Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1030 Zhu Pingan’s suggestion

After getting everyone's approval, Wang Xueyi couldn't wait to write the closing words of the court trial.

Wang Xueyi is the main author, and the closing words can be imagined.

The final conclusion was that the officials from the Sanfa Department and other officials who participated in the court unanimously believed that Yang Jisheng was guilty of falsely transmitting the prince's decree, falsely accusing a superior official, and deceiving the emperor. The evidence was conclusive and he should be sentenced to death according to law.

After finishing writing, Wang Xueyi couldn't wait to dry the ink and asked the officials participating in the court trial to come forward and sign.

Everyone came forward to sign their names one by one.

He Ao, the Minister of Punishment, was the penultimate signer. Before signing, he read the closing words written by Wang Xueyi word for word, with a slightly hesitant look on his face.

"Haha, if Lord Shangshu likes Xiaguan's calligraphy, after this errand is over, Xiaguan will carefully copy a collection of Lord Shangshu's poems and send them to you. At this moment, your Lordship, you'd better sign it quickly, don't keep the higher up waiting. Yes." Wang Xueyi looked at He Ao with a smile, and in a joking tone, used the opportunity to urge He Ao to sign quickly.

Wang Xueyi was referring to Emperor Jiajing or Yan Song. He Ao knew very well.

"Haha, then it's settled." He Ao smiled and signed his name on the closing statement.

In this way, only Shi Chaobin remained unsigned.

"Master Shi, you are the last one left, please." Wang Xueyi placed the closing statement in front of Shi Chaobin, thrust the brush in his hand into Shi Chaobin's hand, and asked him to sign the closing statement in a strong tone.

After Shi Chaobin read the closing statement, he looked at Wang Xueyi with a mocking look on his face, threw the brush in his hand on the table, and shook his head firmly, "Please forgive me for disagreeing with this closing statement!"

"Shi Chaobin!" Wang Xueyi was furious, "The case is concluded by the court officials participating in the court discussion and decision. If there is disagreement, the presiding officer will make the decision. This is the rule of the Ming Dynasty court trial. Today's court trial, we all have the same opinion. , He Shangshu, as the presiding judge, has the same opinion as us, so you, Shi Chaobin, must sign this name!"

"Master Wang, why do you have to be so grand? Master Shi didn't say not to sign, right Master Shi."

"Master Shi, the minority obeys the majority, just sign this name."

"One person is short-term and many are evil. Why should Mr. Shi part ways with everyone?"

"Master Shi, the Holy Spirit is still waiting. If you refuse to sign, the Holy Spirit will blame you. Then we will also suffer the consequences, so why bother."

The court officials around them seemed to be persuading Shi Chaobin, but in fact they were standing with Wang Xueyi and forcing Shi Chaobin to sign. Under this kind of public opinion, if Shi Chaobin did not sign his name, he would have offended the public.

"Master Shi, why bother with everyone because of a death row prisoner? Please do it."

People's hearts can be used. Wang Xueyi smiled with satisfaction and put the pen into Shi Chaobin's hand again.

Shi Chaobin took the brush.

A smile bloomed on Wang Xueyi's face, but the smile that just bloomed on his face withered in the next second.

Because after Shi Chaobin took the brush, he threw it on the table again.

"I, Shi Chaobin, do not do it for others, but for the justice in my heart." After Shi Chaobin finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside the government office.

"His surname is Shi!"

Wang Xueyi was so angry that he went to court to close the case. If one person was missing to sign, the case would not be closed!

Shi Chaobin turned a deaf ear and walked straight out.

"Go inside and report to Mr. Ge."

Wang Xueyi grabbed a subordinate clerk next to him and asked him to go to the inner hall of the government office to report the emergency to Yan Song and his son.


Wang Xueyi shouted loudly to the officials watching in the hall, "Stop him and don't let him leave the government office."

Zhu Pingan had been paying attention to the situation in the audience, and Zhu Pingan also heard Wang Xueyi's closing speech.

I was very anxious.

Wang Xueyi is too dark! They even tampered with the closing statement, forcing the court officials to unanimously believe that Yang Jisheng was guilty of falsely conveying the prince's decree, framed a superior official, and deceived the emperor. He also said that the evidence was conclusive and that he should be hanged according to law! !

