Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1075 Keep your word

""Thoughts on a Quiet Night"" Meng Chong knelt on the ground in response to the order and read aloud Zhu Ping'an's revised "Thoughts on a Quiet Night" starting from the title.

Emperor Jiajing was sitting on the lawn, concentrating on petting the cat. He was bent on pleasing the cat owner, and he didn't pay any attention to it. He seemed to just regard Meng Chong's reading as the background music for petting the cat.

"There is bright moonlight in front of the bed, I suspect it's frost on the ground." Meng Chong read out the first two sentences revised by Zhu Ping'an.

Emperor Jiajing, who was concentrating on petting the cat, couldn't help but stop petting the cat when he heard these two sentences read by Meng Chong.

The fat tabby cat purred lowly and rubbed his head against Emperor Jiajing's hand twice, urging Emperor Jiajing to continue.

"Look up at the bright moon, lower your head and think about your hometown." Meng Chong then read the last two sentences aloud.

After hearing this, Emperor Jiajing closed his eyes involuntarily, as if feeling something, and completely forgot about petting the cat.

In the mind of Emperor Jiajing, the bricks and tiles of Prince Lu Zhouxing's Mansion began to slowly emerge, and the scenes of his past life also began to flash in his mind.

"Meow meow~"

Seeing that Emperor Jiajing had neglected him, the fat tabby cat meowed dissatisfiedly and kept rubbing his head against Emperor Jiajing's hand.

"Haha, my General Longhu is jealous." Emperor Jiajing came back to his senses and smiled, gently touched the fat tabby cat's head and teased him, "If there is a chance someday, I will lead General Longhu General, go to my hometown, Prince Xing's Mansion in Luzhou. It's not as big as here, but there is a rockery with many caves, which the general will definitely like."

Meng Chong, who was kneeling on the ground with his head lowered in anticipation of the order, felt a surge in his heart after listening to Emperor Jiajing's words. This was because the emperor had listened to Lord Xiao Zhu's revision of "Quiet Night Thoughts" and was moved by the scene, recalling the palace of Prince Lu Zhouxing during the Long Qian period.

"Transcribe several copies and send them to Wuyi Hall. Comment objectively and report them to me."

After Emperor Jiajing teased the fat tabby cat for a while, he calmly gave instructions to Meng Chong, who was kneeling in wait for the order.

"This slave obeys your orders."

Meng Chong touched his head to the ground, stood up after receiving the order, lowered his head and walked away backwards.

Soon, Meng Chong copied several copies of "Quiet Night Thoughts" and sent them to Wuyi Hall for comments from the ministers on duty.

"Huh? It turned out to be a rewrite of "Quiet Night Thoughts" by the poet Li Taibai. May I ask Eunuch Meng, who wrote "Quiet Night Thoughts"?"

Before starting to comment, a worthy minister asked Meng Chong who wrote this revised version of "Quiet Night Thoughts".

"This "Quiet Night Thoughts" comes from."

Meng Chong was about to tell the ministers that this "Quiet Night Thoughts" was written by Zhu Pingan, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly thought of the "objective review" commanded by Emperor Jiajing in his mind. As for objective review, if it is a public review Now that I know the author is Mr. Xiao Zhu, wouldn’t it be easy for me to bring my personal subjective feelings towards Mr. Xiao Zhu into my comments?

It is better to do less than to do more. If you do more, you will make more mistakes. If you do less, you will make fewer mistakes. If you do less, you will be better.

The miscellaneous family cannot do the errands of the Holy One.

Thinking of this, Meng Chong closed his mouth, smiled, and said to the ministers on duty: "Haha, my lords, please let the Zajia family wait for a while. After all the lords have finished their comments, the Zajia family will tell you all."

Although I don't know who the author is, I know that Emperor Jiajing asked them to review this "Quiet Night Thoughts". Based on this, most of the ministers use praise when they comment.

"Well, you actually rewrote Shi Xian's "Quiet Night Thoughts"? You are really brave for a master of art. The first sentence of "watching the moonlight before bed" was rewritten as "bright moonlight before bed", which makes it even more catchy to read. "The worthy minister commented impatiently.

"More than that, if you read it carefully, it makes sense to remove the word 'look'. The version that was circulated before was 'look at the moonlight in front of the bed'. The moonlight is an invisible thing, so it is not good to 'look' on purpose, and if you go on purpose If you look at it, it's not easy to mistake "moonlight" for "suspected to be frost on the ground." If you change it to "bright moonlight in front of the bed," it means that "moonlight" is inadvertently reflected in your eyes, which leads to "suspect" in the next sentence. It's "frost on the ground", which makes people feel much more natural when reading it. It can be said to be completely natural." Yuan Wei has always been active and enthusiastic about this kind of thing, which can show his talents, so he took the words of the previous minister and went one step further. Explain, delve into the considerations behind the changed words, and sing praises for the revised version, "Especially the change of 'raise your head' to 'raise your head', which can be said to be the finishing touch of this poem. Looking up always gives people a relaxed feeling." , and the head looks heavy when raised, which further highlights the weight of homesickness."

"Of course, what Mr. Yuan said is true. In fact, strictly speaking, there are dozens of versions of "Silent Night Thoughts" that have been handed down. The version that is popular today is only the version collected and published by the Song Dynasty, which is different from the original work by the poet Li Taibai. No one can say for sure whether there are any discrepancies. This revised "Silent Night Thoughts" is more catchy and easy to understand than the Song version. "Silent Night Thoughts" is a work of Mongolian scholars, so the revised version is more suitable for the reading of Mongolian scholars. , is the gospel of Mengtong in the Ming Dynasty, and should be vigorously promoted and recited."

All the ministers in Wuyi Hall rushed to speak, and there were endless comments praising the revised version of "Quiet Night Thoughts".

Of course, it is not without criticism. They say that "Silent Night Thoughts" is "tampering" with the masterpiece of the poet, and it is suspected of "blaspheming" the masterpiece of the poet. Also, the original "Mountain Moon" is more elegant, and the revised one is more elegant. "Ming Yue" is much more tacky, but these voices were soon criticized and then submerged in the human voice. Compared with the wave of praise, it was just a small ripple, not even a wave.

While everyone was commenting, Meng Chong and several young eunuchs were taking notes, especially Yuan Wei's comments. After everyone finished commenting, Meng Chong fulfilled his promise before commenting, and the editor of "Quiet Night Thoughts" - ——Zhu Pingan informed everyone, and then went to return his orders to Emperor Jiajing.

After hearing that "Quiet Night Thoughts" was composed by Zhu Pingan, Yuan Wei, who had sang the praises most enthusiastically before, was stunned. His mouth opened as if he had swallowed a mouse, and various emotions such as discomfort, disgust, regret, etc. came one after another. , if I had known that this song "Quiet Night Thoughts" was changed by Zhu Ping'an, I would have sung his praises and praised him. Bah, I won't let him cheat. I don't even have the surname Yuan. Yuan Wei's intestines are all broken Regret.

It's a pity that without if, time is hard to turn back and water is hard to recover.

In the imperial garden, Meng Chong truthfully replied to the cat-loving Emperor Jiajing's comments about the officials in Wuyi Palace.

"If that's the case, then I must keep my word. Are you right, my General Dragon and Tiger?"

Emperor Jiajing lifted the fat tabby cat up with both hands, held its two fat paws up in the air, and said teasingly.

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