Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1036 Gossip about Jiangnan

The setting sun was like blood, like the neck behind an owl's head. The burst of blood dyed half of the sky red. A dusky crow flew across the dead branches, frightening an old dog that was looking for food. It bared its ferocious canine teeth and mute throat. Roaring, he retreated into the shadows with his tail between his legs.

Zhu Ping'an, covered in blood-stained sunset glow, returned to the Linhuai Marquis Mansion at the last moment before the curfew.

The Linhuai Marquis Mansion is very lively with lights and colorful decorations tonight.

Returning to Jingxiang Garden, Zhu Pingan learned that the Marquis of Lai Huai had won a commendation from the imperial court and had returned to the capital from Yingtian Mansion today. He also brought many specialties from the south. Zhu Pingan and Li Shu also got some of the specialties, including Jiangnan water chestnuts, Crab, Yingtian Yunjin, etc.

After having dinner in Jingxiang Garden, Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu went to the East Courtyard to visit the Marquis of Linhuai and his wife, bringing gifts in return.

"Fifth girl, you are serious. Just come as soon as you come. Don't bring anything else. Your uncle came back from Yingtian this time and brought back many gadgets. Brother Rui and Niuniu liked them very much. Sixth girl just came too. I like it very much. Qiu Zhu, Qiu Ju, you go to the warehouse to pick up the gadgets that the master brought back, pick out novel and interesting things, and pick out some of each..."

Mrs. Linhuai Hou took Li Shu to the master bedroom to talk, while Zhu Pingan and Linhuai Hou went to the study to talk.

"As soon as I entered the capital today, I heard about Yang Jisheng's impeachment of Mr. Yan Ge. It's ridiculous for a cricket to shake a big tree. I think Yang Jisheng has lost his mind. I also heard about today's court trial. This matter is very important. It's unusual. I think some people must be implicated. Zihou, I know that you and Yang Jisheng came from the old family of Xu Ge, and you had to move around a lot before. However, you must be careful at this time and make a clear break with Yang Jisheng. Limits, don't suffer unreasonable disasters. It's not easy for you today, but don't be confused."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Marquis Linhuai went straight to the point and warned Zhu Ping'an and Yang Jisheng to draw a clear line and not to be implicated.

Of course, the Marquis of Linhuai was actually more worried that the Marquis of Linhuai's mansion would be implicated.

"Safe and safe."

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an rolled his eyelids and nodded calmly, showing a typical inconsistency.

If you don't want to talk or argue, it's better to respond duplicitously and save yourself a lot of time.

This is what Zhu Pingan thinks.

Linhuai Marquis saw Zhu Ping'an nodding in agreement and stroked his beard with great satisfaction. He originally thought it would take a lot of effort.

"My dear nephew, I have been an official for many years, and I have gained some experience. As an official, you should kowtow more and talk less, don't seek merit, but seek no faults. Only in this way can you have a prosperous official career. It should be noted that there are no good fortunes, and there are many failures. Nothing is troublesome, nothing is troublesome..."

After the heartache was gone, Marquis Linhuai, as an elder, told Zhu Pingan some of his experience as an official in a semi-presumptuous way. The main theme was to be wise and self-protective, be good at seizing opportunities, and not to do things like twisting arms and thighs, etc.

Zhu Pingan's face looked like he had benefited a lot, but in his heart he disagreed. Being an official as the Marquis of Linhuai said was just a typical corpse eating nothing and doing nothing. What good would it do to his family, country and the world? ! Being an official like this means that you have failed the country at the top and the people at the bottom. Although you may have no merit or fault, you are still guilty! Being an official like this is not as good as going home and selling sweet potatoes, as the drama "Seven-Rank Sesame Official" sings, "If you don't make decisions for the people as an official, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes."

"Uncle, I wonder what the situation in the southeast is like?" Zhu Pingan couldn't listen anymore, so he changed the subject and asked.

