Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1064 The First God of the Ming Dynasty

"Since you have come to arrest me on the emperor's order, why do you want to arrest my retinue? The emperor did not order you to arrest my retinue." Zhu Ping'an closed the official document in his hand and looked at the red flying fish uniformed guard. , said loudly.

"Why? Haha, I was ordered by the emperor to arrest you and bring you to justice. These two people are so audacious and violently obstructed me from carrying out the emperor's order. Do you think I should arrest them?!" After hearing this, the guards in red flying fish uniforms were If Pingan said that, he sneered and asked Zhu Pingan in a hoarse, jackal-like voice.

"Have you shown the Jin Yiwei token to my retinue?" Zhu Ping'an took a step forward and asked.

"Jin Yiwei still needs to show them his token when handling the case?! Who dares to pretend to be Jin Yiwei in the whole world?!"

Jin Yiwei of the Big Red Flying Fish Uniform was very disdainful of Zhu Ping'an's question. Does Jin Yiwei still need to show his token to others when running an errand? !

"Oh, that means you didn't show them the Jin Yiwei token." Zhu Pingan nodded, took another step forward, stared at the big red flying fish uniform Jin Yiwei with burning eyes, and asked again, "Then did you show them the Jin Yiwei token?" The imperial order to capture me?!"

"Who are they? They are worthy of me to show them the imperial decree." The guard in the red flying fish uniform smiled when he heard this.

"Oh, that means you neither showed them the Royal Guard token nor the imperial order to arrest me! Even so, of course they will stop you. As my subordinates, they have the responsibility It is to protect the safety of this officer. Your Excellency did not show the token or the emperor's order. You just threatened to arrest me. If an evil guest comes to the door, there are major flaws and loopholes in the arrest procedure. It is their duty to stop you. "Zhu Pingan took a step forward again. He was less than two meters away from the Jin Yiwei in the red flying fish uniform. He twitched his lips and said, "Who knows if you are thieves pretending to be Jin Yiwei."

"Master Zhu is worthy of being the number one scholar. His ability to make strong arguments cannot be underestimated. It's a pity that although Master Zhu has a good tongue, he is always full of lies. Is there any thief in this world who dares to pretend to be a Jinyiwei?!" Photographed by the Jinyiwei in the red flying fish suit He clapped his hands, sneered in a hoarse voice, and retorted.

"Yes, of course there is. In the autumn of the 20th year of Jiajing, three thieves pretended to be Jin Yiwei and went to Tongzhou County. On the pretext of interrogating criminals, they blackmailed Tongzhou Magistrate Zhang Wanli, rescued two of their accomplices who were imprisoned, and escaped freely. This matter can be checked in the residence report. After this incident, everyone in the Jinyiwei errand was furious and suspicious. For this reason, the Jinyiwei where you are located had to have three orders from the six departments and the local government to declare the inspection and arrest procedures of the Jinyiwei and clarify the verification. Identity, only after strictly following the procedures can you follow orders.”

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, shook his head, and started talking.

Zhu Ping'an had seen the news about the fake Jin Yiwei in the Di newspaper before, but the restless people, suspicions and fears, and the procedures of Jin Yiwei's repeated inspections and arrests were all made up by Zhu Ping'an himself, and he specifically emphasized the importance of procedures and necessity.

However, although it was a fabrication, Zhu Ping'an showed that he was knowledgeable and eloquent.

Zhu Pingan talked eloquently about his performance and immediately calmed everyone down.

Hearing what Zhu Ping'an said about the fake Jin Yiwei, the time, place, and people were all listed one by one. The Jin Yiwei of Dahong Feiyu couldn't help but be stunned. The words Tongzhou, Zhang Danian, and pretending to be Jin Yiwei seemed to have some impressions. Wait, let me think about it again. , um, yes, it seems that there is indeed such a thing in my impression.

With this impression, the big red flying fish uniform Jin Yiwei had no choice but to believe Zhu Ping'an's words.

"So, today it is your Imperial Guards who are responsible for the flaw in the errands. Naturally, my subordinates are not guilty of ignorance. On the contrary, they are loyal to protect the master and are not afraid of strong enemies. Not only are they innocent but they have merit. Therefore, please let me go. My retinue."

Zhu Ping'an looked at the look on the guard in the red flying fish uniform and knew that he had been frightened by his words. He couldn't help but take a step forward again, further closing the distance with him, and pressing forward step by step in terms of momentum.

"What if I don't let you go?! How will you treat me?!"

The Jin Yiwei in the red flying fish uniform also took a step forward and almost met Zhu Ping'an face to face. The breath of both of them could hit each other's face. His eyes like poisonous bees narrowed into a line and he said cruelly.

"If you don't let me go, what can I do? I am a weak scholar. I can't lift my hands and resist my shoulders, so I can only send out a memorial. Although I am in prison, I can still send out the memorial. Haha, I Zhu There are not many memorials on peace, only three memorials, but the results are not bad. I impeached Zhao Daying in the first memorial, Zhao Daying was appointed the head of thousands of households, Zhao Qiu, the left minister of the Ministry of War, reduced his position to the people; the second memorial was in Taicang Bank. In this case, more than 300 officials were fined, and more than 500 soldiers, officers, and slaves were exiled after their homes were ransacked; Gao Botai was impeached in three memorials, and 26 generals were beaten to death and imprisoned for questioning. Haha, you need to see my second act. Four pieces?!"

Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and said calmly, without any intimidation from the Jin Yiwei of the Big Red Flying Fish.

Zhu Pingan's calm words were like a thunder, which quickly calmed down the frenzied blood of Qianhu, the guard in the red flying fish uniform. Damn it, I almost forgot that Zhu Pingan was known as "the best god in the Ming Dynasty".

This guy had been an official for less than a year. He had served three times, and his performance was flawless. More than 300 officials fell under his leadership. At the beginning, a storyteller in a teahouse gave him the title of "The No. 1 Playing God of the Ming Dynasty". Somehow, it became popular and spread, and gradually everyone called him that in private.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the Taicang Bank case. During that time, I almost broke my legs while leading a team to search homes.

And about the Yang Jisheng case this time, I heard it from Mr. Yan himself. Thanks to Yang Jisheng's stubbornness and not taking Zhu Ping'an's suggestion, otherwise Mr. Yan Ge would be in great danger during this impeachment.

Therefore, this boy's memorial skills are unfathomable, and coupled with the fact that he arrested two of his followers, there is indeed a flaw in the procedure.

If this guy writes a memorial, I can’t even imagine the consequences...

Thinking of this, the Jin Yiwei in the red flying fish suit couldn't help but dodge his eyes slightly, and the balance in his heart began to tilt towards the side of letting people go. It’s just that I’m embarrassed to speak in front of so many subordinates.

Zhu Ping'an noticed the slight expression on the face of the red flying fish uniform guard, and knew that he was already inclined to let him go, but he just lacked a step, so he cupped his hands and said softly, "Sir, it's getting late. , The emperor’s order cannot be delayed, and there should be no more branches outside the festival. Please also let my retinue go, and I will go with you.”

"Humph, the emperor's life is important, and this time it's your fate. Let them go, take the guilty minister Zhu Ping'an, and let's go."

The Jin Yiwei in the red flying fish uniform waved their hands to the Jin Yiwei who were arresting Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui, ordered Zhu Ping'an to be taken, turned around and left first.

"Brother Zhu..."


Li Shu, Hua'er and Qin'er stepped forward worriedly.

"An Sheng is staying at home, don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

Zhu Pingan turned his head and smiled reassuringly at them, and left the Linhuai Marquis Mansion under the escort of Jin Yiwei.

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