Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1073 The question of asking a question becomes a question of giving points

The ultimate version of "Quiet Night Thoughts" is out!

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth, raised his hands to Meng Chong and said, "Please help me prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

"Haha, just pretending... Shixian's classics can be changed at will? Are you prepared with pen, ink, paper and inkstone?! Overestimating your own abilities and struggling to death..."

Hearing this, the guard in the red flying fish uniform sneered at Zhu Ping'an and did not lower his voice much. His voice was as harsh and unpleasant as a jackal. Hey, you, Zhu Ping'an, are just like a fat pig on the chopping block. There will never be a chance to make a comeback. Why should I care about you?

"Hey, look at the memory of the Za family. It really deserves a beating. If Mr. Xiao Zhu hadn't reminded him, the Za family would have almost forgotten about pens, inks, paper and inkstones. Come on, you guys should prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones for Mr. Xiao Zhu."

Meng Chong said, reaching out and hitting himself, and ordered the little eunuch who followed him to give Zhu Ping'an pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

The pens, inks, paper and inkstones had just been laid out when Zhu Pingan picked up the brush, dipped it in ink and put it on the rice paper.


Meng Chong couldn't help but let out a sigh of surprise when he saw Zhu Ping'an writing without thinking. He must have written too hastily.

Zhu Ping'an looked up at Meng Chong.

"Master Xiao Zhu, don't you think about it before writing?" Meng Chong couldn't help but remind Zhu Ping'an.

The red flying fish uniform guard on the side smiled, Zhu Ping'an was about to give up on himself and give up treatment!

"Didn't Eunuch Meng say that His Majesty is still waiting for his return? His Majesty's time is precious, and Ping An would not dare to keep His Majesty waiting for so long."

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and replied softly.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Pingan directly put down the pen on the rice paper, ignoring Meng Chong and others who were in a daze, and started writing quickly.

Except for dipping in ink a few times in the middle, Zhu Pingan's brush never stopped.

"If you do evil by God, you can still forgive it; if you do it yourself, you will not live. Eunuch Meng, he wants to die. What are you going to do to stop him? You can't stop him." The guard in red flying fish uniforms came close to Meng Chong and sarcastically said in a hoarse voice. Zhu Pingan.

However, before he could finish his satirical words about Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan in the cell had already finished writing.

"Please Eunuch Meng, please submit it to Your Majesty." Zhu Ping'an put away his pen and bowed his hand to Meng Chong, interrupting the sarcasm of the guard in the red flying fish uniform.

ha? !

Is this done? !

Meng Chong was stunned and couldn't react for a moment. Although he saw what Zhu Pingan wrote with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe his eyes and couldn't accept this fact.

How long has it been since? ! Not to mention it's time for a cup of tea. The tea hasn't been poured yet, right?

Meng Chong subconsciously glanced at the sandalwood that was timed, and found that the sandalwood had only just been lit.

The guards in the red flying fish uniforms were also dumbfounded. Damn it, I haven’t finished speaking yet, and you’ve finished writing a poem? ! But he quickly recovered from his shock, pulled down the corner of his mouth and started to sneer, "Humph, you are so hasty and self-defeating. Can you read the poem you wrote so quickly? If you submit it, wouldn't it be dirty?" Eyes of the Holy One?!"

In fact, it was not just the Jin Yiwei in the red flying fish uniform who thought so, almost everyone present thought so as well, as long as they were literate.

"Silent Night Thoughts" is a classic poem by the poet Li Bai. Zhu Pingan revised it so quickly, and the quality can be imagined.

Including Meng Chong himself almost thinks the same way.

Although Zhu Pingan is known as the youngest number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty, and his works such as "Sheng Prelude" and "Qing Ci" are also praised by the emperor, what he needs to revise now is the masterpiece "Silent Night Thoughts" by the poet Li Bai, and Zhu Pingan has finished it so quickly. ? !

