Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1065 Bullying the Sky

Jinyiwei North Town Fusi was imprisoned.

This is not the first time Zhu Pingan has come here. Zhu Pingan came here once last time when he visited senior brother Yang Jisheng. This time, Zhu Ping'an felt more deeply when he revisited his old place as a "check-in".

The sun was rising outside, and it was pitch dark inside the prison.

When Zhu Pingan entered the prison, he closed his eyes with experience. After entering the prison, he opened his eyes and quickly adapted to the darkness of the prison. The weak candlelight and ointment lamps above the nine-winding ileum-like prison passage jumped up, down, left and right erratically like a will-o'-the-wisp under the impact of the air current.

The prison was dark and humid, with a chill that penetrated the bones, and screams that penetrated the human body could be heard from inside the prison like ghosts crying.

Water and fire cannot enter, and the atmosphere of epidemic and disaster fills the prison.

Zhu Ping'an silently counted the steps. Under the escort of Jin Yiwei, he climbed down the stairs and silently counted to sixty-eight before he officially stepped into the imperial prison.

"Haha, Zhu Ping'an, how do you feel after entering this prison?" The guard in the red flying fish uniform asked with a sinister smile, assuming the posture of a host. His hoarse voice like a jackal echoed in the prison passage.


Wanting to see my joke, Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "What do you think?"

The guards in red flying fish uniforms looked at Zhu Pingan with great interest, as if they were looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

"That's what I feel." When Zhu Pingan said this, he paused, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

Regret it, haha, it’s too late, the corner of Wei Wei’s mouth in the red flying fish suit curved up. Haha, I have seen this kind of people a lot. Before entering the imperial prison, they were so stubborn that they looked like something and then entered the imperial prison.

"That's what I feel." After Zhu Pingan paused for a second, his closed eyes suddenly opened, his eyes were bright with sunshine, and the corners of his mouth curved, "In the future, I will have the capital to brag."


The guard in the red flying fish uniform was stunned when he heard this and could not keep up with Zhu Ping'an's unbridled rhythm.

"This is the Fusi Imperial Prison in Jinyiwei North Town. It has a long history and is extremely well-known. It is truly the number one prison in the world. When we drink and brag in the future, I can say, 'Brother, when I was in Imperial Prison,' I want to come." It will definitely scare a lot of people.”

Zhu Ping'an's eyes were piercing, like two bonfires in the thorn bushes in the darkness. He glanced around the prison, and there was a little excitement on his face when he spoke.

Whether in ancient times or modern times, being in jail has always been a source of bragging rights. Let me tell you what I did when I was in jail, and you are the most majestic and handsome guy at this banquet table.

After hearing Zhu Pingan's thoughts, the corners of Jin Yiwei's mouth twitched a little.

The toad is padding the table leg, so just hold on. The red flying fish-dressed Jin Yiwei glanced at Zhu Ping'an with a pitiful look, "When you cry in the future, huh, then I will appreciate your wretched look with runny nose and runny nose."

"Zhu Pingan, please."

After being escorted for an unknown distance in twists and turns, up and down, Zhu Pingan was "invited" into a cell where Zhu Pingan was hiding, breaking the illusion that Zhu Pingan and his senior brother Yang Jisheng were neighbors.

In fact, Zhu Ping'an also knew in his heart that it was impossible for them to let him and Senior Brother Yang be neighbors.

So after his fantasy was shattered, Zhu Pingan was not too disappointed, just a little regretful.

After the Jin Yiwei and the red flying fish uniform guards who had had enough of sarcasm left, Zhu Ping'an returned to the cramped and damp cell.

It was cold and damp, and the cell he was in was no better than the cell of his senior brother Yang Jisheng.

The moss in the corner of the wall is like patches, patches here and there, telling the story of the shabby and damp condition of the cell. I don't know if it's water seepage, an undercurrent, or something on the top of my head. There are two or three places that are wet, and water drops are dripping at a frequency of about a minute. The ground was muddy and there weren't many dry spots.

There were no tables, chairs, beds, or bedding in the cell, just a pile of half-dried thatch.

The innermost corner was full of life. I don't know if they were cockroaches or insects, but they were squirming. If you have trypophobia, you will definitely get goosebumps when you see this scene.

Luckily I don't have trypophobia.

Zhu Pingan twitched his lips, then found a dry place, picked out the hay from the half-dried thatch pile, and used the thatch to make a simple bed for himself.

"Well, not bad."

Looking at the fruits of his labor, Zhu Pingan clapped his hands, smiled with satisfaction, and sat down.

"Ahem, young man, who are you? How did you get into this prison?"

When Zhu Ping'an was sitting on the thatched bed and satisfied himself, an old man's questioning voice came from next to him.

Zhu Pingan raised his head, followed the sound, and saw a gray-haired old man in his sixties in the next cell looking at him with curiosity and inquiry.

The old man was indeed very curious. His eyes when he looked at Zhu Ping'an were full of doubts, and there was sympathy and injustice on his face.

This prison is no ordinary prison. Zhao, one word of the imperial edict shows its uniqueness. After King Qin Yingzheng swept Liuhe and unified the country, when he asked his ministers to discuss the name, the ministers suggested: The emperor calls himself "I", and "the order is 'Zhi'." The order is 'Edict'". The word "Edict" reflects the close connection between this prison and the emperor's order. Those who can be imprisoned in this imperial prison are usually cases that require the emperor to issue an imperial edict to close the prison. As for the cases that would allow the emperor to issue an edict, they were usually high-ranking officials at the level of Jiuqing or County Sheriff, officials who had offended the emperor, or criminals who were extremely vicious and full of crimes.

However, the old man saw that Zhu Ping'an was young, and he didn't even look young. He was honest and honest, with a bookish air, and he didn't look like a vicious person. Therefore, I am very curious as to why Zhu Pingan was imprisoned in prison.

Looking at the attitude of the Jin Yiwei Qianhu towards Zhu Ping'an just now, it was obvious that he was being targeted.

Could it be that Jin Yiwei Gong was seeking personal revenge? Public instrument for private use? !

How unreasonable!

If this is the case, then I should write a memorial and impeach them properly.

"Hello, Sir, Zhu Pingan." Zhu Pingan stood up and bowed back.

"Zhu Pingan?!"

After hearing Zhu Pingan's name, the old man seemed a little familiar. After repeating it, his body trembled with obvious excitement, and the sympathy and injustice on his face disappeared instantly. He blew his beard, grabbed the fence and said to Zhu Pingan across the cell. Chui Huo stared at him, "You, you are that Zhu Ping'an who deceives the world!"


The deceiving Zhu Pingan? !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but cough after hearing what the old man said. He sounded like a heinous traitor.

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