Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1037 Your son misses you again

After returning from the East Courtyard, Zhu Ping'an put the words of Marquis Linhuai behind his mind. When he returned to Jingxiang Garden, he went directly into the study, lit the candle, laid out the rice paper, and then bent down at his desk to draft a memorial to plead for Yang Jisheng. Come.

This love must be begged for. If no one pleads for mercy, Emperor Jiajing cannot change his mind. Senior Brother Yang will be executed in ten days.

However, begging for mercy is a technical job.

Nowadays, Emperor Jiajing is furious because of Senior Brother Yang's memorial. If his intercession skills are not good, not to mention that he will be affected by Emperor Jiajing's wrath, and if he fails to protect himself, Senior Brother Yang will be sent to the guillotine in advance.

After laying out the rice paper, Zhu Pingan rubbed his forehead and began to think.

The reason why Emperor Jiajing was furious was not because Brother Yang impeached Yan Song, but because some words in Brother Yang's memorial to impeach Yan Song "hurt" the petty and vengeful Emperor Jiajing.

Therefore, when begging for mercy, you must pay attention to this and do not let Emperor Jiajing be "hurt" twice. Otherwise, Emperor Jiajing would be "hurt" twice, and the person who begged for mercy and Senior Brother Yang would be hurt by Emperor Jiajing.

Now I am begging Emperor Jiajing for mercy.

Then we have to make Emperor Jiajing in a good mood, and Emperor Jiajing in a good mood, in order to achieve the purpose of begging for mercy?

So, um, the memorial to plead for mercy must scold Senior Brother Yang. Of course, how to scold is also a skill. It must not only make Emperor Jiajing feel comfortable but also do not hurt Senior Brother Yang at all. Only in this way can it be qualified. "scold".

After thinking for so long, he finally figured it out. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but stretch his stiff limbs, move his wrist twice, reach out to lift the brush, dip it in ink, and prepare to start writing a draft.

"Brother Zhu, your son misses you again~~"

The study door was pushed open, and a voice that was soft to the core, charming to the blood, and soft to the apex of the heart came.

Zhu Pingan heard the sound and raised his head. Li Shu's charming little face at the door was flushed. She blinked at Zhu Pingan with a pair of watery eyes. Her eyes were springy, her eyes were as charming as silk, and her body was as thin as cicada wings. The silk pajamas could not cover her lively little rabbit last week... The brush in Zhu Pingan's hand fell onto the rice paper with a "clack" sound. The rice paper spread on the table was immediately covered with a large ink stain. .

"Ahem, how can I have a son?"

"Knowing that I don't have a son, why don't I rest early..."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but think of the conversation the day before yesterday, and the hormones controlled by these words. Now just thinking about it, the hormones were surging again, like a tsunami, with huge waves roaring and destroying everything.

A group of little guys made of protein quickly climbed up to the brain along Zhu Pingan's blood vessels. They rushed to the brain in an instant and occupied the brain.

Although he couldn't see his appearance, Zhu Pingan knew that his expression could only be described by the word "cannibal".

By the way, my concentration is already very good. Not only can I stay calm, but I am also a good hand in the field of self-control. But why is my concentration still at zero in front of the demon Li Shu? How long has it been, why can't I stand the temptation of Li Shu, a fairy?

"Ahem, sister Li, life is at stake now, I..."

God knows how Zhu Pingan used all his strength to suppress the raging hormones, raised his head and said to Li Shu. I am currently busy writing a memorial to plead for Senior Brother Yang, can I talk about it some other time...

"Yes, we have a life-threatening matter now..." Li Shu's cute eyes blinked, life is at stake? Does creating a human being count?

Zhu Pingan...

What bastard said that girls in ancient times were conservative? ! Even if there is, it is still the state before marriage!

However, in the end, Zhu Ping'an did not have a life-threatening incident with Li Shu. It was not because Zhu Ping'an's concentration had been upgraded to the point where he could remain calm, but because Li Shu... Li Shu just teased Zhu Ping'an.

She came to deliver late-night snacks to Zhu Pingan, holding a food box in her little hand. She felt sorry for Zhu Pingan's hard work staying up late. Therefore, she specially cooked a cup of pigeon soup to reward Zhu Pingan and let Zhu Pingan replenish his body.

"Staying up late is the worst thing for your body, but your life is at stake. I'm bringing you a tonic soup. What are you thinking about? Your mind is full of bad thoughts..." Li Shu took out the food box hidden behind her and took it out. A cup of fragrant pigeon soup was placed on the table in front of Zhu Pingan, and two plates of delicious snacks were placed on the table.

"It's not all your fault."

"Brother Zhu, you are just like Zhu Bajie climbing up the wall - let's face it, you have been a bad person since you were a child. It is obviously because of your own dirty thoughts that you relied on me." Li Shu's small cherry-like mouth was slightly pouted, water Wang Wang's eyes dug into Zhu Ping'an's eyes, and there were more than ten thousand kinds of amorous feelings at this moment.

After taking one look at this little goblin, Zhu Pingan felt that his legs could hardly hold him down.

"Ahem, what was wrong with me when I was a child? I am a good boy, okay? Every village in the ten miles and eighty miles praise me for my good qualities."

Zhu Ping'an coughed and said shamelessly, trying to save his respect.

"Are you a good boy? Then when you were young, you taught me and Hua'er to sing that shameful children's song." Li Shu rolled her eyes cutely, thinking of the past when she was a child, and thinking of herself jumping and singing songs. Her pretty face couldn't help but feel as shy as a ripe peach.

A shameful nursery rhyme?

Is there anything shameful about children’s songs?

Zhu Ping'an was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a moment, "When did I teach you and Hua'er to sing shameful children's songs?"

Although we are very familiar with each other, please don’t accuse others casually. When I was a child, I was the most well-behaved, cute and sensible among the naughty children, okay?

Your best kid? !

After listening to Zhu Pingan's words, Li Shu couldn't help but cast a white look at Zhu Pingan again with her watery eyes. She lightly opened her lips in a charming way, and spoke with a voice that was charming, soft to the bone, and smelled like fairy tale milk. , "I want to have a home, and have her at home, during the day, at night, at night."

At this point, Li Shu was so embarrassed that she could no longer sing. Her pretty face was so red that she almost bled.

"Ahem. Someone else taught me this." Zhu Ping'an was exposed by Li Shu again. How could he have such a scarlet face?

Li Shu didn't speak, just looked at Zhu Ping'an with her eyes.

Who are you kidding? I had someone check it when I was a kid, and no one knew that song except you.

In the end, Zhu Pingan himself lowered his head in embarrassment.

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