Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1041 I have a performance that can make waves

After Zhu Ping'an submitted the memorial, he went to Prince Yu's Mansion to wait for the news. However, he waited around at Prince Yu's Mansion without waiting for any signs. His memorial was like a stone sinking into the sea, without a splash.


What Zhu Ping'an didn't know was that the memorial that he felt was sinking into nothingness in Prince Yu's Mansion set off a huge wave in Xiyuan.

A solar eclipse occurred, and Emperor Jiajing paid special attention.

The ministers on duty at Wuyi Palace and the general affairs envoy Si Yamen were naturally very attentive. Once they received the memorial about the solar eclipse, they would go through the procedures as quickly as possible to ensure that the memorial was submitted to Emperor Jiajing's desk as soon as possible.

In fact, after the solar eclipse, the discussion among the ministers in Wuyi Palace was very active. Basically, everyone advocated routine rescue. Only a few people held different opinions, and of course there were ministers who did not express their opinions. After a heated discussion, the unified opinion was to recommend routine rescue for solar eclipses.

After the discussion, Li Chunfang and other ministers on duty immediately drafted a memorial and sent it to Emperor Jiajing. They are all admonishing for routine rescue, saying that it is no trivial matter to have food every day, and you should perform rescue rituals and reflect on yourself.

Those near the water tower got the moon first, and their memorials were the first to be delivered to Emperor Jiajing's desk.

However, after the memorial was submitted, the feedback received from the chamberlain was not very optimistic. After their memorials were delivered to Emperor Jiajing's desk, Emperor Jiajing opened them with interest at first, but after glancing at them, he put them aside expressionlessly.

After getting this news, all the ministers could not help but feel dismayed.

"Haha, confused, confused." Yuan Wei glanced at everyone with disdain, smiled and shook his head, you bunch of fools, what, just based on your memorial, do you still want to be praised by the Holy Emperor? ! Wake up, stop daydreaming.

Well, this is very Yuan Wei. Yuan Wei is very arrogant and arrogant. He is like a teddy in the literary circle. In front of his colleagues and juniors who have similar official positions to him, he often criticizes the sky and the ground, and often makes no secret of his literary works. to express his slander and ridicule.

Not surprisingly, Yuan Wei's move naturally made all the ministers unhappy, and they all looked sideways. If they hadn't worried that this was Xiyuan, and Yuan Wei had always been favored by Emperor Jiajing, they would probably have drowned Yuan Wei in their spit. .

"Maozhong, what do you mean?" The good-tempered Li Chunfang couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Brother Zishi, I mean you are confused. Today's solar eclipse means that if you stop eating, it is the same as not eating. There is no need to perform rescue rituals. On the contrary, this is God's blessing. God has favored me. The Ming Dynasty will be rich and powerful, and the people will be prosperous. It is peaceful, so I have stopped eating. This situation and scene should be congratulated by the Holy One, but how can we advise and perform the gift of rescue."

Yuan Wei looked up at Li Chunfang, smiled slightly, and began to preach. After the sermon, he handed the memorial in his hand to the chamberlain and asked him to submit it to Emperor Jiajing for his inspection.

"You are the one who is confused. The solar eclipse is not a trivial matter. It is a vision from the sky. This is a warning from heaven. You must perform the gift of rescue, reflect on yourself, cultivate your morality and politics, and correct your mistakes. Otherwise, you may be afraid of disaster. Yuan Sir, you will mislead the Holy Spirit like this. If any disaster befalls our country in the future, you will be the sinner of our country."

A duty official named Liu retorted emotionally to Yuan Wei, making his beard tremble.

"Master Liu is right."

"Of course."

"The sun is eating, how can we not save him?"

Many officials repeatedly echoed the views of the official surnamed Liu.


Yuan Wei replied to them with a hehe, then raised his head and glanced sideways at them, his eyes full of disdain.

"Huh, let me wait and see what you think." An official snorted coldly with an annoyed look on his face, and then quickly snatched Yuan Wei's memorial from the hand of the chamberlain, opened it, and read it, while reading and reciting it to everyone. The content of the memorial is, "Yuan Wei, a bachelor at the Hanlin Academy, would like to report: Today's solar eclipse will not be seen until the last minute of the eclipse, which is the same as not eating. This is the blessing of heaven and the great Ming Dynasty. This is the merit of the saint who respects heaven, cultivates virtue, manages government and loves the people. I am very excited and send you my congratulations."

"That's ridiculous, you sycophant."



After hearing the contents of Yuan Wei's memorial, all the ministers murmured incessantly, labeling Yuan Wei a flatterer and a flatterer.

"It's ridiculous? You are the ones who are ridiculous. Your Majesty, you have been worshiping Heaven and cultivating virtues every day for decades, so that our Ming Dynasty can prosper and be peaceful today. A solar eclipse of only one minute, and you just say that you will rescue me as usual. Where do you put this, Your Majesty? "Yuan Wei sneered, took the memorial back from the official's hand, turned around and scanned the crowd, and retorted.

After saying this, he ignored everyone and handed the memorial to the chamberlain again, urging him to send it to Emperor Jiajing for his inspection.

The chamberlain knew Yuan Wei, and knew that the things written by Yuan Wei were often favored by Emperor Jiajing. For example, the couplet "The Water Mysterious Turtle First Presents a Fortune" is still fond of the Emperor. So after Yuan Wei urged, the chamberlain immediately took the memorial and trotted all the way to present it to Emperor Jiajing.

After Yuan Wei watched the chamberlain leave, he found a seat and sat down. He glanced at everyone again with a provocative look in his eyes. He used his eyes to challenge everyone to wait and see, and he was quite confident in his memorial.

Solar eclipse rescue, this is a routine, okay! Naturally, not to be outdone, everyone was waiting in the lobby to see Yuan Wei's jokes.

After about a cup of tea, the chamberlain came back and brought back the news that everyone had been waiting for.

"The Holy Spirit has read Master Yuan's memorial." The chamberlain came back and said.

"Then what?" the officials asked impatiently.

"Your Majesty read it very carefully from beginning to end and nodded with satisfaction..." The chamberlain thought for a while and replied.


The ministers who were waiting to see Yuan Wei's joke couldn't help but chatter after hearing what the chamberlain said, and they couldn't say anything unnecessary.

Yuan Wei, this guy, once again figured out the holy will...

When it comes to trying to figure out the Holy Will, I have to admit that Yuan Wei is the undisputed leader among everyone.


Yuan Wei chuckled, looking at everyone with a victor's face, and stimulated the ministers to no end.

It's amazing to figure out the holy will, but he's not a flatterer, he has no moral integrity at all, he's so arrogant.

All the ministers could not help but complain bitterly.

However, some ministers on duty who had not yet submitted the memorial quietly crumpled the written memorial into a ball and drafted it again imitating Yuan Wei's perspective.

The winner of the memorial, Yuan Wei, stood up like a hen that had just laid an egg. He proudly looked around the losers, took steps, and was ready to leave the hall, return to his place of duty, and taste the joy of victory.

Just as he turned around to leave, there was a commotion behind him.

"The Holy One smiled..."

"Holy Lord Longyan is delighted..."

"Your Majesty has had his meal..."

An internal servant walked into Wuyi Hall and brought the latest news.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Wei's steps suddenly stopped. He turned his head, his face full of ecstasy, and looked excitedly at the waiter who had just come in. His eyes were so hot that the waiter couldn't help but tighten his legs.

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