Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1070 Although I am foolish, I dare not obey the edict (2)

"Old man Yang, don't toast me and you'll be fined if you don't eat!"

After hearing what Yang Zui said, the eunuch in the red python robe turned blue with anger, and the orchid fingers he held were shaking so much.

"I'm old and don't drink." Yang Zui tilted his chin, glanced at the eunuch in red python robes with the corner of his eyes, and replied lightly, without any threat from the eunuch in red python robes.

"You! Since you won't eat the toast, don't blame me." The red python-robed eunuch said harshly. Although the Holy Father ordered him to come and ask Yang Zui if he knew his mistakes, and if Yang Zui knew his mistakes and could correct them, it would be a great good, but he has been in Jiajing all year round. Emperor Jiajing waited in front of him, and he could not be clearer about Emperor Jiajing's true thoughts. Yang Zui had to admit his mistake. If Yang Zui didn't admit his mistake, Emperor Jiajing would always have a problem in his throat, and he would not be able to do his job well. Therefore, he must act according to the circumstances, otherwise how can he return his orders to the Holy One and repay the Holy One's trust.

"Eunuch Chen, wait a minute, let me give you some advice." Before the red python robe could finish his harsh words, Takumi, a fellow guard in Jin Yi next to him, spoke up.

Eunuch Chen?

Could this eunuch in red python robe be Chen Hong? ! Zhu Ping'an, who was in the cell next to him, heard Tuo Hai's name for the eunuch in red python robe and subconsciously guessed in his heart. After thinking about it, he realized that it was probably Chen Hong.

I heard that Chen Hong and Gao Gong have a good relationship? According to unofficial records, more than ten years later, Gao Gong served as a bachelor. When Feng Bao and Chen Hong competed for the position of eunuch of the Chief of Ceremonies, Gao Gong recommended Chen Hong to be the eunuch of the Chief of Ceremonies against all odds. For this reason, Feng Bao's hatred for Gao Gong grew day by day.

However, looking at Chen Hong's sharp and mean look, he doesn't look like a good person. How did Gao Gong fall in love with him? !

While Zhu Ping'an was thinking, Jin Yiwei's colleague Tuohai spoke up. He admired Yang Zui's integrity and could not bear to punish Yang Zui, so he opened his mouth to guide Yang Zui, "Master Yang, Tuo has heard of Yang Zui." In the name of loyalty and filial piety, tomorrow will be July 13th, and the ancestors of the Yang family are still waiting for Master Yang to send paper money. Master Yang cannot change his story, as long as Master Yang follows the Holy Order and submits a letter acknowledging his mistake. With this memorial, Master Yang can leave the imperial prison and return home immediately."

Jinyiwei Tongzhi Tuohai Dongzhi used his emotions to understand and reason, and used Yang Zui's loyalty and filial piety as a breakthrough to attack Yang Zui.

If he were an ordinary person, Jin Yiwei Takumi's words would definitely have worked, but unfortunately he met Yang Zui.

"Although I am a fool, I dare not obey the imperial edict."

As soon as Yang Zui finished speaking to Tuohai, he held his neck and decisively refused without being moved at all.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine!" The eunuch in red python robe had a gloomy look on his face.

"Mr. Yang, think about it carefully. Tomorrow is July 13th," Takumi, a member of Jinyiwei, couldn't bear it, so he tried to persuade him again.

"No need to think about the two words of loyalty and filial piety. The word "loyalty" comes first and the word "filial piety" comes last. If I go against my will and commit a crime, I am afraid that my ancestors will scold me as an unworthy descendant. I have no face to pay homage to my ancestors. Mr. Tuo, there is no need to persuade me any more. Although I am stupid, I cannot accept the call."

Yang shook his head without hesitation. After finishing his words, he even closed his eyes to express his determination.

"Master Yang" Jinyiwei Takumi still doesn't want to give up.

However, the red python-robed eunuch on the side became impatient, "Master Tuo, don't waste your time with him anymore. The Holy Emperor is still waiting for the Zajia to return to life, but the Zajia have no time to waste time with him."

"Eunuch Chen, what you said makes sense." Jin Yiwei's colleague Takumi sighed in his heart and nodded.

"Come here, open the cell door and bring out Yang Zui." The eunuch in red python robe raised his hand to his shoulder, waved it forward vigorously, and ordered in a high-pitched voice.

After obtaining the consent of Jinyiwei comrade Tuohai, the prison officer took the key from his waist and opened Yang Zui's cell door. Two officers walked in and lifted Yang Zui out of the cell with his arms crossed.

"Old man Yang, if you don't eat the toast, don't blame the Zajia family for punishing them with wine." The eunuch in the red python robe said sadly.

"So much nonsense." Yang Zui raised his chin and sneered.

