Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1057 The conspiracy arises again

"Uncle, eat some fruit. This watermelon is so sweet."

"Uncle, please have some tea."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, is like a diligent little bee. She brings a fruit platter and makes tea and water. Her attentive figure is everywhere in the room.


It's all about replenishing moisture.

Zhu Ping'an took a sip from the tea cup and then put it down. He felt that the urge to urinate seemed to be stronger.

While Zhu Ping'an was fighting the urge to urinate, in a private room on the second floor of Wangyue Tower in Beijing, Ouyang Zishi and Luo Longwen were drinking together by the window. The table was filled with delicacies, including everything from flying, running on the ground, swimming in the water, and waves in the sea. Half of the jar of Dongyang wine was already drunk.

Outside the window, the amnesty had ended, Emperor Jiajing had already returned to the palace, and the people watching the excitement outside had dispersed. Only some released prisoners and their families were left on the street, kowtowing in the direction of Xiyuan to express gratitude.

"These stupid people"

Ouyang Zishi listened at the window for a while, and couldn't help but put the wine glass in his hand on the table angrily.

"They are all useless, why should Ouyang help them?" Luo Longwen picked up the wine bottle and filled Ouyang Zishi's wine.

"No, listen to what they are saying." Ouyang Zishi pointed out the window and motioned to Luo Longwen to lean in and listen carefully.

After listening for a moment, Luo Longwen's expression also darkened.

"Brother Luo, you heard it. It's natural for them to thank the Holy One." Ouyang Zishi cupped his hands and shook them in the direction of Xiyuan, then stretched out his fingers and pointed hard in the direction of Linhuai Marquis Mansion. He shook his head angrily and cursed, "But why do they want to thank that person named Zhu? Do you think they have water in their heads? What's the matter? It is Zhu Pingan's credit for the Holy Spirit's amnesty for the world?! Fart, Zhu Pingan counts. Brother, Zhu Ping'an is nothing! Zhu Ping'an is not the only one who suggested that the Holy One should grant amnesty to the world! My uncle also suggested that the Holy One should grant amnesty to the whole world! These stupid people just heard that Zhu Ping'an was beaten with a imperial cane because of his memorial. Thinking that Zhu Pingan was beaten in order to ask the Holy One to grant amnesty to the world, he put all the credit on Zhu Pingan. Ha! Stupid! Extremely stupid! He, Zhu Pingan, suggested that the Holy Spirit grant amnesty to the world, all because he wanted to save the traitor Yang Jisheng! He, Zhu Ping'an, was beaten because he disobeyed the Holy Spirit and interceded for Yang Ni! What a bunch of stupid people!"

It is no exaggeration to say that the three words "Zhu Pingan" have become Ouyang Zushi's curse. Once he hears the three words "Zhu Pingan", Ouyang Zushi's good mood will be completely ruined. If When he heard someone praising Zhu Ping or Zhu Ping'an's good news again, Ouyang Zishi felt a hysterical impulse.

"A bunch of sand sculptures!" Luo Longwen spat forcefully out the window, sharing the same hatred as Ouyang Zishi.

"Zhu Ping'an did something wrong and was beaten up, but he was praised by these stupid people! Do you think it's irritating or not?" Ouyang Zishi picked up the wine glass and took a swig to get angry. His face was filled with anger. He was so filled with jealousy that he was deformed.

"Of course it's irritating!" Luo Longwen nodded, then patted Ouyang Zishi on the shoulder. He changed his voice and said in a sinister tone, "But there's no need for Ouyang to get angry! I told him Zhu Ping'an would be in bad luck! He, Zhu Pingan, is going to be in bad luck!"

"If Zhu Pingan is in bad luck, he will be in bad luck?!" Ouyang Zishi heard this, shook his head, and sighed heavily, "Brother Luo, please don't comfort me. Although I hate Zhu Pingan This villain was not blinded by resentment. Zhu Pingan went to the memorial this time to intercede for the traitor Yang Jisheng. Although he received a beating from the imperial staff, the first half of his memorial advocated not saving the eclipse, which won the Holy Heart. , He also said that the Holy Father "serves the sky as a father, and serves the sun as a brother. Therefore, the clouds retreat and all phenomena are brilliant. Therefore, the sun is crystal clear, and the atmosphere is shining brightly. Stopping eating for even one point is the same as not eating." The Holy Emperor Long Yan was very happy when he flattered him, so even if he disobeyed the Holy Spirit's oral instructions, the Holy Spirit only punished him lightly, only spanking him twenty court sticks. With this memorial, it was too late for him, Zhu Ping'an, to be promoted and make a fortune. How could this be bad luck?!"

"Ouyang, don't you believe it?" Luo Longwen knocked on the table.

"Although I really want to believe it," Ouyang Zishi smiled bitterly and shook his head, expressing his disbelief.

"Haha, Ouyang, you are still young." Luo Longwen smiled sadly, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message.

"Brother Luo, if it hadn't been for this memorial, I would have believed it. However, this little thief Zhu Ping'an is too cunning and shameless. He has no sense of moral integrity as a scholar. He accepted such a flattering memorial, which made the Holy Emperor Longyan very happy. This Feng Zuoshu is Zhu Ping'an's amulet." At the end of Ouyang Zishi's words, he hammered the table twice in anger.

"Haha, so Ouyang, you are still young." Luo Longwen picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Brother Luo, why did you say this?" Ouyang Zishi couldn't help but frowned when he heard this and turned his eyes to Luo Longwen.

"Ouyang, you will understand if you listen to me. The reason why I said that Zhu Ping'an will be in bad luck and he will be in bad luck is because..." Luo Longwen smiled and was about to explain when he heard the door open. There was a knock on the door.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Who is it? Didn't you say don't disturb us!" Luo Longwen's explanation was interrupted, and he looked up at the door unhappily.

"Master Luo, I am Liu Yanzhi, the official." The person outside the door replied.

"Liu Yanzhi? Why is he here?" Ouyang Zishi looked at Luo Longwen in confusion.

"Remember the small southeastern county I told you about where seven magistrates died in five years? If I guessed correctly, it should be related to this." Luo Longwen explained to Ouyang Zishi, then got up and walked to the door , opened the door and greeted with a smile, "Haha, it turns out to be Mr. Liu, please come in quickly and have a drink together."

"Master Luo, you're welcome. Master Ouyang is here too."

After Liu Yanzhi came in, he found Ouyang Zishi sitting by the window and hurriedly stepped forward to meet Ouyang Zishi and bowed.

"Master Luo, I'm afraid I won't be able to retain the position of magistrate of Jingnan County that you asked me to pay attention to a few days ago."

After the greetings, Liu Yanzhidao understood the purpose of his visit. As Luo Longwen said, he found this place precisely for the magistrate of Jingnan County, a small county in the southeast. Originally, he went to Luo Mansion to find Luo Longwen. The housekeeper of Luo Mansion told Liu Yanzhi that he could come to this restaurant to find Luo Longwen, so Liu Yanzhi came.

"How do you say it?" Luo Longwen asked.

"Today, the magistrate of Jingnan County came to Beijing, and through his connections, he came to Zhang Langzhong's door and wanted to act as the magistrate of Jingnan County. I heard that Zhang Langzhong had already relented, so I hurriedly came to inform him. Mr. Luo." Liu Yanzhi explained.

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