Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1058 Him

After the tea time, Liu Yanzhi went down to look at the Moon Tower. The last step of the stairs was too big. A banknote with a denomination of one hundred taels fell out of his sleeve. Liu Yanzhi stepped forward like a vicious dog pouncing on its food. I grabbed the banknote before it hit the ground, and my head almost hit the pillar in front of me.

"Hey, you little naughty kid, you still want to run away after you get it into my hands, just dream on you."

After Liu Yanzhi grabbed the banknote, he stood up and laughed, flicked the banknote gently, and stuffed the banknote into his sleeve again.

"Ahem, what are you looking at? This is my banknote. You will never make any money in your lifetime!" After Liu Yanzhi collected the banknote, he found that the waiter was looking at him dumbfounded and couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked the waiter. , cursed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The waiter was kicked and even bent over to apologize to Liu Yanzhi.

"A good dog doesn't block the road!" Liu Yanzhi scolded the waiter, flicked his sleeves, and Shi Shiran walked out of Wangyue Tower.

After Liu Yanzhi left, in the private room on the second floor of Wangyue Building, Ouyang Zishi looked at Luo Longwen with a frown and confusion on his face, "Brother Luo, at this time, why do you still force yourself to stay as the magistrate of Jingnan County?"

"Haha, I have chosen this county magistrate from thousands of people. This is a great gift for Zhu Ping'an. How could it be snatched away by others?" Luo Longwen smiled sadly.

"Brother Luo is so confident that he can bring disaster to Zhu Pingan?!" Ouyang Zishi looked at Luo Longwen in confusion. The topic returned to the topic before Liu Yanzhi came. However, before Luo Longwen could answer, Ouyang Zishi had another expression on his face. He spoke painfully, "But before that, I still have a question. Brother Luo, since my cousin has moved out of the east building, why do you still need to give Liu Yanzhi another 100 taels of silver? Is it possible that he, Liu Yanzhi, still dares to Don’t you want to sell me the face of my cousin in the east building?!”

Ouyang Zishi felt very sorry for the one hundred taels of silver notes. Although the bank notes were issued by Luo Longwen, he still felt heartache.

"Haha, so Ouyang, you are still young." Luo Longwen smiled when he heard this.


Ouyang Zishi was puzzled.

"Ouyang, let me ask you, in our era, what are the channels for becoming an official?" Luo Longwen looked at Ouyang Zishi and asked.

"Imperial examination to select scholars." Ouyang Zishi opened his mouth.

"What else?" Luo Longwen asked again.

Ouyang Zishi thought for a while and said, "There is also hereditary. Wait, Brother Luo, what do you want to say?"

"Ouyang, don't be impatient. In our era, there are only four ways to become an official. The first is to obtain scholars through the imperial examination; the second is to be hereditary; the third is to gain military merit; and the fourth is to It’s buying an official and selling an official. Haha, don’t be surprised, buying an official and selling an official is not a secret, it is almost an unspoken rule that is not open to the public. Brother Donglou, just forget it, I will talk to you about this later. As the saying goes , It is difficult to achieve success without rules. Buying and selling officials is all about money and power transactions. This rule cannot be broken from our hands. Moving out Donglou Brother, of course, we can let Liu Yanzhi and the Ministry of Civil Affairs take over the post of Jingnan County Magistrate. Keep it, but you must be dissatisfied with your heart. In the future, if you don't keep it in full, there will be constraints such as over-the-top and over-the-top support. The king of hell likes to see the little devils being difficult to deal with, and sometimes these little devils are also very important. Moving out Brother Donglou and supplementing it with money can convince them. Take it orally, it's foolproof." Luo Longwen took a sip of tea and slowly explained.

In fact, Luo Longwen did not tell Ouyang Zishi anything deeper. When it comes to buying and selling officials, Luo Longwen is very familiar with it, because one of the big bosses behind this industry is Yan Shifan. As Yan Shifan's henchman, Luo Longwen is naturally familiar with this. As a vested interest in the rules of this industry, it is too late to uphold the rules of the industry, so how can we break the rules?

"But one hundred taels is a bit too much." Ouyang Zishi still felt sorry for the one hundred taels of silver.

Luo Longwen smiled and said nothing. One hundred taels of silver was nothing. Ouyang's eyesight was still shallow. He was far behind Brother Donglou.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. Brother Luo, why are you so confident that you can bring disaster to Zhu Ping'an?"