Can the writing be good? !

Meng Chong looked suspiciously at "Quiet Night Thoughts" written by Zhu Pingan, without any expectations in his heart.

""Quiet Night Thoughts""

Three words caught Meng Chong's eyes. Well, not to mention anything else, the writing of these words was quite good. The dragons and phoenixes were flying and the back of the paper was strong. The number one scholar was really good at handwriting.

Looking further down, the first line of poetry suddenly stood out in Meng Chong's eyes: "There is bright moonlight in front of the bed, I suspect it is frost on the ground."

Hey, Zhuangyuanlang has changed this sentence. Meng Chong remembers it very clearly. The original sentence is "Looking at the bright moon in front of the bed, I suspect it is frost on the ground."

Meng Chong also has a solid background. Although he cannot compare with his background in a major, he still has a certain degree of appreciation.

After Zhuangyuanlang changed this sentence, it became more catchy than the original work. There was a verb in the original work "Looking at the moonlight in front of the bed". When reading it, the tone will pause unconsciously, which is a bit sluggish, but it was changed by Zhuangyuanlang to "bed" After "Moonlight Before", it became much more catchy to read. No matter how deep things are, Meng Chong estimates that there must be something there, but because of his limited literary skills, he cannot see it, but it is an indisputable fact that it is catchy.

It seems like it has really been changed? !

After reading the first two sentences, Meng Chong involuntarily raised his head and glanced at Zhu Pingan, wanting to see if Zhu Pingan had grown an extra head. In such a short period of time, he could really modify Shixian's poems? !

Just one head!

How did you do it? !

Meng Chong withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and looked down: "Look up at the bright moon, lower your head to think about your hometown."


This sentence has also changed.

The original work was "Looking up at the mountains and the moon, bowing down to think of my hometown.", but the number one scholar revised it to "Looking up to the bright moon, looking down to my hometown." The reading is also smoother. Meng Chong also came to Beijing from other places. Every full moon night, he would feel homesick under the bright moon. Meng Chong thought about it and felt that "raising his head" is a little lighter, while "raising his head" is more helpless and heavy. , it seems that "raising head" can express homesickness better than "raising head". "Mountain Moon" was changed to "Ming Yue", which made it more catchy to read. The deeper reason was something Meng Chong couldn't understand.

However, it is an indisputable fact that such a change in the whole poem makes it more catchy and easier to read.

As for the artistic conception, I feel that Zhuangyuanlang's is more beautiful and vivid. Of course, this may also be because my literary skills are not deep.

However, if you let yourself choose, it seems that the version modified by Zhuang Yuanlang is better than the original.

It seems like the champion has really done it? !

I originally thought that this was a free question, but I never expected that for the number one scholar, it was a free question.

"Master Xiao Zhu deserves to be the top scholar. This song "Silent Night Thoughts" has been changed by Master Xiao Zhu, and it seems to be a step up from the original." Meng Chong held up the rice paper with both hands and said to Zhu Ping'an with a smile.

"What?! Better?" The guard in the red flying fish uniform was stunned when he heard this. Eunuch Meng was joking. The poem that Zhu Pingan revised without thinking could be better than the original work by the poet Li Bai. ? !

Jin Yiwei in the red flying fish uniform came forward in disbelief and took a look at Zhu Ping'an's revised "Quiet Night Thoughts".


It looks like it's true.

The red flying fish uniform Jin Yiwei was silent.

"Ping An is just chasing a duck to get on the shelves. If you are lucky enough to be as good as a poet, it is just because Ping An stands on the shoulders of giants." Zhu Pingan said modestly, cupping his hands.

"Standing on the shoulders of giants. The words that the champion said casually are all amazing. It's too difficult to be humble, haha." Meng Chong said with a smile, and then carefully put away the rice paper, thinking to himself, this sentence The words are quite interesting, and I can tell them to the Holy One when the time comes.

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