Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1043 This is a deformed love

"What content did Zhu Ping'an write in his memorial that surpassed Master Yuan and attracted the Holy Emperor's favor?"

All the ministers on duty calmed down their messy mood and gathered around the chamberlain to ask questions. They were very curious about the content of Zhu Ping'an's memorial. I’m curious how Zhu Ping’an wrote the memorial? It actually made the Holy Emperor so satisfied that Long Yan was overjoyed.


Just ask, what does it mean to take me with you? ! If they thought I was not embarrassed enough, they dug me out again and whipped me!

When Yuan Wei heard his name mentioned by the ministers on duty, his face was bruised and red, and his fists were clenched.

However, Yuan Wei did not have an attack. Firstly, it was because he would be embarrassed and embarrassed to speak; secondly, because he was also very, very curious about how Zhu Pingan's memorial was written, and he was holding back a feeling of unwillingness to admit defeat. As for my son, he didn’t believe that Zhu Pingan’s memorial could be better than his!

The chamberlain in the center of the ministers seemed to have expected this situation. He calmly took out a crumpled piece of paper from his sleeve, unfolded it and said to the ministers, "Because time is urgent, I only had time to copy the first half of Mr. Xiao Zhu’s memorial before I changed my shift.”

"Ahem." After the chamberlain unfolded the piece of paper, he cleared his throat and was about to read it to everyone. At this time, he suddenly stretched out a hand and snatched the piece of paper away. It was the man who snatched Yuan Wei before. minister.

This minister on duty was impatient, and his curiosity was as if it had been scratched by a cat. Not even a second was equal. He simply couldn't wait for the chamberlain to clear his throat before reading, so he snatched the piece of paper over and couldn't wait to read it. It’s a quick glimpse.

After snatching it over, the duty minister couldn't wait to lower his head and watch, eager to take a look.


When the minister looked down, he felt as if an electric current had passed through his whole body. He felt like goosebumps were rising on his skin.

"It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together! Instead of Mr. Zhao admiring it alone, why not let me read it to everyone."

Why was he still so "excited" when he was alone? The curiosity of the minister next to him was so excited that he couldn't wait any longer and snatched the piece of paper from the first minister's hand. .

The official on duty did what he said. After grabbing the piece of paper, he opened his mouth and read the contents of the paper without even clearing his voice: "Zhu Ping'an, a scholar at Prince Yu's Mansion, would like to write: Your Majesty serves Heaven as a father. With brotherly care for the sun, with diligence in government, with love for the herdsmen, with civil affairs being civilized, the country is strong and the people are prosperous, and the world is blessed with blessings. Therefore, the clouds of darkness retreat, and all things are radiant. Therefore, the sun is crystal clear, the atmosphere is shining, and food stops. One point is the same as not eating. I am very happy and dissatisfied."

All right.

After hearing the second minister read aloud, all the ministers in Wuyi Hall felt the "excitement" of the first minister. They felt as if they were electrified, with goosebumps rising and their throats still feeling a little lumpy. The panic.

As for Yuan Wei, after hearing the contents of Zhu Ping'an's memorial, Yuan Wei was stunned, dumbfounded, and stunned. He stood there like a piece of wood, his mouth wide open.

Zhu Ping'an is really hateful and annoying...but...but, it's strange...

After listening to the content of Zhu Pingan's memorial, my soul felt excited and trembling. Although I hated Zhu Pingan ten thousand times in my heart, but now after listening to the content of Zhu Pingan's memorial, I had to admit that Zhu Pingan wrote... too much. So good! As if he was writing from his own heart, what Zhu Pingan wrote was what he wanted to write but did not write. When he was drafting the memorial, there was a vague feeling in his heart that guided him to write, but when he started writing, he always felt that I couldn't write about that feeling. Looking at it now, I see that the content of Zhu Ping'an's memorial is exactly what I wanted to express.

What he wanted to write but couldn't write was actually written by Zhu Pingan? !

Doesn't that mean that Zhu Pingan is better than himself? !

This made Yuan Wei, who refused to admit defeat and was holding back his energy, unable to accept this fact. He felt as if he had been insulted a hundred times.

Yuan Wei could not accept this fact, but the ministers in Wuyi Palace easily accepted this fact.

Your Majesty serves heaven as a father, serves the sun as a brother, manages the government diligently, and loves the herdsmen. Therefore, when all the shadows retreat, all things are radiant, so the sun shines brightly, the atmosphere fades, and the food stops even for a moment. Eat the same food

Look at Zhu Ping'an's flattery, it's simply the best.

It's really incomparable.

I originally thought that Yuan Wei was a well-deserved leader because of his ability to fathom the holy will and flattery.

However, compared with Zhu Ping'an's memorial, Yuan Wei's memorial is unpalatable.

Yuan Wei's flattery is too hard and ordinary.

Zhu Ping'an reached the peak of success.

This is the difference between quantitative change and qualitative change. There is no comparison at all.

Therefore, the saint just nodded his head after reading Yuan Wei's memorial, but he was overjoyed after reading Zhu Pingan's memorial.

Although they can accept this fact, the ministers are still disappointed and cynical.


What kind of world is this?

Flattery can gain the favor of the saints, and even lead to promotions and fortunes. Hey, wait a minute, Zhu Ping'an's memorial made the Holy Lord Longyan very happy. What reward did he get? Was he promoted or made rich?

"Oh, by the way, since Zhu Ping'an's memorial pleased His Majesty Long Yan, what reward did he get?"

The ministers asked curiously.

Yuan Wei also pricked up his ears curiously. This issue was also of concern to him. He wanted to see what reward Zhu Pingan, the bastard who had killed a thousand swords, had stolen from him, and then he would mark Zhu Pingan hard in his heart. The last account will be paid back ten times, a hundred times, or a thousand times in the future!

After listening to the inquiries of the ministers on duty, the chamberlain showed a constipated expression again.


Why this expression? Could it be that the Holy Master's reward was unexpected and unusual? Could it be that he was promoted to three levels in a row? !

"Is it possible to get promoted to three levels in a row?" A worthy minister subconsciously shouted.

The chamberlain shook his head.

"That's two levels in a row?" the duty minister asked.

The chamberlain shook his head again.

"Is it just one level? Impossible." The minister asked again, but after asking, he shook his head in denial. If it was only one level, why would the chamberlain show such a constipated expression?

Before the chamberlain could speak, the servant in charge heard the self-denial and then asked, "Is it a reward of a hundred taels of gold?"

The waiter shook his head decisively.

"A thousand taels of gold?" The minister in charge took a breath of cold air.

It was getting more and more outrageous, and the waiter shook his head decisively again.

"Is it possible to grant a marriage? The Holy One wants to recruit him as a consort?" The minister thought that the Holy One happened to have a princess who was suitable for marriage, and asked with an unbelievable look on his face. His envious eyes turned into red-eyed rabbits.

You want to be the consort, right? ! How old are you? Can you stop having sweet dreams? ! Besides, Mr. Xiao Zhu is already married, okay? Do you want the princess to be a baby for Master Xiao Zhu? !

This is so outrageous. The chamberlain really couldn't stand listening any more. He shook his head repeatedly and never gave the ministers a chance to guess. He directly announced Emperor Jiajing's reward before the minister spoke again: " The Holy One rewarded Mr. Xiao Zhu with twenty imperial staffs."


Rewarded with twenty imperial staffs? !

All the ministers on duty looked confused, the boss with his mouth hanging open looked at each other like a group of children weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Sorry, this bend is too fast and we can't keep up.

Longyan's great joy... actually rewarded her with twenty imperial staffs? !

This is a deformed love! ! !

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