"My nephew is asking about the Japanese pirates in the southeast, right?" Marquis Linhuai took a sip of tea and said leisurely, "On the southeast coast, although the Japanese pirates occasionally attack the inland, in my opinion, the Japanese pirates will soon calm down."

ha? ! Is the Japanese plague going to subside soon?

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he really didn't know what to say to the Marquis of Linhuai. The Japanese invasion was almost gone? ! According to the timeline, it won’t be long before Japanese pirates invade the southeast coast in large numbers, okay? The Japanese invasion during the Jiajing period caused trouble for more than ten years, which lasted longer than the Japanese invasion of China. It's still more than ten years before things settle down!

When the Marquis of Linhuai saw that Zhu Ping'an had a suspicious look on his face, he couldn't help but teach him like an elder looking down on his younger generation and looking forward to the future, "Zihou, you are not in the southeast and you don't know about the affairs in the southeast. Among the Japanese pirates in the southeast, Wang Zhi, the leader of the bandits, is the worst. .At the beginning of the year, Wang Zhi annexed Chen Sipan, the leader of the Fujian pirates, and took up residence in Ligang, Zhoushan. His power surpassed that of the Japanese pirates in the southeast. Wang Zhi wanted to recruit peace. Now that the maritime ban policy has been relaxed, local officials in many places in the southeast acquiesced in private maritime trade affairs. The government took advantage of Wang Zhi's desire to bring peace to life and implemented the method of destroying thieves with theft. Wang Zhi ordered Wang Zhi to kill Chen Sipan and other pirates who attacked the mainland. Wang Zhi took the initiative to cooperate and worked very hard, and successively put down Chen Sipan and other pirates who burned, killed and looted. Pirates have greatly reduced the Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River. With this situation, either to recruit Wang Zhi or to trap and kill Wang Zhi, the Japanese invasion in the southeast will be eliminated soon."

Zhu Ping'an once again didn't know what to say to Linhuai Hou's eyes.

Although Wang Zhi had great expectations for the imperial court, he was only a larger force among the Japanese pirates. Many other Japanese pirate forces did not obey him, such as Xiao Xian, Deng Wenjun, Lin Bichuan, Shenmen in Fujian, and He in Guangdong. Yaba and even some of Wang Zhi's subordinates, such as Xu Hai, were inconsistent with Wang Zhi's ideas and disobeyed management. In fact, Wang Zhi could neither destroy the pirates nor restrain his subordinates. Recruiting him would not quell the Japanese invasion, while trapping and killing him would only intensify the Japanese invasion.

Besides, Wang Zhi worked hard to put down other pirates in order to expand his strength. Moreover, Wang Zhi was not really interested in Zhao'an. What he was seeking was "tribute". Wang Zhi wanted to use the Japanese pirates to establish his own country, achieve independence and separatism, and then replace Japan's tribute position, trade with the Ming Dynasty, and monopolize the Ming Dynasty. In overseas trade, in the later period, he used the banners of "King Jinghai" and "King Hui", which meant that he established a country on his own with the strength of Japanese pirates. How could someone else be allowed to sleep beside the bed? Wang Zhi was so ambitious and colluded with the Japanese pirates. His hands were stained with the blood of the people of the Ming Dynasty. How could the Ming Dynasty recruit him?

How can the Japanese plague be eliminated soon?

Historically, the Japanese invaders broke out violently and invaded the southeastern coast in large quantities, reaching their peak, which was triggered by the recruitment and killing of Wang Zhi.

"Since I entered Yingtian and admiral Caojiang, I have expelled several waves of Japanese pirates from the coast. At that time, there were several sail boats with several real Japanese pirates on the sails. The men had tattoos on their faces, and they did not wear any undergarments. The banners were connected at the end, and there was no sewing on the waist. Hanging a Japanese sword..."

In the next half hour, the Marquis of Linhuai boasted about his achievements again, which made Zhu Ping'an feel embarrassed.

It was just a warship to drive away a few broken wooden boats, not a annihilation. It seemed like commanding a million troops to pacify the Japanese pirates?

However, being able to drive away several groups of Japanese pirates is not bad, at least it doesn't mean that the corpses are just eating and doing nothing.

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