Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1056 The days I spent recovering from my injuries in the Hou Mansion (4)


A soul-stirring rumble of drums from outside reached the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, exploding like spring thunder. It felt like the gods had swung a drumstick as thick as a mountain peak and slammed the drum head as wide as a lake. .

The windows trembled with the rumbling drums.

"Long live, long live, long live..."

You can still vaguely hear the sound of the mountain shouting "Long Live the Mountain".

"What's going on outside?" Zhu Pingan put down "The Art of War" in his hand and looked up out of the window in confusion.

"Uncle~Uncle~, the emperor is giving amnesty to the whole world outside. I heard that the emperor is here in person. All the prisoners in the capital have been released. It is very crowded outside. Many people have gone to see it." Baozi's little maid Hua'er Magpie General ran in from outside with his skirt in hand and chirped.

It’s really an amnesty for the whole world!

Although Zhu Ping'an knew that Emperor Jiajing wanted to grant amnesty to the world before, the boots had not yet fallen to the ground after all. Now the boots have finally fallen to the ground.

Emperor Jiajing granted amnesty to the world, and Senior Brother Yang's life was saved!

Zhu Pingan was overjoyed when he heard this. He couldn't help but get up in excitement, but he forgot about his physical condition. As soon as he pressed the bed and stood up, he pulled the wound on his buttocks. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but gasped in pain, but even if his buttocks It hurt like hell, but Zhu Pingan still had an expression of joy on his face.

Thinking that Senior Brother Yang was no longer in danger, Zhu Ping'an touched his injured buttocks and felt in his heart that this was a good deal.

"Uncle, slow down..."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, saw Zhu Pingan getting up, and couldn't help but worriedly ran over to support Zhu Pingan.

"Uncle, do you want to change...change your clothes?"

Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, supported Zhu Ping'an, and couldn't help asking in a shy voice like a mosquito. After asking, her pretty face turned red with embarrassment, like a crab that had been cooked and revealed its original shape.


Zhu Ping'an was startled and could not keep up with Baozi's little maid Hua'er's rhythm.

"Change, do you want to change?" Baozi's little maid Hua'er repeated in a mosquito-like voice, her little face turned even redder with embarrassment, and her head was so low that it was almost buried in her big breasts.

Changing clothes?

In ancient times, in addition to changing clothes, there was also a euphemism for urinating and defecating.

Hua'er thought he was going to the toilet?


Don't tell me, I probably drank too much tea and ate too much fruit. After Hua'er said this, I really felt a strong urge to defecate.

But considering the current situation of my limited mobility, if I want to relieve myself, I really need someone to support me, otherwise I can't even get out of bed, nor can I stand up after getting out of bed. Thinking of this, even though Zhu Ping'an was thick-skinned, he couldn't help but turn red at this moment.

But the problem is that this is the backyard of Huaihou Mansion. Except for the male master, no other male servants are allowed to enter. Liu Dadao and the others naturally can't point it out. There are only women here. If someone needs help, it can only be girls like Hua'er, or an old woman. If he had to choose one of them to help him relieve himself, Zhu Pingan would definitely not choose the old woman.

Of course, forget about painting.

In this kind of thing, it seems that he is being taken advantage of, but in fact it is the girl who is being taken advantage of. In a feudal society like ancient times, where men and women were not clear about who they were, the reputation of girls was still very important. If Hua'er is allowed to support him while urinating, if someone gossips about her, it will be bad for Hua'er's reputation and may have an impact on her future marriage. So, let’s forget about painting.

"Ahem, that painting, where is Sister Li?"

Zhu Ping'an coughed and asked a little embarrassedly. After much deliberation, he could only trouble Li Shu. Of course, I won’t trouble Li Shu too much. I just want Li Shu to support me a little, and the rest will be solved by myself. After all, it was only my butt and thighs that were hit by the imperial staff and couldn't stand, but my hands were fine.

"The eldest lady's husband hid in an outer room outside. After the eldest lady came back in anger, she became angrier and angrier. She threw a set of precious blue and white porcelain in anger and was seeking death. The lady was called by the old lady to untie the eldest lady. "Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, raised her red face and whispered back.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Zhu Ping'er's blushing little face seems to have a kind of expectation and eagerness to try.


It must be an illusion.

Zhu Pingan closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you? Are you holding it in...? You've broken it. My slave... my slave, please help you get out of bed and change your clothes." Hua'er saw Zhu Pingan shaking his head and thought that Zhu Pingan was so dizzy from holding it in that he couldn't hold on. Now that he was young, he didn't care about being shy and reserved. He asked with concern and then said anxiously.

Suffocated? !

how come.

Zhu Pingan's face turned red.

"Uncle, if you hold it in... it won't be good if you hold it in too much. My maid heard from Mother Liu that if a man holds it in too much, it will... affect that..." Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, lowered her head and said with a blush. The child is all red.

Zhu Pingan was stunned for a second before he understood which one Hua'er was talking about. By the way, what are you asking about all day long, little girl? !

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay, I didn't hold it in. I don't need to change my clothes now. I'm just a little excited to hear that the Holy One is amnestying the world." Zhu Pingan coughed, explained softly, and took a breath to suppress the urge to defecate.

Li Shu had been out for a while. Thinking about it, she should be back soon. She could endure it for a while longer.


Baozi's little maid Hua'er snorted when she heard this, with a hint of disappointment on her red face.

Just at this moment, a little girl came in with a bowl of fruit.

Seeing the little girl come in, Baozi's little maid Hua'er seemed to have thought of something. She took the fruit plate from the little girl's hand and sent the little girl out, "You go to the pharmacy and keep an eye on my uncle's soup. I'll serve you here." Just stay on."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, is the first-class maid in the house, and is also the maid who is rumored to be the first-class maid. She can be regarded as half a master. Naturally, the little girl does not dare to disobey, and obediently follows the order to go to the pharmacy.

When Hua'er saw the little girl leaving, she nodded her chin with satisfaction. It's already afternoon now, my uncle will definitely change his clothes. If my uncle needs to change clothes, of course it would be most appropriate for me to serve him. I am the young lady’s appointed maid, and before she went to the eldest lady’s place, the young lady also told me that I should take good care of my uncle.

Many girls in the house looked at my uncle and wanted to eat him. I don’t know how many little girls secretly wanted to crawl into bed. It was because my uncle had always kept his integrity that they could not succeed. If they were to help my uncle change his clothes, they would have some evil ideas if they were not kept in good condition. Last time, a girl next to Miss Six tried to crawl into bed while her uncle was drunk, which made her very angry. Huh, I have to keep an eye on the young lady, and I can't give them a chance.

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