"You!" The red python-robed eunuch trembled with anger. He looked at Yang Zui with a half-smile but said angrily, "Okay! Old man Yang, you are very kind! The Za family heard that you have always been known for your direct remonstrance and toughness. Over the years, there have been many officials who have been rebuked by you, so today, the Zajia family will have to see how straight and hard your old man Yang's bones can be?!"

After saying this, the eunuch in red python robe turned to look at Tuo Hai, a member of the Jinyi Guards, with a smile, and said with a pinched voice, "Master Tuo, the Za family has always heard that the punishments in prison are cruel and inhumane. They include finger-twisting, stick clamping, skinning, tongue breaking, etc. There are as many as eighteen types, such as falling fingers, stabbing the heart, and pipa. It is said that there are many new gadgets, which make people unable to survive or die. Hehe, it is rare to have old man Yang to show his favor today. Please give me some help, Mr. Tuo. People should try these punishments one by one, so that the Zajia family can also open their eyes."

When Yang Zui heard this, he was not afraid at all and looked as usual.

When Zhu Ping'an in the cell nearby heard this, he couldn't help but worry about Mr. Yang. The instruments of torture in the prison were inhumane, and the eighteen kinds of torture were the worst among them. That was a punishment that required several layers of skin to be peeled off even if he didn't die. Mr. Yang How could he endure it at such an old age and in poor health? Not to mention trying all the eighteen tortures one by one, Mr. Yang might not be able to withstand any one of them.

"Old Yang."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help shouting and tried to persuade Yang Zui.

"Boss Zhu, I know what you want to say, but the three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will."

Yang Zui looked at Zhu Pingan, shook his head firmly, and interrupted Zhu Pingan's persuasion.

"Assemble the instrument of torture."

The eunuch in the big red python robe waved his hand and ordered the prison officials to move eighteen kinds of torture instruments from the execution room, preparing to torture Yang Zui, and forced him to admit his mistake.

"Eunuch Chen, Mr. Tuo, Mr. Yang is so old. How can Mr. Yang withstand such eighteen kinds of torture?"

Zhu Ping'an saw that Yang Zui could not be persuaded, so he turned to the eunuch in red python robes and fellow guardsmen in brocade to intercede for Yang Zui.

"Zhu Ping'an, you are a Bodhisattva who can't save yourself when crossing the river, so stop meddling in your own business and seek blessings for yourself." The eunuch in red python robe glanced at Zhu Ping'an and said sarcastically.

"Eunuch Chen, what Zhu Ping'an said is not unreasonable. Look at Yang Zui, his beard and hair are all white, and half of his body has been buried in the ground. I'm afraid he can't withstand our eighteen martial arts. I'm afraid he won't go up here. "Tools of torture, you didn't even have time to ask, he died. Even if he wanted to change his mind and admit his mistake, it was too late." Takumi, a member of the Imperial Guard, leaned close to the ear of the eunuch in red python robe and lowered his voice.

"This." The eunuch in red python robe glanced at Yang Zui and nodded, "What you said makes sense, but you can't make this old man too happy. This old man's memorial seemed to be pointing at his nose and scolding the saint for not doing his job properly. The saint was angry. He was furious. Let's put it on the torture stick first and relax his muscles and bones."

Jin Yiwei and Takumi nodded.

Soon, two officers pinned Yang Zui to the ground on the spot. They swung their canes and hit Yang Zui on the buttocks. The canes penetrated his flesh and they beat him very hard.

"Old man Yang, the Holy One is asking you, do you know you are wrong?" the eunuch in red python robe asked sharply while watching the execution.

"Although I am foolish, I dare not obey the imperial edict. Even though I am foolish, I dare not obey the imperial edict." Yang Zui was very stubborn. Although his buttocks were bloody from being beaten, he did not cry out in pain, but kept repeating this sentence.

The eunuch in the red python robe asked over and over again, but what he always heard was this sentence: "Although I am foolish, I dare not obey the imperial edict."

"Looking for death! Beat me hard until you die!" The eunuch in the red python robe became angry and said fiercely.

The officials worked even harder, and Yang Zui's buttocks were covered with blood and flesh.

"Although I am a fool, I dare not obey the imperial edict."

Yang Zui's breath became weaker and weaker, and his murmurs became weaker and weaker, until there was no more sound.

The jailer stepped forward, felt Yang Zui's breath with trembling hands, and felt Yang Zui's pulse. He swallowed, looked up at Jin Yiwei comrade Zhi Tuohai and the eunuch in red python robe and shook his head, "He is gone."

When the song ended and everyone dispersed, the cell became quiet again.

"Although I am a fool, I dare not obey the imperial edict."

Zhu Pingan sat on the ground blankly, staring blankly at the empty cell next door, with this sentence lingering in his mind.

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