Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1028 Conviction

"'Unexpectedly, the emperor is smart and decisive, but he is willing to be deceived. He does not believe what others say, and he does not realize it even though God warns him. That is why he is like this.' Yang Jisheng, is this sentence mentioned in your memorial?"

He Ao threw the copy of the memorial to Yang Jisheng, silently recited a sentence from Yang Jisheng's memorial, and asked in a stern voice.

"I said this to remind you," Yang Jisheng defended.

"Yang Jisheng, what do you answer when I ask you something? You just need to answer, yes or no?"

He Ao interrupted Yang Jisheng's defense and shouted loudly.


Yang Jisheng raised his head and looked directly at He Ao, with the veins on his neck clearly visible.

"'Your Majesty is smart and decisive. Although Ni Luan is aware of all the hidden evils, he has always tolerated Song's evil deeds.' Yang Jisheng, is this sentence said in your memorial?" He Ao silently recited a sentence from Yang Jisheng's memorial. , questioned Yang Jisheng again.

"You took it out of context," Yang Jisheng said angrily.

"I'm asking you, yes or no?!" He Ao interrupted Yang Jisheng again and asked sternly.

"That's what I said!"

The veins on Yang Jisheng's neck became thicker.

"'However, I don't know that there are weeds in the country, weeds in the seedlings, and tigers in the city. One day in power will be a day of harm. Why can't the emperor bear to cut off his love for a traitor and endure the ruin of millions of people?' Yang Jisheng, this Is this sentence what you said in your memorial?"

He Ao pointed out all the points in Yang Jisheng's memorial that could be criticized out of context one by one. As long as Yang Jisheng answered yes or no, Yang Jisheng would be interrupted by He Ao to explain anything else, and he could only answer "yes", because What He Ao pointed out was indeed what he wrote in his memorial.

Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an understood what He Ao wanted. He couldn't help but clenched his fists and let out a long and helpless sigh in his heart.

What He Ao did was just "creating" evidence for the sake of conviction! We are not fools. We can see it ourselves, and I believe many people can also see it.

However, this is an unfair and unfair court trial!

The trial officials here are basically strict people. They will judge the case based on the evidence. As for whether the evidence is "created", they will turn a blind eye.

And I am just a spectator!

have no choice!


It ended up being a sigh.

Zhu Ping'an could only watch this court trial helplessly and powerlessly, drifting further and further away in the direction of the strict party, and finally gone forever, until it was time to close the case.

After the court trial, the case must be closed, and written materials must be submitted to Xiyuan to be presented to Emperor Jiajing for his inspection.

"My lords, this case has been tried. Let's come to an agreement and see how this case should be finalized." As the presiding judge, He Ao, after the trial came to an end, looked around and asked about the presiding judge and the second judge. The judges present at the table said.

"Well, what Master He said is true."

The three judges and other officials involved in the trial nodded one after another and stood up one after another to express their conclusions.

"What is there to discuss? Yang Jisheng falsely conveyed the prince's order and deceived the emperor. The evidence is conclusive. He should be convicted of the crime of falsely conveying the prince's order and deceiving the emperor. He should be punished for both crimes and should be hanged as a thank you. The world!"

Wang Xueyi, the Minister of Justice, as a loyal member of the Strict Party, was the first to speak, and he couldn't wait to convict Yang Jisheng of two capital crimes.

Although this court trial failed to interrogate Yang Jisheng's accomplices and bring Prince Yu into trouble, there is no rush. As long as Yang Jisheng's charges are confirmed, his accomplices and so on will not be too late to be interrogated slowly. Moreover, Mr. Yan explained The bottom line is to convict Yang Jisheng of falsely conveying the prince's decree.

That's why Wang Xueyi jumped out so eagerly.

"I agree with what Mr. Wang said. Yang Jisheng did not get the consent of the two kings, but he said in the memorial that he might ask the two kings. Isn't this a lie about what the prince's decree is?! Also, Yang Jisheng criticized the emperor several times in the memorial. This is not deception. What is Jun Wangshang?! Therefore, I agree with what Mr. Wang said, Yang Jisheng’s memorial still committed the crime of deceiving Jun Wangshang and falsely transmitting the prince’s decree. According to my Ming Dynasty law, he should be hanged for his crime! "

After Wang Xueyi spoke, an official who participated in the court trial spoke up and echoed.

"I think Yang Jisheng is also guilty of falsely accusing the superior! He should be punished together with the crime of deceiving the emperor and neglecting the superior and falsely transmitting the prince's decree!"

Then another official went a step further and put the crime of framed Shangguan on Yang Jisheng.

"Well, well, what Mr. Zhang said is true. I ignored this crime."

When Wang Xueyi heard this, he nodded vigorously and looked at the official who spoke with a smile on his face.

Then, several officials came to him and came to the same conclusion.

However, there are still different voices.

Although there are many Yan Party members, not all officials who participated in court trials are Yan Party members. It is impossible for the Yan Party’s power to cover every official. If this were the case, the Yan Party would have been destroyed ten times by Emperor Jiajing. Jiajing The emperor was an extremely stingy man about power, and he only tolerated Yan Song within the scope of his permission; secondly, in order to avoid suspicion, all officials participating in the court trial could not be Yan Party members.

"In my opinion, the evidence of Yang Jisheng's crime of falsely conveying the prince's decree is conclusive; as for deceiving the emperor and neglecting his superiors, in my opinion, Yang Jisheng is not guilty."

An official hesitated and spoke slowly.

As soon as the official spoke, Wang Xueyi glared at him angrily, "Why not? Yang Jisheng even admitted that he wrote it! Mr. Liu, you also have ears, didn't you hear it?"

As he spoke, Wang Xueyi stared at the official with a sinister look, and opened his white teeth, "Mr. Liu, I heard that you have sang with Yang Jisheng's poems many times. Haha, you can't be Yang Jisheng's accomplice, right? "

"How could that be? Mr. Wang, please don't slander anyone!" The official who was stared at by Wang Xueyi immediately raised his neck and retorted. If Wang Xueyi splashed this basin of dirty water on him, he would not be able to wash it off even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Wang Xueyi sneered, hum, if you hadn't just said that Yang Jisheng was guilty of falsely spreading the prince's decree, if you hadn't wanted to convict Yang Jisheng of the death penalty as soon as possible and didn't want to cause trouble, otherwise you would have been labeled a Yang Jisheng associate.

Fortunately, there was an official advising him, and Wang Xueyi took one more look at the official before moving away.

Other officials expressed their opinions one after another, and most of them were similar. They were guilty of two or three crimes, but they were all guilty of misrepresenting the prince's orders.

"In response, as the secretary, what do you think?"

He Ao turned his attention to Shi Chaobin, the last doctor in the Ministry of Justice who had not expressed his opinion, and asked slowly.

Everyone's eyes also turned to Shi Chaobin, especially Wang Xueyi, whose eyes were even more intense and threatening.

Shi Chaobin was not a strict party member.

However, Wang Xueyi was not worried that something would happen to him, because Shi Chaobin compromised when Yang Jisheng was tortured in court.

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