Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1029 A miscarriage of justice

In full view of everyone, Shi Chaobin straightened his clothes, took a big step forward solemnly and solemnly, and walked to the center of the crowd. Then he raised his head and looked at He Ao, the Minister of Punishment, for two seconds.

"Master Shangshu, to this day, the guests still remember the words you always told us juniors when they first entered the Ministry of Punishment, 'It's spring and rain outside the door, but the sun is scorching and frost is three feet inside the case.' This is what I said in the Ministry of Punishment The first lesson is also the most important lesson in my life." Shi Chaobin looked at He Ao, the Minister of Punishment, and said slowly.

He Ao stopped what Shi Chaobin was saying, his face changed slightly, it was undetectable, and he quickly returned to normal.

"What are you talking about? If I ask you about Chao Ju, just say Chao Ju. Why are you talking so far? We are still in a hurry to restore His Holiness!"

Wang Xueyi, the Minister of Punishment, felt uneasy and worried that Shi Chaobin would do something wrong, so he couldn't help interrupting Shi Chaobin.

After Shi Chaobin was interrupted by Wang Xueyi, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Wang Xueyi with disdain on his face, "Okay, let's talk about the court trial! After the interrogation and checking the files and evidence, I think Yang Jisheng is guilty of this court trial."

Hearing Shi Chaobin say that Yang Jisheng was guilty, Wang Xueyi, the Minister of Punishment, breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, this bitch Shi Chaobin is quite aware of current affairs. I just thought you were going to cause trouble when I heard what you said. I was shocked.

However, the next second, Wang Xueyi was stunned!

Because, what Shi Chaobin said next was, "Whether Yang Jisheng is guilty or innocent, we need to verify whether the contents of his memorial are true!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Xueyi was confused and then asked angrily.

"What I mean is that whether Yang Jisheng is guilty or not depends on whether the content of his memorial is true! If it is true, then he is not guilty. If the content of his memorial is not true, he has committed the crime of framed Shangguan." Shi Chaobin said calmly. He spoke.

"Did Mr. Shi come here drunk today?" Wang Xueyi was very angry, staring at Shi Chaobin sinisterly, and sneered.

"Not a drop of wine." Shi Chaobin replied lightly.

"Not even a drop of wine? Haha, not even a drop of wine, and you are talking drunken words here!!! Do you still need to verify Yang Jisheng's memorial?! He is nonsense! Confusing right and wrong! The Holy One has already approved it, 'Yang Jisheng The banished officials held grudges, picked up lies, and indulged in blasphemy. "Have you read the newspaper? Do you mean, Mr. Shi, you question the words of the Holy One?!" Wang Xueyi stared at Shi Chaobin and sneered, his voice was sinister and full of anger. and threats.

"On the contrary, I acted according to the words of the Holy One. The Holy One ordered today's court trial precisely to find out the truth of the case. What I said was not drunken talk or nonsense, but the truth that I found out after the court's examination. I dare not say anything. Hidden Your Majesty. Today's court trial is due to Yang Jisheng's memorial. To judge and punish Yang Jisheng, it is inevitable to verify the content of Yang Jisheng's memorial. Only then can Yang Jisheng be convicted and punished."

Shi Chaobin did not flinch, raised his head and looked at Wang Xueyi, not afraid of Wang Xueyi's anger and threats.

"The content of Yang Jisheng's memorial has been concluded by His Majesty, so there is no need for Mr. Wang to worry about it!" Wang Xueyi said angrily.

"With no oral confession, no physical evidence, and no witnesses, how can we make a conclusion?" Shi Chaobin shook his head and replied calmly.

"You! Huh, I won't argue with you. Yang Jisheng's memorial is just a collection of false rumors and blasphemy. It's a bunch of nonsense. The matter has been concluded!" Wang Xueyi's eyes were about to burst out with anger, and he hated the mess in his heart. Shi Chaobin, but in order to close the case as soon as possible, he took a deep breath and stopped arguing with Shi Chaobin here.

When Shi Chaobin heard this, he didn't take it seriously.

Seeing Shi Chaobin's appearance, Wang Xueyi was furious. He took another deep breath and suppressed Shi Chaobin's heart. "Let's put aside the debate just now. Yang Jisheng was guilty of misrepresenting the prince's decree. This is an indisputable fact!"

"No. Based on the circumstances of this court trial, the existing evidence and the facts of the case, Yang Jisheng is not guilty of this crime." Shi Chaobin shook his head and gave a conclusion that made Wang Xueyi go berserk.

You are so sick!

You have to go against me, don’t you?

Wang Xueyi looked at Shi Chaobin in front of him, with ten thousand raging anger burning in his heart, and his chest was almost burned with anger.

"Not guilty of falsely conveying an order?! Hahaha, Mr. Shi, are you blind?! Didn't you see the line 'maybe ask the two kings' in Yang Jisheng's memorial? Isn't this a false transmission of the prince's order?!"

Wang Xueyi was very angry.

"I saw it, I said that just because I saw it. In the memorial, Yang Jisheng only said, 'I may ask the two kings', and did not misrepresent the order." Shi Chaobin raised his head, glanced at Wang Xueyi, and replied lightly.

"If he is not misrepresenting the order, then he is violating the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty and having a private meeting with the two kings!" Wang Xueyi said angrily.

"It's either this or that? Why, it can't be something else? Cases should be judged based on facts, evidence, and laws! There is no basis for this, so please forgive me for disagreeing!" Shi Chaobin shook his head and replied in a preaching tone. .


Wang Xueyi was about to be burned with anger, but he still thought about the explanation between Yan Song and Yan Shifan, and used all his strength to suppress his anger. He took a step forward, approached Shi Chaobin, and whispered in Shi Chaobin's ear, half to persuade and half to Threatening, "Yang Jisheng must die, this is what it means above. As for who it is, Mr. Shi should know. Whether Mr. Shi will go up or down in the future depends on your choice today, Mr. Shi."

Wang Xueyi did not hesitate to tell the truth and threatened Shi Chaobin with Yan Song and Yan Shifan, hoping to make Shi Chaobin submissive.

But he was disappointed.

Shi Chaobin became angry, and his voice could be heard far away, "We have laws in Ming Dynasty, how can we judge in vain!"

Damn it!

Wang Xueyi froze on the spot, almost exploding on the spot. He became so angry that he tore off the last layer of fig leaf, "We and other officers all have the ears of a holy dog. If they are dogs, they must obey their master! The Holy Word' Yang Jisheng's Pick Up Talking, blaspheming! These are the words of the master! I am old, and I only know what the master wants."

After Wang Xueyi finished speaking in embarrassment, he no longer paid attention to Shi Chaobin. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves, picked up a writing brush, and looked at everyone, "Since everyone agrees on the court trial, Wang is not talented and thinks his writing skills are acceptable. I Mao Sui recommended himself to write a reply to the Supreme Court on the court case, your lords have no objection, right?"

"No objection."

"Of course there is no objection."

"I've long heard that Mr. Wang's writing skills are excellent, and I just happened to see it today."

Everyone knew that Wang Xueyi was the spokesperson of the Strict Party, so they naturally had no objections and all spoke in agreement.

Before He Ao could speak, Shi Chaobin took a step forward, looked at He Ao, and said sincerely: "Master Shangshu, 'It's the spring breeze and sweet rain outside the door, and the sun is scorching and frost is three feet away inside the case.' Have you forgotten the teachings of that day?" Yet?"

He Ao hesitated slightly.

Wang Xueyi immediately looked over at He Ao!

He Ao didn't look at Shi Chaobin and nodded towards Wang Xueyi, "Xueyi, I believe in your calligraphy."

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