly spoke, with threats filling every line.

"If you want to impose a crime, why bother? He Shangshu, are you going to imitate Qin Hui?!" Yang Jisheng raised his head and looked at He Ao.

"I am not Qin Hui, and you are not Yue Wumu. You did not communicate with the two kings, but you said that the two kings can vouch for you. Are you not pretending to pass on the prince's decree?!" He Ao shook his head disapprovingly and asked with a sneer. road.

"I have just said that the two princes are not afraid of Yan Song and dare to tell the truth in front of the Holy One! This is the reason why I said in the memorial, 'I may ask the two kings'! There is no private communication with the two princes, nor is there any false information about the princes Order!"

Facing He Ao's slander, the veins on Yang Jisheng's neck bulged out. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and replied.

"Yang Jisheng, it is a capital crime to falsely convey the prince's decree. Since you have been living in poverty for ten years and it is not easy to take the imperial examination, I will give you a chance. If you reveal your envoy or accomplices, I can intercede for you in front of the Holy Emperor."

He Ao knocked on the trial seat, leaned forward a little, stared at Yang Jisheng with burning eyes, and softened his tone a little, tempting Yang Jisheng to bite.

"Haha, there is no excuse for wanting to incriminate someone. He Shangshu, save your breath. The impeachment of a serious thief was done by me alone. I had no mastermind or comrades. He Shangshu, to be honest, when I was young, you were the one who learned from me. A model of firefighting, you remonstrated with Emperor Wuzong on his southern patrol and got a great reputation. At the beginning of the Jiajing period, you discussed the "big gift" and went against the decree. You were almost killed by the imperial staff. How come you are so old, but the more you live, the more you regress?! Lian Po is old! , still able to make a living! Cao Cao, the old man, has a great ambition! Huang Zhong is seventy, Dingjunshan! But you are old, no, it is you. Now you can't be 'you'. You are old and old, but you have become The treacherous hawks and dogs help the tyrants to do harm. Haha, the tree wants skin and the man wants face. What is a shameless thing?! He Shangshu, during the holidays, do you still have the face to worship your ancestors and noble ancestors?! Don’t you feel ashamed? ?!”

Yang Jisheng sneered at He Ao's seduction and threat, sneered at him, and ridiculed him as he grew more and more useless as he got older. When he was young, he told the two emperors that they were not even afraid of death, but as he got older, he became Yan Song's hawk.

After Yang Jisheng said this, bursts of cheers broke out in the hall, especially from the spectators outside the public office.

After being exposed in public and hearing the buzz of criticism below, He Ao's old face was nowhere to be found.

"Yang Jisheng!!! Insult the chief judge! Contempt the court! Treat the court trial as child's play. If you continue not to be punished, what will happen to our court's laws!"

Wang Xueyi on the side slammed the table hard, with a gloomy face, and said viciously to Yang Jisheng.

With that said, Wang Xueyi took out a black lottery ticket from the lottery tube.

He Ao is happy to see the success.

Doctor Shi Chaobin, who had stopped him once before, looked over at Wang Xueyi.

"Master Shi, for your sake, I didn't punish him before. You also said before that if he does it again, he will be beaten again. Now, you have also seen that Yang Jisheng has insulted the judge for the second time! Please note, The law is carried out without relatives, and the orders are carried out without reason.”

Wang Xueyi noticed Shi Chaobin's gaze, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said quietly with a gloomy face.

Shi Chaobin's lips moved slightly, but no words came out.

Wang Xueyi twitched his lips with satisfaction, then threw the order in his hand heavily at Yang Jisheng, and fiercely ordered the prison officer below, "Yang Jisheng insults the judge, despises the court, is stubborn, and fights with me fiercely." beat!"

"As commanded."

Four fierce-looking government officials came out in response, carrying killing sticks and went straight to Yang Jisheng, and pushed Yang Jisheng to the ground without saying a word.

Yang Jisheng was pushed to the ground, his body was in a miserable state, but with a sarcastic smile on his face, he stared at Wang Xueyi, He Ao and others in the courtroom with contempt, and laughed three times, "What a joke, I Yang Jisheng tells the truth, but it becomes insulting?! Why, he is a hawk and a dog, but no one is allowed to tell him!"

"Hit me really hard!" Wang Xueyi became angry in embarrassment.

"If you want to fight, fight. How can there be Yang Jisheng who is afraid of being beaten?" Yang Jisheng was not afraid at all and talked and laughed calmly.

The fierce officer who took the order swung the torture stick in his hand hard towards Yang Jisheng's buttocks without saying a word.

With one stroke of the stick, the sound of hitting resounded throughout the government office.

Cold sweat broke out on Yang Jisheng's forehead. He clenched his teeth and stared straight at the presiding judge. "You are called judges, but you are actually stern thieves and hawks. You will be punished if you help the evil tyrants. If you don't believe it, look up and God will forgive you." who!"

"Hit me, hit me hard!" Wang Xueyi became even more angry when he saw this.

The fierce police officers worked even harder.

One after another, I used all my strength to suck the milk.

Yang Jisheng was sweating like rain on his forehead. He bit his lips in pain and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

However, Yang Jisheng never made a sound of pain.

Zhu Ping'an watched Yang Jisheng being tortured in the courtroom. He couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly, his chest heaved violently, and he took dozens of deep breaths before he could control the raging flames of injustice in his heart.

After the beating with the cane, He Ao interrogated Yang Jisheng again, with a look of compassion, "Yang Jisheng, I watched you grow up step by step, and I can't bear to see you being tortured. I will give you another chance, you It's better to tell the truth. Who ordered you to impeach and frame Shangguan? Why did you involve the two kings? "

At this moment, Yang Jisheng had been beaten with the cane until his skin was torn and his flesh was dripping with blood.

Hearing He Ao's interrogation, Yang Jisheng raised his head, shook his head, shook away the messy hair that blocked his sight, moved his lips, and spit out a mouthful of blood, "Haha, He Shangshu is used to being a dog, I don't understand. Is this what people say? In this case, then I will say it again, no one is instructing me! I said "I may ask the two princes" because the two princes are not afraid of thieves and can tell the truth. I hope that the Holy One can learn from the two princes. Your Highness, please understand the truth of the matter and see through the ugly face of thieves who harm the country and the people!"

He Ao's face was ashen!

"You are sharp-tongued but stubborn!" He Ao shook his head, "Then you are lying about the prince's decree!"

"If you want to incriminate someone, why bother?" Yang Jisheng sneered.

"It's stubborn. It doesn't matter. I'll turn over this article for now. I'm waiting for you to confess." He Ao snorted and then asked, "Yang Jisheng, in addition to framed the superior officer, you also said in the memorial that His Majesty is nepotistic. Being blind and inattentive, not being obedient in the administration of government, and showing partiality, this is the crime of deceiving the emperor and neglecting his superiors. What can you say?"

Yang Jisheng raised his head and said, "I am not blaming Your Majesty, I am just reminding Your Majesty not to treat Ronggu sternly like a traitor again! I am doing my duty as a loyal minister and repaying the Emperor's kindness."

"It's full of nonsense! Your memorial is here. The evidence is solid. How can I allow you to quibble!" He Ao sneered and threw the copy of Yang Jisheng's memorial in front of Yang Jisheng. The words Yang Jisheng allegedly accused Emperor Jiajing were marked one by one.

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