Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1072 Jing Yesi

"Sir Xiao Zhu, I won't say any more nonsense about the Zajia family. Your Majesty is still waiting for the Zajia family's reply. Let's get back to business and start asking questions."

Meng Chong looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile.


Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands to Meng Chong, then faced the direction of Xiyuan and paid homage, saying long live the three times.

"Lord Xiao Zhu, the Holy One would like to ask you, before Yang Jisheng presented the memorial, did you read the memorial and make any comments?"

Meng Chong avoided Zhu Pingan's front, stood a step away, looked at Zhu Pingan and asked.


Zhu Ping'an nodded honestly and did not deny it. He knew in his heart that the Dong Chuang incident had already happened and there was no point in denying it. The only people who knew about it that day were Zhou Fangzheng and Senior Brother Yang's son. In addition, the servants of the Yang family could also As circumstantial evidence, even the passers-by, shops, etc. I met when I went from Linhuaihou Mansion to Senior Brother Yang's Mansion in the morning can be used as circumstantial evidence. There is no airtight wall in the world. During the days when he was in jail, no, even on the day when Zhou Fangzheng made the report, Emperor Jiajing would have found out the truth long ago. Now ask yourself, it is just a formality. If you deny it, you will definitely leave a bad impression. It is better to simply admit it as a bachelor and leave a good impression on the Holy One as someone who dares to take responsibility.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao Zhu is sincere. Before I came, the Holy Master told me that if Mr. Xiao Zhu admits it, let me continue to ask. If Mr. Xiao Zhu denies it, then the Za family does not need to ask further."

Meng Chong looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile and said.

What Meng Chong said made Zhu Ping'an break out in a cold sweat. He was really in danger just now.

No need to ask further

There is no need to say more about what this means. Fortunately, I just became sensible and didn't pretend to be smart. Otherwise, if I was lucky, I might have been imprisoned. If I was unlucky, I might have been in trouble.

"Lord Xiao Zhu, the Holy One would like to ask you why you suggested that Yang Jisheng delete 'Or ask the two kings'?" Meng Chong asked again.

"Because I think Yang Jisheng's memorial is wrong." Zhu Pingan replied softly.

"You said 'maybe ask the two kings' was wrong, so it is recommended to delete it. The part about impeaching Yan Song in the memorial was not recommended to be deleted. Doesn't it mean that Yang Jisheng was not wrong to impeach Yan Song?" Meng Chong then asked.

"No. It's just that there is no investigation and no right to speak. The guilty minister joined Prince Yu's palace and knew about Prince Yu's affairs. He knew that Prince Yu would abide by the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty and not interfere in the government affairs and not contact foreign ministers. Therefore, the guilty minister knew about Yang Jisheng's memorial.' Or ask the two kings, 'Wrong. In addition, the guilty minister was the first to dissuade Yang Jisheng from submitting the memorial. Since Master Zhou Fangzheng was in Yang Jisheng's bedroom at that time, Master Zhou Fangzheng must have known this very well."

Zhu Pingan replied softly, and finally, half seriously and half sarcastically, he pulled Zhou Fangzheng out to testify for him.

"There's one last question left." Meng Chong looked at Zhu Ping'an and smiled slightly, then took out a piece of rice paper from his sleeve.

Zhu Ping'an was a little curious when he saw this. Meng Chong heard the news on behalf of the sage. What was he doing with the rice paper? !

"Master Xiao Zhu, the Holy Father said you like to revise suggestions, don't you. You and I will revise and read Li Taibai's poem. If the revision is good, I can give you a lighter sentence. If the revision is not good, then you can Stay in the imperial prison and keep Yang Jisheng company."

Meng Chong conveyed Emperor Jiajing's last inquiry with a smile, and looked at Zhu Ping'an with some sympathy.

Even though Meng Chong was serving as the Supervisor of Shangri-La, he was actually proficient in literature and calligraphy and was a top student who graduated from the Imperial Academy.

