Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1067 The wayward old comrade

Zhu Ping'an looked at the old neighbor sitting on the ground waiting to eat melon, and twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly. The old neighbor's attitude undoubtedly directly showed: Even if you talk about it, I won't believe a word.

However, at this time, Zhu Pingan had almost figured out the temperament of his old neighbor. He knew in his heart that the more he explained at this time, the more counterproductive it would be. It would be better to seek truth from facts and state it truthfully.

"I don't dare to hide it from my lord. The reason why I came here to remonstrate and avoid rescue is mainly because I want to plead for my senior brother Yang Jisheng. I want to please the Holy One and increase the success rate of my plea."

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an didn't bother to organize the reasons, and directly told his original intention to his old neighbor in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Hmph, you are quite honest."

The stubborn old man sitting on the ground originally wanted to wait for Zhu Pingan to make some extravagant excuses, and then expose Zhu Pingan's hypocrisy in person, and teach Zhu Pingan a lesson, but he didn't expect that Zhu Pingan would be so sincere. On the contrary, he was holding back all the organized lessons and words in his stomach, which made him feel very uncomfortable. He was stunned for a while before he snorted, stroking his gray beard and said something shamelessly.

However, although he is still embarrassed, his sense of Zhu Ping'an has improved slightly by a point or two.

Although this guy is a flatterer and a traitor, he is rarely honest and is not hopeless. In addition, this guy is flattering to plead for Yang Jisheng, which is much better than those who flatter him for the sake of glory and wealth.

"People are based on sincerity"

Zhu Ping'an was about to say a few words of humility, but he was mercilessly interrupted by the stubborn old man as soon as he started speaking.

"You are still based on sincerity! You think I am praising you." The stubborn old man interrupted Zhu Pingan's modest words angrily, stretched out his bony finger and pointed at the top of the cell above his head, and twitched his gray beard as a lesson. Said, "You can deceive the heavens by pleading for Yang Jisheng?! During the eclipse of the sun, the country will have a disaster. If we don't rescue it, it will endanger the Holy One, endanger our Ming Dynasty for thousands of generations and the people of the world. You risked the world for Yang Jisheng alone." Do you think you are great when you ignore the common people?!"


Zhu Pingan was choked by the old neighbor's lesson.

It is undeniable that the old neighbor is a typical good comrade who is patriotic, loyal to the emperor and loves the people.

However, my old neighbor’s worldview is in two completely different eras than my own. In the old neighbor's world view, a solar eclipse will cause disaster in the country, and if no rescue is done, it will endanger the world. However, in my own world view, a solar eclipse is just an objective astronomical phenomenon, and has no symbolic meaning of disaster. . Different worldviews naturally lead to different understandings and behaviors. Zhu Ping'an really didn't know how to return to his old neighbor.

"The boy knows he was wrong."

In desperation, Zhu Pingan had to admit his mistake.

"Hmph, not sincere."

The stubborn old man snorted and was not very satisfied with Zhu Pingan's attitude in admitting his mistake. He felt that Zhu Pingan admitted his mistake too quickly, which made people feel a little perfunctory.

Well, you are really a wayward old comrade. Zhu Pingan looked at the old neighbor speechlessly.

"Young people, don't think about taking shortcuts. Shortcuts are easy to take, but there will be no way out if you walk on them. You must be down-to-earth and take one step at a time. Although you walk slowly, you walk straight and right. There will be no end. .”

The stubborn old man raised his head and glanced at Zhu Pingan, and said meaningfully, half sarcastically and half educationally.

Well, yes, what the old neighbor said is very reasonable. There are no shortcuts on the road of life, only down-to-earth.

"Thank you for the lesson, sir. I will take it to heart."

Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands to express his gratitude to his old neighbor, and if he corrected the problem, he encouraged him. This life lesson from his old neighbor was worthy of his own thanks.

"What's the use of telling it to me? Do you remember it in your heart and do it?" the stubborn old man said angrily.

Zhu Pingan smiled helplessly.

"By the way, let me ask you, what was the result of going to the 'Deception' to plead for Yang Jisheng?" the stubborn old man asked with some concern.

Yang Jisheng is a younger generation that the stubborn old man admires very much. Yang Jisheng's ambition, integrity and career are unparalleled among the younger generations he knows. There is only one Shen Lian who can compare with him, but Shen Lian's career cannot compare with Yang Jisheng. In his opinion, Yang Jisheng's "Jian Ma Shi" and his two chapters of "Please punish the thief Song" that he published not long ago are almost superior to those of the Qin and Han Dynasties, although "Public Security Policy" cannot pass. Yang Jisheng studied and enjoyed Han Shangshu, and he concentrated on his thoughts, as if he wanted to speak to Shun. How could his knowledge be similar to that of others?

Therefore, after Yang Jisheng appeared in "Please Kill the Thief Song", the stubborn old man applauded the case and admired it, but he was worried about Yang Jisheng. As expected, Yang Jisheng was soon sentenced to prison and sentenced to death. Before he was imprisoned, the stubborn old man ran around calling for mercy for Yang Jisheng, but unfortunately, it had no effect at all. Instead, several people were beaten with the imperial staff for begging for mercy. Later, after Emperor Jiajing issued an oral edict, there was no one left. Zhu Pingan was the only one who dared to plead for Yang Jisheng.

Unfortunately, before I could wait for the outcome of Zhu Ping'an's memorial, he was sent to prison because of the memorial he wrote on the eclipse, and his contact with the outside world was cut off. The prison officials were very strict, and he really didn't know what was going on outside. How is the development going?

In terms of time, according to the verdict of the last court trial of Yang Jisheng, tomorrow seems to be the day when Yang Jisheng will be executed.

After the stubborn old man was imprisoned, he had nothing to worry about but Yang Jisheng who made him feel sorry for him.

Although he didn't have much hope for Zhu Pingan's plea, after all, it was useless for so many people and so many more influential people than Zhu Pingan to plead for Yang Jisheng, so how could he expect much from Zhu Pingan.

However, no matter how slim the hope is, it is still hope. A little slim hope is better than despair.

Therefore, the stubborn old man looked at Zhu Ping'an with slim hope, and asked for news about Yang Jisheng without any hope.

"After the boy's 'Deception' memorial was sent to the Supreme Court, His Majesty Longyan was delighted and ordered the cabinet to draft a general amnesty for the whole world! Except for those who are unpardonable and corrupt officials, all living sinners will be pardoned depending on the seriousness of their crimes. Although those with capital crimes cannot be pardoned, they will be pardoned. The sentence can also be commuted or exempted from the death penalty. Senior brother Yang Jisheng is also in this category. Although Yang Jisheng is still detained in the imperial edict, there is no fear for his life for the time being. "

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth and replied softly. When he mentioned the memorial, he deliberately added the word "deceiving the sky" to express his emotions a little.

"Ah?! Okay! Okay! Okay!"

The stubborn old man was stunned when he heard the words and couldn't believe his ears. Then he was overjoyed and said three good words in a row.

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