Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1042 Cheng Yaojin emerges halfway

The news brought by the chamberlain was shocking.

Your Majesty is smiling, Your Majesty is so happy, His Majesty is about to have a meal before it’s time for dinner.

After hearing the latest news, Yuan Wei was as excited as he was when he won the first place in the examination. His whole body was about to float. Let me just say, God, look at me. How could Yuan Wei's carefully conceived memorial be just a click? He nodded, you all saw it! ! This is my, Yuan Wei’s true strength! Yuan Wei involuntarily raised his head upwards with his head tilted 45 degrees to look at the dome, and glanced at the ministers with his chin.

It's Yuan Wei who looks arrogant among the others.

As for the surrounding ministers, after hearing the latest news brought by the chamberlain, they were all stunned and gathered together, becoming a group of dumbfounded chickens.

Although the ministers did not want to believe it, and although their hearts were full of sourness, they had to admit that Yuan Wei was so good at it, and he was already rising to prominence at this moment.

"Ahem, this father-in-law, the Holy Father is smiling?"

Yuan Wei coughed, tried hard to control the slightly twitching muscles on his face due to excitement, looked at the waiter gently, and asked for confirmation.

"Yes, Your Majesty smiled for the first time today. Although the Za family is far away, we can still see clearly." the chamberlain replied.

You can see clearly even from a distance. The Holy Sage smiled very satisfied. Everyone thought of this.

"Holy Lord Long Yan is overjoyed?" Yuan Wei couldn't control the curvature of his mouth when he heard the chamberlain's affirmative reply.

"Yes, the meal has been passed on." The waiter nodded vigorously.

Yuan Wei couldn't control the corners of his mouth at this time. The arc was so perfect that he felt like his whole body was about to float.

"Congratulations, Mr. Yuan."

"Master Yuan is simply a roundworm in His Majesty's belly."

"Congratulations, Mr. Yuan, you will be successful in the future, but don't forget the friendship between you and Wu Yidian."


The situation was pressing, and all the ministers expressed their congratulations to Yuan Wei reluctantly.

"Haha, no, no, I just thought a little deeper." Yuan Weipi chuckled without a smile. It was rare for him to be humble, but his humble words made him sound more proud.

Don’t forget the feeling of working with your Wuyi Palace?


Who are you? Am I familiar with you? Now you know how to please me? late! You were saying bad things about me just now!

With a smile on his face, Yuan Wei made a note of accounts one after another in his mind, preparing to "repay generously" one by one when he was promoted.

Watching the interaction between Yuan Wei and the ministers, the chamberlain on the side looked like he was constipated. He hesitated several times and wanted to speak. However, the interaction between Yuan Wei and the ministers was so intense that the chamberlain did not find a chance to speak.

Finally, someone noticed the constipated expression on the servant's face and couldn't help but ask, "Father-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

This question suddenly attracted the attention of Yuan Wei and all the ministers to the chamberlain.

The constipated expression of the chamberlain could not escape their eyes.

"My father-in-law, what's wrong with you?" The ministers on duty couldn't help but asked curiously, not knowing what was going on.

Yuan Wei also turned his gaze and asked pleasantly, "Father-in-law, is there anything you want to add?"

For a time, the chamberlain became the focus of Wuyi Hall, which made the chamberlain who was originally constipated even more constipated.

"Ahem, Zajia, Zajia." The waiter looked at Yuan Wei, who was still floating, and couldn't bear to speak.

"Father, please speak." Yuan Wei encouraged.

"My father-in-law, please tell me quickly." The ministers couldn't help but urge.

"Ahem, what the Miscellaneous Family wants to say is," the chamberlain coughed, looked at Yuan Wei and the ministers, and slowly shook his head, "The Holy One didn't laugh after reading Master Yuan's memorial. Long Yan Dayue ordered the meal of."

What? !

When Yuan Wei heard this, he felt as if he had been slapped with a sap, and his red flower-like smiling face instantly turned to earthy gray.

Isn't it because His Majesty, Long Yan, is so happy that he read Yuan's memorial? ! Don't be kidding, how is that possible!

Yuan Wei couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't accept this fact. His whole body was stunned, and then he stared at the waiter's face as if his eyes were bloodshot, trying to see if he was joking with him. , However, Yuan Wei was disappointed. He saw sympathy, intolerance, and embarrassment from the waiter's face, but he did not see any joking.

This is real!

His Majesty smiled, his face was filled with joy, and he issued an order to spread the meal. It was not because of my memorial, Yuan Wei!

Yuan Wei had to accept this fact. His whole body felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured from head to toe, cooling him from the inside out.

After hearing what the chamberlain said, the surrounding ministers were startled for a moment, and then couldn't help but smile.

Haha, it’s not because of Yuan Wei or Yuan Wei’s memorial.

The Holy One is wise!

Your Majesty knows right from wrong and has not been deceived by Yuan Wei, a sycophant. When a solar eclipse occurs, rescue should be routine.

The withered hope in the hearts of all the ministers now thrived again.


If it’s not Yuan Wei, then who among us is it?

All the ministers looked at each other and realized that the person who made His Majesty smile, made His Majesty look happy, and made His Majesty pass the meal before it was time was among them all. Well, maybe, he might be my memorial.

At this time, the chamberlain, who was ignored by all the ministers, spoke again and directly revealed the answer, "It is Lord Xiao Zhu's memorial."

Mr. Xiao Zhu?

It turned out to be you? Mr. Zhu?

Upon hearing this, Yuan Wei and all the officials on duty subconsciously looked at an official with half-white beard and hair among the crowd.

The bearded official's breathing became rapid when he heard this. He couldn't believe that happiness came so suddenly.

"Ahem, it's not Mr. Zhu, but Mr. Zhu Ping'an and Xiao Zhu." Seeing that everyone had misunderstood, the chamberlain couldn't help coughing and explained to everyone.

I don’t know when or who started. The chamberlains in Xiyuan gradually started calling Zhu Pingan Master Xiao Zhu. As long as they said Master Xiao Zhu, they all knew what they were talking about. Zhu Pingan. In the circle of servants in Xiyuan, Mr. Xiao Zhu is almost equal to Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Pingan!

It’s Zhu Pingan again!

When Yuan Wei heard Zhu Ping'an's name, he couldn't help but bulge one vein after another on his forehead, and his liver couldn't help but hurt. Zhu Pingan, you loser! As long as I hear your name, nothing good will happen!

Steal my limelight, it is easy to steal my opportunity, Zhu Pingan, I will fight you till death! ! !

Yuan Wei's chest was about to explode with anger and hatred.

"Ah? Zhu Pingan?"

When the ministers heard this, their mood was not much better than that of Yuan Wei. Cheng Yaojin appeared in the middle of the road. The hope they had just managed to thrive again was extinguished once again.

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