Ouyang Zishi then asked, this question was his biggest doubt today. How could Luo Longwen be so confident that he could bring disaster to Zhu Ping'an? For this reason, he did not hesitate to spend a hundred taels of silver to "replace" Jing Nan for Zhu Ping'an. Will the position of county magistrate be retained? !

Although Ouyang Zishi wished that Zhu Pingan had suffered a bloody misfortune, really, after knowing the contents of Zhu Pingan's memorial and the situation that made Jiajing Emperor Longyan happy, Ouyang Zishi had to admit that with this memorial as a talisman, Zhu Pingan Ping An, the little thief, has no taboos, no poisons, and can exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters.

Therefore, he really couldn't understand how Luo Longwen could be so confident that he could bring disaster to Zhu Ping'an.

"Ouyang, do you think Zhu Ping'an's memorial gave him the amulet?"

Luo Longwen picked up the wine flask and filled Ouyang Zishi's glass with wine, then picked up the wine glass and asked with a smile.

"Isn't it?! This is where the treacherous little thief Zhu Ping'an is! If he only pleads for the traitor Yang Jisheng in the memorial, then Zhu Ping'an will soon be in bad luck and disaster; however, He actually used the treacherous and treacherous excuse of a solar eclipse and flattered the Holy One to make him happy. Regarding his intercession for Yang Ni, the Holy One gave him a lenient sentence. What can we do to him?! What if he is because of this? By demoting him to the position of magistrate of Jingnan County, wouldn't he be acting against the Holy One and losing his face?! Even if the Beijing inspection is about to begin, the Holy One's feelings must be considered and cannot be wantonly suppressed by Zhu Ping'an. However, as far as I know, , Zhu Ping'an is now in the fifth rank, and Jingnan County Magistrate is in the seventh rank. Unless there is a serious fault, how can he be demoted from the fifth rank of Beijing Official to the seventh rank of Sesame Official?!"

Ouyang Zishi raised his question. In his opinion, with that memorial, Zhu Pingan was almost invincible.

"Haha, Ouyang, rather than saying that Zhu Pingan's amulet is the memorial, it is better to say that it is the holy family of the Holy One." Luo Longwen smiled slightly.

"That's what I meant just now." Ouyang Zishi nodded, "With the Holy Family here, this little thief who has killed a thousand swords will not have time to get promoted and make a fortune, so how can he be so unlucky? Although, I can't even dream of it!"

"Haha, what if the Holy Family is gone?" Luo Longwen smiled sadly, with a typical villain's face.

Ouyang Zishi was a little moved at first, but then he quickly shook his head and said dejectedly: "You and I can't control whether the Holy Family is here or not."

Ouyang Zishi knew in his heart that the key to whether Zhu Pingan's holy family members were there or not lay in two people, one was the Holy One and the other was Zhu Pingan. No one can control the Holy One, and Zhu Ping'an will not listen to us. He committed suicide and lost the Holy Family.

"Haha, you and I can't control you, but there is one person who can." Luo Longwen smiled even more sinisterly.

"Who?" Ouyang Zishi became excited and began to analyze himself, "Cousin Donglou? No way. Uncle? No way. Although my uncle is the chief minister and is deeply favored by the Holy Father, my uncle does not have this ability. What would that be? Who? Who can have this ability?!"

Ouyang Zishi knew very well that his uncle Yan Song did not have the ability to control the holy family. At a family dinner, Yan Song drunkenly taught his relatives who bullied others and caused trouble in the Yan family and said: Who do you think I am? Covering the sky with just one hand? ! Overturning the clouds? ! Let me tell you who I am. I am an old dog under His Majesty’s feet. I am just a herdsman helping His Majesty to herd sheep. Because I am diligent and obedient, I became the head dog. But as long as the Holy One says a word, my dog’s head will have to move. You all should be at peace with me, don't know that the sky is high and the earth is high.

"He can" said, Luo Longwen approached Ouyang Zishi's ear and whispered a person's name.

"Him?" After hearing this, Ouyang Zishi shook his head with some disdain.

"Yes, that's him. All he needs is a memorial." Luo Longwen nodded, and then he came close to Ouyang Zishi's ear, whispering in an incomprehensible voice, and then a sinister smile filled his face. It's like a ghost crawling out of the underworld, very spooky.

"Ah? Hahaha, he really can do it, and only he can." After hearing Luo Longwen's whisper, Ouyang Zishi was startled for a moment, then the disdain on his face disappeared, and then he frowned and thought, and in an instant he opened his eyes wide. With his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, he danced excitedly and laughed wildly, as if he had been enlightened.

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