Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1044 You have double standards

Since the Holy Spirit is so pleased with Long Yan, why should he strike Zhu Ping'an with twenty court sticks? ! It doesn’t make sense!

All the officials were confused and couldn't believe their ears.

Among the group of confused ministers on duty, there was one with a flowery smile, standing out among the chickens, unusually eye-catching, and that was Yuan Wei. Although Yuan Wei didn't know why the Holy Lord Long Yan Dayue "rewarded" Zhu Pingan with twenty imperial rods, it was not important. As long as Zhu Pingan was about to be beaten with imperial rods, that was enough.

In fact, this is the result of Yuan Wei's efforts to control his emotions. If this was not in full view of the public, Yuan Wei would not just smile like a flower. Applauding and cheering would not be enough to express his excitement.

Holy sage!

Well done, Your Majesty! Well done!

If twenty imperial staffs could kill Zhu Ping'an, a murderer of a thousand swords, on the spot, then he would truly be doing harm to the people.

In short, Yuan Wei was so elated at the moment that he was so happy.

"My father-in-law, aren't you kidding us? The Holy Spirit was very happy after reading Zhu Pingan's memorial. Then why did he 'reward' Zhu Pingan with twenty imperial staffs? This doesn't make sense?"

One of the ministers on duty asked the questions in the minds of all the ministers on duty.

"Holy Lord Longyan was delighted because of the first half of Master Xiao Zhu's memorial, which is the part he just read. The 'reward' to Master Xiao Zhu of twenty imperial staffs was because of the second half of Master Xiao Zhu's memorial. The content of the second half, because The shift schedule is tight and I won’t have time to copy it down on paper.” the chamberlain explained.

"Because of the second half?"

"Does it mean that the writing failed? Or did it offend the Holy One?"

When everyone heard this, they were in an uproar.

Could it be that Zhu Pingan failed to write the second half? ! No way, even if the writing fails, the Holy One will not give him twenty sticks, right? Could it be that Zhu Pingan wrote something offensive to the Holy One in the second half? That shouldn't be the case. According to his previous train of thought, the flattery was at its peak, and it was too late for him to flatter him. It was impossible for him to be in a coma and offend the Holy One.

So what's going on?

All the officials were even more confused.

"Haha, if you don't have that diamond, don't take up the porcelain job. I'm not that good, but I still want to write memorials to get ahead. Now I'm in trouble." Yuan Wei raised the corners of his lips and pulled out a sarcastic smile, mocking Zhu Ping'an's writing style. No, my level is not good enough, but I still have to stand out, and as a result I stumble.

Deserve it!

Let me just say that when it comes to essay writing, how can Zhu Pingan be better than me, Yuan Wei? This time he was beaten with a cane, which is proof!

At this moment, Yuan Wei assumed the attitude of a successful person and unabashedly ridiculed and ridiculed Zhu Pingan.

"Master Xiao Zhu, he didn't write down the second half, and he didn't offend His Majesty, it's just him."

The chamberlain spoke.

"Just what?" the ministers asked.

"It's just that Mr. Xiao Zhu interceded for Yang Jisheng in the second half of his life. He stopped eating even if he said it. It was the same as not eating. He should be celebrated and granted amnesty to the whole world. Then he took the opportunity to intercede for Yang Jisheng. The Holy Father issued an oral edict forbidding intercession for Yang Jisheng. , Violators will be severely punished without credit. Master Xiao Zhu knew that he had committed the crime, but still interceded for Yang Jisheng in the memorial. The Holy Spirit naturally followed his words, so he 'rewarded' Master Xiao Zhu with twenty imperial staffs."

The chamberlain explained to everyone.

ah? !

It turned out to be because Zhu Pingan interceded for Yang Jisheng!

Everyone suddenly realized that the Holy Sage had just issued an oral order forbidding intercession for Yang Jisheng and violators would be severely punished. Zhu Pingan committed the crime and interceded for Yang Jisheng in the memorial. No wonder the Holy Sage would "reward" Zhu Pingan with twenty imperial staffs.