It was too tempting to send the closing statement to Emperor Jiajing like this. When Emperor Jiajing saw this closing statement, he was so angry that there was no telling what would happen! You know, in history, Emperor Jiajing killed ministers and officials without mercy.

When Zhu Pingan was very anxious, the scene of Shi Chaobin happened. Seeing Shi Chaobin not hesitate to offend the strict party and refused to sign and leave the scene, Zhu Pingan suddenly thought of a way.

So, when several attending officials stepped forward to intercept Shi Chaobin, Zhu Ping'an also stepped forward to "intercept" Shi Chaobin and shouted: "Master Shi, stay here, stay here, you'd better sign your name before leaving."

Such words and actions were exactly the same as those who intercepted Shi Chaobin.

However, taking advantage of the chaos, Zhu Ping'an approached Shi Chaobin and whispered, "Master Shi, I am Yang Jisheng's junior fellow student. Please listen to me, Master Shi. I know that Master Shi refuses to sign for the sake of justice, fearing that righteous people A tragic act of injustice. However, if Mr. Shi does not sign, someone else may sign for Mr. Shi. In my opinion, why don’t Mr. Shi attach his own opinions to the back of his signature for your Majesty’s reference? ?! In this case, wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds?”

Zhu Pingan's suggestions refer to the modern court collegial panel system and arbitration system. When a modern court collegial panel conducts deliberation, if there are differences of opinion, the decision should be based on the opinions of the majority of the judges, but the opinions of the minority judges should be recorded in the transcripts; the same is true for arbitration, and the different opinions of the minority arbitrators should be recorded in the transcripts.

Zhu Ping'an felt a little guilty, knowing that his suggestion would cause Shi Chaobin to offend Yan Dang and suffer Yan Dang's revenge. However, Shi Chaobin's refusal to sign, leaving the scene, and his previous words had completely offended Yan Dang. . Since both the left and the right are offending the strict party, why not choose a more valuable way to offend.

Zhu Pingan's suggestion made Shi Chaobin enlightened and his eyes lit up. He couldn't help but raise his head to glance at Zhu Pingan, nodded slightly, and then quickly turned his head away, no longer paying attention to Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an took a back seat at the right time.

Wang Xueyi and other court officials also came over and criticized Shi Chaobin verbally and in writing, suppressing Shi Chaobin with rules, official positions, Yan Song, and Shang Shang.

The strict party members among the officials who were in attendance also gave Shi Chaobin some persuasion.

In the end, Shi Chaobin was "persuaded" to go back.

"It's getting late, Mr. Shi, you'd better sign it early. If we miss the time to submit it to the Holy Emperor, we won't be able to forgive you." Wang Xueyi suppressed his anger and gave Shi Chaobin the brush again.

Other court officials also kept persuading.

"Okay, I'll sign it." This time Shi Chaobin took the brush, looked up at Wang Xueyi, and nodded.

When Wang Xueyi saw this, he smiled with satisfaction, "Oh, Master Shi, wouldn't it be great if you could do this already? Please, please."

Shi Chaobin stopped talking. After dipping his brush in ink, he settled on the closing words and started writing.

At first, Wang Xueyi still had a smile on his face, laughing in his heart that Shi Chaobin was like the sister in the Jiaofang Department. At first, he acted as if he had set up a memorial arch, but in the end he took off his clothes and opened his thighs obediently.

Then, the smile on Wang Xueyi's face solidified.

A signature is only a three-character song. It seems that Shi Chaobin wrote more than three characters, right? ! Why are you still writing! ! !

Damn it!

There shouldn't be any trouble, right? !

Wang Xueyi felt bad, but it was already too late, Shi Chaobin had already finished writing.

Wang Xueyi rushed over and only saw the words that Shi Chaobin left in his closing remarks: "Although Yang Jisheng's words were wrong, he was really innocent and was not involved in the crime of falsely delivering orders and decrees. However, he was pitied for his madness and foolishness and was banished to a distant garrison to save his life. Morality.——Shi Chaobin"

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