Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1069 Although I am foolish, I dare not obey the edict (1)

"The Holy One was furious when he saw my memorial." The stubborn old man sighed while stroking his beard.

Nonsense, if you are so disrespectful, it would be strange if the Holy One is not furious. It has been many years since anyone dared to practice mystical knowledge in front of the Holy One. If you are like this, you are considered to be very lucky. If you are less lucky, you would have been executed long ago.

Zhu Ping'an really didn't know what to say...

Zhu Pingan spent the next two days in prison. The prison authorities prohibited anyone from visiting because the case was serious and confidential, but fortunately, Mr. Yang was a neighbor, so he was not alone.

Zhu Ping'an and Mr. Yang were already familiar with each other. They drew a chessboard across the fence and played chess using straw, small pieces of clay, and gravel as chess pieces; or they discussed the Four Books and Five Classics. In two days, Zhu Ping'an learned a lot from Mr. Yang.

The spiritual aspect is very rich, but the material aspect is lackluster.

Although it is summer now, the cell is underground, damp and cold. Zhu Pingan is okay. The young man is very angry and can bear it. It is not easy for Mr. Yang, although Zhu Pingan gave Mr. Yang a hug from his cell. There was a lot of hay, but Mr. Yang still had a hard time at night, especially when his cold legs broke out, and his days felt like years.

As for food, as long as three meals a day are provided on time in the prison, it’s good. Don’t worry about appearance, smell, taste, etc.

On the first day, Zhu Pingan was not used to it and found it difficult to swallow the sour porridge and moldy steamed buns provided by the prison. However, on the second day, although Zhu Pingan could not eat it with relish, there was not a single grain of rice left. .

At noon on the third day, when Zhu Pingan and Yang Laozheng were playing chess and were inseparable, there was a sound of footsteps in the cell corridor.

"Someone is coming? A lot?"

After Zhu Ping'an heard this series of footsteps, he looked up curiously and saw a group of more than 20 people walking in the corridor, including guards in royal robes and eunuchs. They were all gorgeously dressed and seemed to have a lot of background.

Mr. Yang also put down the stone pawn in his hand at this time and looked up at the approaching group of people.

Who are you looking for?

Zhu Ping'an looked at himself and then at Mr. Yang, wondering who this group of people were coming for.

You have to find it yourself, right?

I have been in prison for three days, and I have never been interrogated or brought before the court. It is as if I have been forgotten.

Did you finally think of yourself? !

Zhu Ping'an stood up, moved his hands and feet, and was 100% alert, ready to welcome the visitor.

Soon, the group of people in the corridor came to the cell and stopped. The leader was a eunuch wearing a high crown, a red python robe, and a phoenix patch. He held Buddha dust in his hand and had a mean look on his face. Zhu Ping'an didn't know this person, but he knew the person who accompanied the eunuch. He was Tuohai, a member of the Jinyi Guards. The last time he made a complaint with Zhao Daying's Ministry of Punishment, Tuohai was one of the presiding judges.

Zhu Ping'an's preparations were all done, but he didn't expect that the group of people would stop when they reached the next door, Mr. Yang.

"Old Man Yang, the Holy One has sent the Miscellaneous Family to see you."

The eunuch in red python robe stopped in front of Yang Zui's cell. It seemed that he couldn't stand the rancid smell of the prison. He reached out and took out an embroidered handkerchief and covered his nose. He pinched an orchid with his other hand and pointed it at Yang Zui, shouting in a high voice.

"Thank you most, my lord Yang, long live my emperor."

Yang Zui stood up from the ground, patted the grass on his prison uniform, knelt down in the direction of Xiyuan and saluted.

After the ceremony, Yang Zui stood up, with his waist straight and his chin raised, looking at the red python-robed eunuch and the royal guard Tongzhi Tuohai.

This old thing!

The red python-robed eunuch frowned, and was very dissatisfied with Yang Zui's attitude. He said in a sharp voice, "Old man Yang, the Holy One has given you a chance because of your old age. The Holy One wants to ask you, do you know that you are wrong? ! If you write a memorandum of confession, the Holy Spirit will consider that you have dedicated most of your life to the Ming Dynasty and spare you this time."

Zhu Ping'an heard clearly from the sidelines that Emperor Jiajing wanted Mr. Yang to admit his mistake and write a letter of apology before he could let Mr. Yang go.

This is okay.

Mr. Yang is old and has been tortured by the cold and cold conditions of the prison these days. It would be great to be able to get out. Zhu Ping'an is sincerely happy for Mr. Yang.


Zhu Ping'an became worried again. With Mr. Yang's temper, it was too difficult to ask him to make up for his mistakes and write another letter of apology.


Zhu Pingan raised his head to look at Mr. Yang, just in time to see Mr. Yang sneering at the eunuch in red python robe.

"I would like to thank you for your love and care, but I am stupid and I really don't know where I went wrong."

Old Yang raised his chin, snorted, and refused to admit his mistake.

"You!!! You ungrateful old man!!!" The eunuch in red python robe was so angry that he almost scolded the old man. When he came to his mouth, it was the old man who stretched out his orchid finger and pointed angrily at Yang Zui. , "You are an old man who raises horses and takes care of horse administration. If you try hard to control your horse administration, at your age, if you stay for another year and a half, you can retire and return to your hometown. By then, you will be a third-grade imperial official." Wouldn't it be honoring your ancestors to go home? This is the blessing that comes from the smoke coming from the ancestral graves of your Yang family. How dare you point fingers at the Holy One? Now the world is at peace and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Isn't this all the credit of the Holy One, Long Yu Tianxia? What's wrong with taking time to practice immortality and alchemy? It's not like you just let it go. It's your fault. Now, the Holy Lord doesn't remember the faults of villains. He specifically gave you a chance for the sake of your old age. You actually So ignorant!!!”

"Cultivation of immortality and elixirs is the work of practitioners who live in the mountains and bathe in the mountains. How can there be those who live in a yellow house and a purple door, with fine clothes and fine food, and can do it in the daytime? Nowadays, with the Japanese captives in the north and south, floods and droughts are endless, how can we talk about the world? Peace?! If the Holy One abandons cultivation and concentrates on government affairs, we, the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty, will be very lucky, and the people of our Ming Dynasty will be very lucky."

Yang Zui blew his beard and stared, reaching out to grab the fence. The veins on the back of his hands were exposed. His aura was even better than that of the eunuch in red python robe.

Cultivation of immortality and alchemy is done by people who live in seclusion in the mountains. How can there be people who live in luxurious palaces, wear gorgeous clothes, eat exquisite food, and fly to the sky during the day? And now, the Tatars and Tatars in the north The Japanese pirates in the south are causing constant troubles, and floods and droughts are endless. How can we call the world peaceful? If Your Majesty could give up cultivating immortality and refining elixirs and focus on government affairs, I, the Ming Dynasty, would be even more fortunate.

Yang Zui was confronting him, showing no mercy.

"You! Old Man Yang, I'll give you another chance. The Holy Father has said that if you know your mistakes and can correct them, you will do the best. You have to think about it carefully." The eunuch in the red python robe pinched his orchid finger and pointed at Yang Zui, gloomily There were dark clouds on his face, and he gritted his teeth.

"Although I am a fool, I dare not obey the imperial edict."

Yang raised his chin and replied without hesitation.

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