Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1068 Meet the fierce man again

After learning the news that Yang Jisheng was temporarily exempted from the death penalty, the stubborn old man said three good words in excitement, which along with his feelings for Zhu Ping'an improved slightly by one or two points based on the original level.

Although he has not escaped from the negative side, there are really not many people who can get positive comments from the stubborn old man.

"Aren't you a kid who just flattered the Holy Lord Long Yan Dayue? How did you end up in this imperial prison? Was it because the 'Deception of Heaven' was impeached and the Holy Lord suddenly woke up and you suffered retribution?! Humph, I will Let me tell you, young man, you can’t take shortcuts, and you’ll run out of paths if you walk on them, is that true?”

Although the stubborn old man felt a little better about Zhu Pingan, he was as unreasonable as ever.


Zhu Ping'an shook his head speechlessly.

"No?! Why is that?" The stubborn old man became curious. Logically speaking, this kid only took the picture of the Holy Lord Long Yan Dayue. If he hadn't been impeached for "deceiving the sky", he would not have ended up in prison.

"It is true that I was impeached, but it was not a 'deception.'" Zhu Pingan and his old neighbor found a dry land across the fence, put some hay on it, and sat down.

"Why were you impeached?" The stubborn old man became even more curious.

"Before senior brother Yang Jisheng submitted the impeachment memorial, I went to visit him and made some suggestions on the memorial. I never thought that Zhou Fangzheng, an official of the Department of Science and Technology, was also at senior brother's house at that time and hid in the bedroom to avoid me. This morning, Zhou Fang Zheng reported me to the Holy One, impeaching me for helping my senior brother Yang Jisheng to revise the memorial, for conspiring to frame Mr. Yan Ge, for falsely passing on the prince's decree, and for criticizing the Holy One. The reason why I was arrested and brought here." Zhu Pingan leaned on the fence, lazily He stretched and said slowly, after being reported and exposed by Zhou Fangzheng, there was no need to hide this matter.


The stubborn old man next door seemed to have been struck by lightning. He pulled off a bunch of beard in shock and grinned in pain.

"Young man Yang's memorandum belongs to your staff?!"

The stubborn old man was shocked and dumbfounded. He stretched out his hand through the fence, turned Zhu Pingan's face over, and came closer, as if he wanted to get to know Zhu Pingan again. In the eyes of the stubborn old man, Zhu Pingan's evaluation was rising rapidly, from the negative score area to 0 in an instant, and then continued to rise...

You, an old comrade, must be an old comrade, right? !

Zhu Ping'an swished back.

"What are you hiding from?!" The stubborn old man blew his beard in dissatisfaction and his eyes widened, "How can I still eat you?"

Zhu Pingan smiled bitterly, "Why am I hiding? It's not because you overreacted just now and made people misjudged."

"I'm asking you, please answer me truthfully. Is Yang's memorial really your adviser's?" The stubborn old man asked immediately, staring at Zhu Pingan without blinking, not missing any micro expression.

"It can't be said that he was a staff officer. Although I made some suggestions at the time, senior brother Yang Jisheng did not adopt my suggestions."

Zhu Pingan shook his head and replied truthfully.

"What suggestions did you make?" the stubborn old man asked.

"I mainly made two suggestions. One is to suggest that senior brother delete the remarks about the Holy Emperor in the memorial, and the other is to suggest that senior brother delete the remarks of 'maybe ask the two kings'." Zhu Pingan replied.

"Hey...if Mr. Yang listened to your words, it wouldn't be like this..."

The stubborn old man listened to Zhu Pingan's suggestion and sat there, feeling in a daze for a long time before he sighed heavily.

Or ask the two kings!

It was this sentence that caused Yang Jisheng to be convicted. If Yang Jisheng had listened to this guy's suggestion and deleted this sentence, the outcome might have been very different.

"If senior brother was willing to listen to my advice, he would no longer be Yang Jisheng." Zhu Pingan couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the scene at that time.

The cell suddenly became quiet, and only the sighs of the two people echoed in the corners of the deep and terrifying prison.

However, thinking that Yang Jisheng had been spared the death penalty, the stubborn old man suddenly became energetic again. He patted the fence and said to Zhu Pingan, "Your name is Zhu Pingan, right? I will remember you. If you can go out in the future, I will treat you to a drink." .”

"Thank you for your love, sir. I'm honored."

Zhu Pingan replied with a cupped hand, and then asked curiously, "We have been chatting for so long, and you still don't know what to call me?"

"I am Yang Zui, the minister of Taipu Temple." The stubborn old man replied, stroking his beard.

"It turns out it's Mr. Yang. I'm disrespectful." Upon hearing this, Zhu Pingan stood up quickly and held his hands in greeting. Taipusi Qing is a high-ranking official of the third rank. His official position is higher than his own, and he is a senior, so he must be polite.

When he bowed to the ceremony, Zhu Ping'an quickly ran through it in his mind and determined that he had never heard of Yang Zui in modern times. He must have been a figure submerged in the long river of history.

"You kid, how can you come up with so many etiquettes?" The stubborn old man waved his hand.

"Mr. Yang, why did you end up in prison?" Zhu Ping'an asked curiously.

"I am also because of a memorial." When the stubborn old man said this, he couldn't help but glared at Zhu Pingan again.


Why do you keep staring at me?

Zhu Ping'an scratched the back of his head inexplicably, "Have you always been impeached?"

"I stand up straight and behave upright. Who dares to impeach me?!" The stubborn old man blew his beard and then said slowly, "On the day of the solar eclipse, I also sent a memorial to advise the Holy Father to provide routine rescue."


So that's it. At this moment, Zhu Ping'an understood why Mr. Yang had such a big opinion against him at first.

The stance is different.

It was also a solar eclipse. I wrote a "routine rescue" memorandum, but Mr. Yang wrote a completely different "routine rescue" memorandum, and then he was imprisoned in this prison.

However, if he was just admonishing for rescue, he wouldn't be imprisoned. Zhu Ping'an looked at his old neighbor in confusion.

"In addition to admonishing for routine rescue, I also admonished the Holy One to focus on government affairs and stop practicing immortality and elixirs."

Under Zhu Ping'an's doubtful gaze, the stubborn old man stroked his beard and added another sentence.

I advise Your Majesty not to practice immortality and alchemy anymore...

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an looked at his old neighbor dumbfounded as if he had been struck by lightning. The corners of his mouth twitched twice and he could not speak.

You are too aggressive, no, not just aggressive, you are simply a complete mess.

Don’t let Zang Fou practice mystical things!

This is the iron rule that ranks first in Ming Dynasty officialdom. No one knows it, no one knows it, and no one does not keep it in mind.

You dare to go to Shu to advise the Holy One not to practice immortality and alchemy anymore? ! !

No wonder you are always imprisoned in imperial prison. To be honest, just being imprisoned in imperial prison is considered your fate.

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