Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1050 Happy Ouyang

When the imperial staff was swung to his buttocks, Zhu Pingan thought that the pain had reached its extreme level. However, when the imperial staff was lifted from his buttocks, Zhu Pingan knew that he was wrong. This imperial staff had barbs and was lifted from his buttocks. In an instant, Zhu Ping'an's butt seemed to be pulled away from his body, and the pain was worse than when it was swung on his butt.

Ever since, Zhu Ping'an's pitiful howl of "ah" had just begun to end, and instantly turned into a more passionate "ouch" sound.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Zhu Ping'an's skin and flesh torn apart, Ouyang Zishi couldn't be more satisfied with this time.

"Hahaha, good fight, Brother Luo. I think we should give this captain a generous gift later to let him recuperate. Look, he was covered in sweat from the beating. The force was too great and it was very painful. It's easy to lose your health." Satisfied, Ouyang Zishi turned to Luo Longwen and suggested with a smile on his face.

"Haha, what Ouyang said makes sense." Luo Longwen smiled and nodded.

Li Shu, who was on the sidelines of the execution, was already in tears at this moment. While shedding tears, her dark eyes were glaring with fire at the imperial guard holding the imperial staff. She turned her head, exposed her sharp little tiger teeth, and whispered viciously. He said to Wang Xiaoer, "Remember that damn fat man's appearance. Within three days, no, today you will give him a severe lesson and give Brother Zhu double the pain he suffered! I don't care what you do." What can you do? If you can't do it, don't go back to Li's house in the future."

"Miss." Wang Xiaoer hesitated to speak.

"What? Can't do it?" Li Shu frowned and glanced sideways at Wang Xiaoer, as if the air was about to burn.

"No, it can be done." Cold sweat broke out on Wang Xiaoer's forehead.

"Then what do you want to say?" Li Shu asked impatiently.

"Miss. In fact, the captain is a master. He had already released eight points of his strength the moment the imperial staff fell. Moreover, he used a skillful force when he hit. It looked like the skin was torn on the outside, but it did not hurt the muscles and bones, and it was also He purposely beat out the bruise so that he can recover faster. In addition, he was also very skillful when lifting the imperial staff, so that the barb would not cause unnecessary injuries to my uncle." Wang Xiaoer explained in a low voice that he was a practitioner. Jiazi is also a master and can see the inside story that ordinary people cannot see.

"You also know that Brother Zhu was beaten to a pulp?! I don't care whether he used his strength or his skills! He can't beat Brother Zhu! Brother Zhu has never been in such pain." Li Shuru was angry. Like a little lion, he showed his sharp little tiger teeth, and stared at Wang Xiaoer with a pair of tearful eyes.

"Yes, Miss." Wang Xiaoer was so stared at by Li Shu that he broke into cold sweat. He didn't dare to say anything more, so he lowered his head and responded.

"Not only that damn fat man, but also anyone else who beats Brother Zhu, please remember it for me and let them keep company with the damn fat man." Li Shu was still angry and added faintly.

"Remember, miss." Wang Xiaoer didn't dare to say more.

"After the beating, give them three times the medical expenses." Li Shu's voice sounded from Wang Xiaoer's head again.

"Yes, miss." Wang Xiaoer responded with a slightly louder voice.

The court staff in the field continues.

In the eyes of Ouyang Zishi, the powerful and powerful captain seemed to have a grudge against Zhu Pingan. His attack was fast, accurate and ruthless, without giving Zhu Pingan any time to breathe. Ping An's pig-killing howl became louder and louder every time, and Ouyang Zishi felt as if he had drunk honey.

Especially when I saw the five big and three thick captain, after finishing the five strokes of the court staff, he seemed to be swimming out of the water. He was covered in sweat. His whole body seemed to be exhausted and his walking was limp.

He was so hard-working that his strength was exhausted. Ouyang Zishi was very satisfied with the captain and wanted to give him an extra reward later.


The captain was really exhausted.

He has practiced the imperial staff longer than Zhang Baihu, and is one of the best among the imperial guards. He comes from a family of imperial staff, and he has mastered the imperial staff to the point of perfection. He can cover a stone with a piece of rice paper. If the stick is pushed down, the rice paper will not be broken even a bit, but the stone will be shattered to the ground; you can also put a pile of rice paper, and the stick will be pushed down with a terrifying force, which looks very heavy, but it can be accurate enough to break only the Nth piece of rice paper, while the rest of the rice paper will be broken. No damage at all.

Because Eunuch Feng in the palace told him over and over again that no matter how he stood, he must be held high and lightly "hit"; Zhang Baihu also revealed that Commander Lu, the top leader of Jinyiwei, also said hello and wanted to "keep" him. ; Moreover, the owner was generous with his money, and the amount of money he received was more than what he had done in the past five or six business deals.

This time, the captain used all his strength to hit the highest level of his imperial staff ever.

Not only does it need to look ferocious to outsiders, but it also needs to be really light, and it also needs to allow the wound to heal quickly.

It really consumed all the captain's energy.

After the five big and three thick captains finished beating the five court staffs, as usual, another captain came up. This captain was not as strong as the first one, but he had a ferocious face, full of whiskers, and There were centipede-like scars, and it looked like a ferocious mess.

"Put the stick down!"

Jin Yiwei Zhang Baihu shouted loudly after the second captain came up.

The second captain put the imperial staff on Zhu Ping'an's butt as instructed, then spat fiercely into his own palm, rubbed his hands vigorously twice, and made the preparations extremely brutal.

It was so cruel. Seeing this scene, Ouyang Zishi was about to go to court.

"Hit!" Zhang Baihu waved his hand.


After hearing Zhang Baihu's command, the second captain opened his mouth, revealing a pair of ferocious white teeth. As if he wanted to eat Zhu Ping'an alive, a loud roar came out of his mouth, as if Chang Ban Po was possessed by Zhang Fei, like thunder on a sunny day, and the sound shook the ears of everyone outside the venue. After roaring, he raised the imperial staff in his hand high, looking so cruel and inhumane.

When the staff goes down, the tiger and the tiger will become windy.


When the imperial staff fell on Zhu Pingan's buttocks, the captain let out another thunderous roar, a violent and brutal mess.

This is a man with his own BGM.

With the help of his own explosive sound effects, the scene of him hitting the imperial staff was even more shocking than when the first captain used the imperial staff.

His roar made people unconsciously ignore Zhu Ping'an's slightly smaller howl.

"This is a fierce Zhang Fei. He is really cruel and inhumane, but I like him, hahaha."

Ouyang Zishi's blood boiled with excitement as he watched from the outside. He was about to get high and was laughing so hard that he couldn't close his legs, no, couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

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