Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1038 Already has a suitor

Li Shu held the ink ink in her slender hands, grinding the ink gracefully while supervising Zhu Pingan to drink the tonic soup, allowing Zhu Pingan to truly enjoy the flavor of the red sleeves. When Zhu Pingan finished the tonic soup, Li Shu gently twisted Liu Yao, Yingying leaves.

Zhu Ping'an watched Li Shu leave, with the faint fragrance of Li Shu still lingering in his breath.

Such a night is intoxicating.

However, now is not the time to be intoxicated. Senior Brother Yang is still waiting for rescue at the gate of hell. Zhu Pingan shook his head, shook off the charm in his mind, withdrew his eyes from the door, and once again concentrated on the petition.

After Zhu Pingan organized his thoughts from the beginning, he picked up his brush and dipped it in ink, and began to write a draft of a petition:

Zhu Ping'an, a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion, would like to say: There is a wise king above, and there are remonstrators below. Now that the Holy Lord Mingjun is at the top, our court has opened up the way of speech, and only then can we have Yang Jisheng, the crazy and foolish remonstrator today. Yang Jisheng is a crazy and foolish person. He impeached the scholar Yan Song in his memorial and made mistakes in his words. He is to blame for his death. However, his heart is sincere and has no other purpose. He takes it as his duty to promote the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty. I only hope that the Holy Lord will be faithful, and I will take pity on his madness and foolishness, and banish him to a distant garrison, in order to protect the Holy Lord's virtue of living a good life.

After writing the draft, Zhu Pingan stopped writing, read it silently, and then carefully considered every word.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhu Pingan made several changes in the draft and added a few sentences at the end.

Then continue to consider.

In this way, after repeated revisions several times, until the watchman's faint call of "It's three o'clock at midnight, all is well" came from outside, Zhu Ping'an composed a plea memorial that made him somewhat satisfied.

Keeping up his efforts, Zhu Pingan stretched his waist, cheered up, and transcribed the draft of the memorial into the official memorial. Then, he carefully placed the official memorial in the inner pocket of the sleeve of the official uniform he will wear tomorrow.

Zhu Ping'an planned to meet in person at Prince Yu's Mansion tomorrow, and then submitted his plea letter to the Tongzheng Si Yamen.

After everything was ready, Zhu Pingan left the study and went to the bedroom to go to bed.

"Brother Zhu, you are finally done with your work. You can't stay up so late anymore. It's not good for your health."

After Zhu Pingan walked into the bedroom, Li Shu, who was sleepy, looked at Zhu Pingan with a resentful look and pouted.

"Why aren't you asleep yet? Go to bed early in the future and don't wait for me."

Zhu Pingan saw the dark circles under Li Shu's eyes and knew that she had been waiting for him, and couldn't help feeling heartbroken.

"I'm not waiting for you, I just can't sleep." Li Shu refused to admit it, her arrogant little appearance was very cute.

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

Li Shu's pretty face became even redder.

In the middle of the night, the bright moon outside the window is bright and the night is blue. There are lovely stars dotted around, blinking with golden arcs, just like the Weaver Girl weaving golden threads of love to the world.

It’s a quiet night and a good night’s sleep.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Zhu Ping'an, accompanied by Liu Dadao, rode to Prince Yu's Mansion to meet Mao.

The talk in Prince Yu's Mansion was still about yesterday's court trial. Regarding yesterday's court trial, everyone felt relieved.

Yesterday, although some strict party members, such as Wang Xueyi, the Minister of Justice, and others, interrogated Yang Jisheng as to who was behind the scenes, hoping to bring down Prince Yu's palace, Yang Jisheng refused to admit that he was being instigated, so the conspiracy of Wang Xueyi and others failed.

Although I can't completely relax yet, I can at least breathe a sigh of relief. The situation is much better than the day before yesterday.

Zhu Ping'an was originally going to enter Prince Yu's Mansion, and after finishing the important matters at hand, he asked Prince Yu for a short leave and went to the General Affairs Office to submit a petition. Unexpectedly, he was tripped up by trivial matters as soon as he entered Prince Yu's Mansion. It took me a long time to get out, and by the time I asked Prince Yu for leave, it was almost eleven o'clock.

Without waiting for time, Zhu Ping'an hurriedly left Prince Yu's Mansion with the memorial in his arms and went straight to the Tongzheng Si Yamen.

In order to rush for time, Zhu Ping'an also took a shortcut, crossing the square to the Meridian Gate, and crossing the Meridian Gate to the Tongzhengsi Yamen.

Before arriving at the Meridian Gate, Zhu Ping'an saw from a distance that there were many people at the Meridian Gate. He also heard a noisy sound of shouting and pain, and a burst of mourning. When he got closer, he discovered that it was three officials who were being beaten at the Meridian Gate. Court staff.

what happened?

How come three officials were beaten with imperial sticks at the same time? It's been a long time since I've seen a group of people being caned.

Zhu Ping'an was surprised and stepped forward to ask, and then learned that these three officials had all come to Yang Jisheng to plead for mercy in the morning.

"The Holy Spirit decreed: From now on, whoever dares to intercede for Yang Jisheng, fish for fame, talk too much, will be severely punished. Sirs, please do it yourself. Whoever wants to intercede for Yang Ni again, these three adults are role models, no, this The three adults are lucky. The first offender only received a slap from the imperial cane. If someone commits the offense again, it will be an offense knowingly and intentionally. There is no need to comment on the consequences. Sirs, please consider them all."

During the process of beating the imperial staff, a white-faced and beardless eunuch walked up to the crowd and announced an edict with no expression on his face. After reading the oral edict of Emperor Jiajing, the eunuch specially said a few more words to warn everyone.

As soon as Emperor Jiajing's oral order came out, all the adults present were shocked. They originally had thoughts of interceding for Yang Jisheng, but after hearing Emperor Jiajing's oral order and the eunuch's warning, those thoughts were instantly extinguished.

Emperor Jiajing's edict was not just for fun.

Since Emperor Jiajing ascended the throne, similar oral instructions have been left many times, and every time they are true to their word, any minister who violates it will be severely punished regardless of his official position. At worst, he may be demoted to the imperial staff, but at worst, he may lose his life.

Don’t die as a Taoist friend who is a poor Taoist.

It is a universal truth throughout the ages.

Therefore, after listening to Emperor Jiajing's oral instructions and the eunuch's warning, the ministers all made "wise" choices. Originally there were several ministers in the crowd who were going to the General Affairs Office to submit a petition for mercy. At this moment, they quietly tore the memorial in their sleeves in half, then turned around and headed back home.

The only exception is Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an, who was standing in the crowd, seemed to be suddenly deafened, as if he had not heard Emperor Jiajing's oral instructions and the eunuch's warning. The eunuch here only finished reading Emperor Jiajing's oral instructions and warning the surrounding ministers a second ago. The next second, Zhu Ping'an in the crowd had already raised his feet and continued to move towards the General Affairs Office.

Based on Zhu Ping'an's understanding of Emperor Jiajing and Emperor Jiajing's temper, he would probably inevitably receive a beating from the imperial cane after he submitted the petition for mercy.

However, if I can get a beating from the imperial cane in exchange for Senior Brother Yang's life, it's still a good deal.

It is self-evident that a meal of imperial staff or a life is more important.

In addition, if you show more filial piety, you can get some discounts on this imperial staff. It is estimated that it will last for ten days and a half, which is very cost-effective.

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