Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1049 Did I get the wrong script?

"Eunuch, we are ready for the execution." Jin Yiwei Zhang Baihu stepped forward and raised his hand to Feng Bao.

Feng Bao nodded.

"Put down the stick!" Jinyiwei Zhang Baihu turned around and shouted to the two rows of Jinyiwei captains who were executing.

"Put the stick down!"

Two rows of royal guards shouted in unison, the sound so loud that Zhu Ping'an's ears buzzed.

Then, a five-year-old and three-thick military captain in Jinyi came out with a staff, walked slowly to Zhu Pingan, and placed the staff on Zhu Pingan's hip.


Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He couldn't help it. The staff was covered with iron sheets. When he was spanked, he couldn't help but tighten his anus.


The Jinyi Guardsman who was gathering strength suddenly lost his temper when he heard Zhu Ping'an's words. Can you be more serious? This is hitting the imperial staff.


As the jailer of the inner court, Feng Bao shouted in the spotlight.

Li Shu's eyes were as dark as ink, and when she heard the word "fight", a tear instantly burst out of her eyes and flowed down.

When the little maid Baozi heard the word "beat", she was so frightened that she closed her eyes. She didn't dare to watch Zhu Ping'an being beaten with a cane. She closed her chubby hands on her chest as if praying to Buddha, and kept on the ground as if pressing a small motor. Shaking it down, he muttered in his little mouth, "Please Guanyin Bodhisattva, please Tathagata Buddha, please Jade Emperor, please protect my uncle. Please, I will never eat meat again."

Unlike them who were worried, Ouyang Zishi and Luo Longwen were elated.

"Did you see that the toes of the little eunuch's boots are turned inward? Haha, now Zhu Ping'an decides whether to live or die."

Ouyang Zishi pointed at Feng Bao's standing posture and said excitedly to Luo Longwen and Yuan Wei.

"Haha, money can make the world go round. Ouyang, what I said is right, the money is not wasted. The toes of the boots are turned in. This is a matter of life and death. Just a frail scholar like Zhu Ping'an, who has twenty imperial staffs. It was enough to beat him to death." Luo Longwen smiled and took credit.

"It's better to beat him to death, it's better to beat him to death." Ouyang Zishi thought of Zhu Ping'an's seizure of him as the No. 1 scholar, and his unclear past events with his cousin, Miss Yan Er, who were not intimate with each other. He cursed in excitement and his face was distorted.

After Feng Bao shouted for beating, the captains who were carrying out the imperial staff shouted "beat!" in unison.

The sound was so majestic and terrifying that Baozi's little maid Hua'er was so frightened that she trembled all over. If Qin'er hadn't supported her, the girl would have been so frightened that she collapsed to the ground.

However, the person involved, Zhu Pingan, was very calm. There are twenty imperial sticks, and Feng Bao revealed in advance that this imperial rod is just the lightest "beat". I just heard that Baozi's little maid Hua'er made a slip of the tongue. Although Hua'er stopped in time, she was very familiar with Hua'er. Zhu Ping'an knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. Li Shu must have spent money. With such double insurance, the imperial stick must have been "unruly" this time.

Think about Senior Brother Yang, one hundred Tingzhang, half of it is "hit hard", and half is "hit with heart". The lightest "hit really hard" is harder than his own "hit". Senior Brother Yang didn't cry out in pain, one hundred Tingzhang Got through it all.

He was only twenty years old and he was just a "very free" court staff. He gritted his teeth and passed quickly.

Besides, although the imperial staff is a kind of humiliation, it is not an honor. Literary officials admonished military officials to fight to the death. In the Ming Dynasty, officials were beaten with imperial sticks, just like being awarded medals. They immediately became famous all over the world for daring to stand up to imperial disputes, and their names were immortalized in the history of history. He is respected and is on a higher level than other officials when walking outside. When comparing seniority, if you show that you have received a imperial staff, you can immediately KO your opponent and win.

Although your butt will suffer, you will be famous all over the world.

"bring it on."

Zhu Ping'an worked very hard in his heart to mobilize the imperial staff

After Feng Bao finished speaking, the five third-ranking captain in charge of the first staff in the field lifted the staff from Zhu Pingan's buttocks, raised it high, and raised it above his head. The tendon meat all over his body shone in the sun, full of explosiveness. the power of.

The iron sheet wrapped around the staff, as well as the looming barbs on the iron sheet, gave off an icy sheen in the sunlight.

The imperial staff was raised to the highest point, and there was a brief pause. This was when the captain was accumulating strength.


After accumulating strength, the captain shouted loudly and swung down the imperial staff in his hand.


When he swung it down, the imperial staff broke through the air and made a whining sound like a ghost crying.

Baozi's little maid was so frightened that she collapsed on Qin'er

When Ouyang Zishi saw this, his toes clenched in excitement, and he couldn't help repeating, "Yes, that's it."

"bring it on."

While the imperial staff was whining and crying, Zhu Pingan took a deep breath and prepared himself for the beating.

Even if he hits half with his heart and half with real strength, Senior Brother Yang can do it without crying out in pain. My imperial staff is seriously leaking, so I can do it too.

Haha, maybe I can also leave a reputation as a "tough guy" in history. Thinking about it, I feel a little excited.

This wave is not a loss.

Zhu Pingan's eyes became firm and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.


The whining staff suddenly landed on Zhu Pingan's buttocks, and made a flesh-striking sound that resounded throughout the audience. It sounded like thunder, but it was much clearer and louder than thunder. .

The effect is even more shocking.

With this blow, Zhu Pingan's buttocks were visibly dented, and blood suddenly burst out. The scene was very intense and shocking.

It hurts. It hurts. It hurts me to death. An extremely severe pain was like a landslide and a tsunami. It destroyed Zhu Pingan's nervous system in an instant. It went straight to his mind and violently penetrated his forehead.

Almost at the same time as the imperial staff fell.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Zhu Ping'an howled uncontrollably at the top of his voice. The sound of his voice seemed to be even worse than the sound of a stick hitting flesh.

Did you get the wrong script? !

After howling miserably.

Zhu Ping'an's face turned red instantly. It was really a slap in the face. He wanted to imitate Senior Brother Yang and didn't call out until the end of the imperial staff. As a result, he couldn't even hold on to the staff. As expected, not everyone can be a tough guy.

While Zhu Ping'an howled miserably, tears gushed down from Li Shu's watery eyes like a dam bursting instantly.

"Hahaha, well played, well played."

When Ouyang Zishi saw the effect of the beating with the imperial staff, and then heard Zhu Ping'an's howl like a pig being killed, he immediately smiled like a 130-pound child who had eaten candy. His smile was so bright and satisfying that it was indescribable, and his whole body He danced excitedly and cheered repeatedly.

It's so exciting, I feel like life has reached its climax, it feels like life has reached its peak, so shocking, so dazzling, so dazzling. If this BGM is played at this time, it would be more suitable for Ouyang Zishi.

Luo Longwen also high-fived excitedly.

Seeing Zhu Pingan howling in embarrassment, Yuan Wei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

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