Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1071 Scumbag Zhu Pingan

In the dark and humid prison, a scumbag squatted on the ground, holding a bare and polished small wooden stick, using the stick as a pen, and wrote hard on the muddy and bumpy prison ground. The wooden stick shuttled through the mud, One moment, it was like a runaway horse flying through the sky, and the next moment, it was like a dragon flying into the sky, moving through the clouds and flowing water. In an instant, lines of fonts containing awe-inspiring righteousness jumped out of the mud.

Yes, this scumbag is Zhu Pingan.

On the sixth day of imprisonment, Zhu Ping'an had evolved into a scumbag. A short layer of stubble sprouted on his upper lip and chin, but it was not rough or slovenly. Instead, it added to his youthful appearance. A bit mature.

"The heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed and endowed with fluid shapes. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. People say it is vast, and it is so abundant that it blocks the sky. The imperial road should be clear and clear, containing the harmony and opening up to the Ming Dynasty. The time is at the end of the season. See the paintings one by one. In the Qi Taishi bamboo slips, in the Jin Dynasty Dong Hu's pen. In the Qin Dynasty Zhang Liangzhui, in the Han Su Wujie, in the Ming Dynasty Shen Lianshu, Yang Jishengshu, Yang Zuishu..."

Zhu Pingan squatted on the muddy ground in the imperial prison cell, holding a wooden stick and writing on the muddy ground while silently reciting "Song of Righteousness" by Wen Tianxiang of the Southern Song Dynasty. However, the content of "Song of Righteousness" has been modified by Zhu Pingan , after Su Wu of the Han Dynasty, Shen Lian, Yang Jisheng, Yang Zui and others of the Ming Dynasty were added.

"Although I am a fool, I dare not obey the imperial edict."

Although a few days have passed, Yang Zui's words still echo in Zhu Pingan's ears from time to time. Yang Zui's integrity deeply shocked Zhu Pingan, and the awe-inspiring righteousness in Zhu Pingan's heart was constantly fermenting.

"Mr. Yang, Ping An has learned a lesson. Although Ping An cannot become a poplar like you who would rather break than bend, he will never violate the righteousness in his chest. Even if he bends down, it must be for this righteousness."

After writing "Song of Righteousness" in one breath on the muddy land, Zhu Pingan made a long bow to the empty cell opposite, and then stretched out his feet to smooth out the flowing and upright handwriting, returning it to the mud.

"Qi Min Yao Shu·Volume 5·Cultivation of elm and poplar": "The poplar is very strong and straight, and can be used as roof material. If it is broken, it will break, but it will not bend."

In Zhu Ping'an's heart, Yang Zui, Shen Lian, and Yang Jisheng are just like Bai Yang. They are all pillars of talent who would rather break than bend. The towering house of Ming Dynasty cannot be separated from Bai Yang talents like them.

Zhu Pingan knew that he could not be like them and would rather bend than bend, but Zhu Pingan would not belittle himself. Everyone has different standards in their hearts. He would bend down, but bending down is to better maintain integrity.

Righteousness lasts forever.

Zhu Pingan clenched his fists firmly.

"Hey, that nerd, dinner is ready."

The prison guard came over with a bowl of rice, shouted lazily, and put the bowl casually outside the cell. The chopsticks fell to the ground. His attitude was very indifferent and he didn't take Zhu Pingan seriously at all.

To them, no matter how high your status, power, or reputation you are outside, when you go to prison, you are just a piece of rotten flesh. How many people can get out of the prison alive? !

As for calling Zhu Ping'an the nerd, it was because Zhu Ping'an used to read the Four Books and Five Classics in the morning and often write and draw on the ground. Therefore, several of the jailers in charge of this area called Zhu Ping'an the nerd.

"Thank you."

Zhu Ping'an cupped his hand and didn't care about the jailer's attitude. Although it was a little late, it was very difficult to deliver three meals a day without missing a beat.

The jailer didn't even look at Zhu Pingan. He yawned lazily and staggered away.

Zhu Pingan picked up the chopsticks from the ground, wiped them with his prison clothes, picked up the bowl, and drank heavily.

Breakfast was a bowl of porridge, probably the leftovers from yesterday. It was cold and humid in prison, but it didn't go rancid. There were a few black pickle strips floating on top of the porridge, which were cut into shreds from pickled pickle lumps.

This is the standard breakfast in prison.

Zhu Ping'an finished his breakfast and placed the bowls and chopsticks outside the cell. When the time was up, someone would naturally take them away.

When it was almost noon, Zhu Pingan, who was practicing calligraphy, heard a sound of footsteps. He reached out to erase the written words, then raised his head and looked in the direction of the footsteps. Soon a group of people appeared in Zhu Pingan's sight. Middle - Eunuchs in gorgeous clothes and guards in uniforms.

The configuration of this group of people is somewhat familiar.

However, although the configuration is familiar, the people are different. The leading eunuch is a strange face, not Feng Bao, not Chen Hong, but a strange eunuch; accompanying him is a Jin Yiwei, whom Zhu Pingan knows, and it is none other than The red flying fish who captured himself and sent him to prison was dressed in brocade and guarded Qianhu.

"Zhu Ping'an, why don't you come over quickly to pay homage to the Imperial Envoy?"

The guard in the red flying fish uniform called Zhu Pingan from a distance, his voice as ugly as a jackal as always.

Something wrong.

Why are you always having trouble with yourself? Zhu Pingan rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Haha, I've heard Mr. Xiao Zhu's name for a long time, but I never thought that we would meet here for the first time. It's really unforgettable. Oh, by the way, Mr. Xiao Zhu doesn't know the Zajia family yet. The Zajia family is Meng Chong, the supervisor of the food department. Mr. Xiao Zhu’s masterpiece about “Which goes better with sweet and sour fish or spicy wings” is still hanging in our Shangshan Superintendent. Today, the Zajia family is here to hear a few questions from Mr. Xiao Zhu on the orders of the Holy One.”

The eunuch with a strange face came to the cell and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

"It turns out to be Eunuch Meng. I'm glad to meet you." Zhu Pingan greeted Meng Chong in the cell.

Zhu Pingan didn't feel much about Meng Chong's name at first, but after saying hello, when Zhu Pingan wrote down Meng Chong's name in his mind, his heart suddenly jumped, and a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but look at Meng Chong more. Take a look.

Meng Chong? !

You are Meng Chong! Feng Bao’s future enemy!

This was a eunuch who was famous for his flattery, and he left a comment in history that he "showed off his strange and obscene skills to please the emperor".

Ten years later, Gao Gong first recommended Chen Hong to be the Chief of Ceremonies. After Chen Hong was dismissed, Feng Bao originally thought that the opportunity had come, but he did not expect that it was Meng Chong who Gao Gong recommended to fill the vacancy of the Chief of Ceremonies. In fact, according to the regulations of the inner court, Meng Chong was not qualified to be the Supervisor of Ceremonies, but Gao Gong ignored the regulations and still insisted on recommending and supporting Meng Chong as the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

This shows that Meng Chong's ability to flatter even a temperamental master like Gao Gong can flatter him and make Gao Gong make an exception for him.

"Why, Master Xiao Zhu, have you ever heard of the Zajia family? The Zajia family is really lucky." Meng Chong said with a smile.

He is indeed a eunuch who has left a reputation for flattery in history. He has such an attitude when facing himself in prison.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh.

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