After knowing the reason, many of the ministers could not help but respect Zhu Ping'an! In fact, they knew more about the Yang Jisheng case than others, and they also knew a lot about Yang Jisheng. Therefore, they sympathized with Yang Jisheng in their hearts, but because of Yan Song, they did not dare to show it.

Not to mention, after the Holy Spirit issued a decree prohibiting intercession for Yang Jisheng, they did not dare to do so.

Although they did not dare to plead for Yang Jisheng, it did not prevent them from admiring Yang Jisheng and the people who interceded for Yang Jisheng.

In the morning, three officials interceded for Yang Jisheng. They admired him very much and silently supported him in their hearts. They hoped that there would be more officials who dared to intercede, so that Yang Jisheng could be saved.

Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit issued a decree prohibiting intercession for Yang Jisheng.

Originally, because of Yan Song's relationship, not many officials dared to go to court to intercede for Yang Jisheng, not to mention that now the Holy Emperor has ordered three officials to intercede and issued an oral edict prohibiting intercession for Yang Jisheng.

Sure enough, as soon as the Holy Edict came out, the entire government and the public were silent, and no one dared to plead for Yang Jisheng's mercy.

But, I didn’t expect it.

Unexpectedly, there would be another memorial pleading for Yang Jisheng.

Zhu Ping'an knew clearly that the Holy Father had issued a decree prohibiting intercession, but he still interceded for Yang Jisheng with a fearless spirit. What kind of courage is this! What kind of spirit is this! What kind of character is this!

It is conceivable that the reason why Zhu Pingan wrote the solar eclipse rule in the first half of the film to avoid rescue, and the reason why he flattered Yang Jisheng to the top was to plead for Yang Jisheng. This is simply sacrificing moral integrity and bearing the humiliation.

Zhu Pingan is not fighting alone. At this moment, he is possessed by Gou Jian, Han Xin, Bao Zheng and others.


The image of Zhu Ping'an grew taller and shone brighter in the hearts of all the ministers.

"I have to say that Zhu Ping'an is talented."

"I didn't realize that Zhu Ping'an actually has an iron frame."

"Endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and look forward to the light..."

Now when Zhu Ping'an was mentioned, all the ministers on duty were full of praise, and their eyes shone with admiration and reverence. The light was so dazzling that it hurt Yuan Wei's eyes.

Are you sick? !

Do you have double standards? !

I only wrote "This is the Ming Dynasty blessed by heaven...", and you just called me flattering and flattering! !

As for Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan wrote in his memorial "Your Majesty serves heaven as a father, and serves Japan as a brother...". This flattery is so flattering that it reaches the sky. You actually...revere him? ! Or should we say that he has the guts to be strong and strong? ! You tough guy, are you blind or deaf? Didn't you see that he was flattering? ! You still bear the humiliation and focus on the light... Your double standards are too much!

At this moment, Yuan Wei was exuding strong resentment! I was angry and annoyed, my orifices were filled with smoke, and my eyes were as red as a mad cow!

In addition, Yuan Wei was still dissatisfied with Zhu Pingan's punishment.

Zhu Pingan interceded for Yang Jisheng!

Didn’t the Holy One decree that violators should be severely punished?

Before the Holy Spirit issued the oral order, three officials interceded for Yang Jisheng. They were only the first offenders, so the Holy Spirit ordered them to be beaten with thirty imperial rods!

This oral instruction prohibiting begging for mercy was issued, and violators were also said to be severely punished! He, Zhu Ping'an, knowingly committed the crime against the Holy Spirit's orders! Not only did he violate the Holy Order, but he also interceded for Yang Ni. This was adding crime to crime. Both crimes should be punished at the same time. It was the most severe punishment among severe punishments!

But! Why did he hit Zhu Ping'an with twenty court sticks? ! Not only is this not a severe punishment, but it is also mitigated? !

Did even the Holy One have double standards? !

Yuan Wei......

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