Modify Li Taibai's masterpiece!

In his opinion, the last inquiry from the Holy Father was actually a bit, no, quite difficult.

Who is Li Taibai? Li Bai, the famous "Poetry Immortal". His pen is astonishing, and his poems are like ghosts and gods! Su Shi once said, "Li Taibai and Du Zimei, with their unparalleled talents, have transcended hundreds of generations, and all poets of ancient and modern times have been eliminated." Li Bai is a legend in the field of ancient poetry. He dominates ancient poetry and no one can match it. Who can change the poems he wrote? Do you want to change it well? !


The poem that the emperor asked Zhu Ping'an to revise is Li Bai's representative work, a masterpiece that carries the tripod, and is passed down from the previous year's work.

Therefore, Meng Chong looked at Zhu Pingan with some sympathy.

As for the red flying fish uniformed guard next to Meng Chong, he looked at Zhu Pingan like a jackal looking at its dying prey. In his eyes, Zhu Pingan was finished and had completely given up.

In fact, when Zhu Ping'an heard the last inquiry conveyed by Meng Chong, he couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart.

Modify Li Bai's ancient poems? ! Do you want to change it well? !

Isn't this forcing someone to do something difficult?

If it comes to other people's ancient poems, Zhu Pingan is somewhat sure, but for Li Bai's ancient poems, Zhu Pingan is really not sure.

"Please, Mr. Xiao Zhu. Because the Holy One is still waiting for a reply, the Zajia family can only give you a moment to burn incense."

Meng Chong looked at Zhu Pingan sympathetically, slowly unfolded the rice paper in his hand, bent down and showed it to Zhu Pingan.

"Quiet Night Thoughts"


Zhu Pingan looked up at the rice paper, and Li Bai's ancient poems on the rice paper jumped into his eyes. Then Zhu Pingan's eyes widened involuntarily, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, looking like he was stupid.

"Master Xiao Zhu."

Meng Chong saw Zhu Pingan's stunned and twitching look, and thought that Zhu Pingan was caused by despair and pain, and couldn't help but sympathized even more. This is Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thoughts". Li Bai's classic masterpiece, which I have been exposed to since childhood, has been circulated and praised for nearly a thousand years. A classic is a classic, and no one can change it.

"Huh, huh..."

When the guard in the red flying fish uniform saw this, he couldn't help but snorted with gloating, and the corners of his mouth curled up. In his eyes, Zhu Ping'an, the dying prey, was already breathing his last breath at this moment.

"Come here, hurry up and light the incense." The guard in the red flying fish uniform urged his men to light the timed incense.

Looking at the burning incense, the guard in red flying fish uniform looked at Zhu Ping'an like a butcher looking at the fat pig on the chopping board.

However, little did he know that Zhu Ping'an, whom he regarded as a fat pig on the chopping block, was not in despair and pain, but in overjoyed excitement.

If it were Li Bai's other masterpieces, Zhu Pingan would really not be sure, but with this piece "Silent Night Thoughts", Zhu Pingan could no longer be sure. Because the "Silent Night Thoughts" that Meng Chong showed to Zhu Ping'an was the Song version, which was different from the version circulated in modern times. The version circulated in modern times was revised by Zhao Huanguang and Huang Xiyuan in the Ming Dynasty, and revised by the Qing Dynasty. The revised version of "Silent Night Thoughts" is more catchy, has a more beautiful artistic conception, and is more popular among the people and literary circles. It is also the widest, and this has been a collective choice for a long time.

At this time, Zhao Huanguang and Huang Xiyuan were not born yet.

Zhu Ping'an looked at the "Quiet Night Thoughts" displayed by Meng Chong, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

"Quiet Night Thoughts"

Looking at the bright moon in front of the bed, I suspected it was frost on the ground.

Looking up at the mountains and the moon, looking down at my hometown.

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