Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1076 Demoted to Jingnan

It's dusk again when the sun sets in the west, and the western sky is like a girl wearing blue and rouge makeup, the red is so charming and beautiful.

There is no dusk in the prison, only darkness.

Zhu Pingan relied on the firelight in the corridor, leaned against the prison railings, and wrote and drew tirelessly on the muddy ground.

"Hey nerd, it's time to eat."

The jailer came over with a wooden bucket and knocked on the prison fence with a long-handled spoon stained with rice grains to remind Zhu Ping'an. Then, like feeding pigs, he dug out two spoonfuls of rice from the wooden bucket with a long-handled spoon and put it in a bowl. inside and handed it to Zhu Ping'an.

"Thank you very much."

Zhu Pingan thanked him, took the bowl and put it at his feet. He held the wooden stick in his hand and continued to write and draw.

The first volume of "Records of Military Training" written by Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Japanese general, is almost finished silently, and it is not too late to finish it. As he silently wrote "Records of Military Training", Zhu Pingan's understanding and understanding of military affairs gradually deepened.

Reading a book a hundred times will reveal its meaning; copying a book once is better than reading it a hundred times. Zhu Pingan personally believes in this.

As for the silent writing of "Records of Military Training", it was because the Ming Dynasty was plagued by wars with Japanese captives from the north and the south. No matter what position you were in, it would not hurt to know more about these military training strategies and methods of using troops. Even if he is in the capital, as a civilian official, he will be able to understand if there are battle reports from frontline military attachés in the future.

In fact, in addition to "Records of Military Training", Zhu Ping'an also silently wrote "Sun Tzu's Art of War", "Martial Arts Summary" and other military books while in prison. Of course, not only military books, but also political and economic works, Zhu Pingan also memorized many works in prison. In the imperial prison, the most abundant thing for Zhu Pingan was time. Although the conditions in the imperial prison were difficult, it was rare for no one to disturb him, so Zhu Pingan could concentrate on studying the knowledge he was interested in.

"I'm not active in eating, and there's something wrong with my brain. In this prison, reading and practicing calligraphy are only useful, and I still want to get out. Hehe, I have been working in this prison for more than ten years, and there are so many people coming in, but I haven't seen them. There are only a few who can get out. Why are you torturing yourself like this? It’s better to sleep and live one day at a time.”

The jailer couldn't help but shook his head and ridiculed Zhu Pingan. In the past few days, he inspected the cell. Every time he visited Zhu Pingan, he saw that Zhu Pingan was either endorsing books or practicing calligraphy. His calligraphy practice covered the entire cell. It had been turned over several times, and the mud was almost turning into sand. I was very impressed by this nerd.

In his opinion, Zhu Ping'an was already in prison, so why did he bother himself so much? Memorizing and practicing calligraphy was so boring and tiring. If he had the time to memorize and practice calligraphy, he might as well sleep a little longer like other prisoners. , an extra day of sleep is a day.

muddle along.

This is what a prisoner should be like.

"If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening." Zhu Ping'an raised his head and smiled slightly. How many people in history have studied and studied knowledge, and the more difficult the situation, the more energetic they became, and finally achieved something. For example, Confucius was as poor as Chen and Cai. He would not pour out the soup of quinoa, and would not taste a grain for seven days, but he lectured, recited, and played the piano all day long. If you don't stop, you will eventually become a saint. My own talent is only one ten thousandth of that of Confucius Sheng and other sages, and I can only keep up with them if I work hard.

"What do you mean?" The jailer looked confused, then shook his head and said sarcastically, "I don't know if you know, but I know that if you don't even know how to eat, you are not far from starving to death."

"Haha, thank you for reminding me, I will eat this volume after I finish writing it." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"What a nerd. In this prison, there is a ball for writing. Why, you still want to get out?" The jailer looked at Zhu Pingan.

"Haha, rice is material food, and books are spiritual food. The body must be full, but the spirit must not be hungry. In addition, to be honest, I really want to go out. You have to have some dreams in life, otherwise there is no difference from salted fish. As soon as it is realized." Zhu Ping'an smiled and finally replied using Master Xing's famous saying.

"What if it comes true? Haha, you are really a nerd. You can finish eating later, lie down there, and your dream will come true."

The jailer shook his head and sneered, thinking that Zhu Ping'an was so whimsical that he wanted to get out after entering the imperial prison. It was just a dream.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and said no more. He lowered his head and continued to write silently the first volume of "Records of Military Training" which was almost completed.

“What a nerd”

The jailer felt that Zhu Ping'an was hopeless, shook his head, and walked away with the rice bucket.

"The imperial edict has arrived!"

But just when the jailer was about to reach the corner of the corridor, he suddenly heard a sharp sound coming from the other side of the corridor.

Imperial decree? !

When the jailer heard the word "imperial edict", his body reflexively knelt down on the edge of the aisle and moved out of the way.

Soon, a group of people walked over from the aisle, led by three eunuchs. The leading eunuch respectfully held a black ox horn scroll in his hand, and was accompanied by a team of royal guards.

The group of people passed by the kneeling jailer and went straight to Zhu Pingan's cell. The kneeling jailer saw from the corner of his eye the group of people reading out the imperial edict and stopped in front of Zhu Pingan's cell. He couldn't help but think of Zhu Pingan in his mind. That sentence: You have to have some dreams as a person, otherwise what’s the difference from salted fish? What if it comes true?

You can't really be fooled by this nerd, can you? !

The jailer's eyelids couldn't help but twitched, and then he shook his head, no, this nerd was imprisoned in the imperial prison by the emperor's order, how could he be released again by the emperor's order, how could he change his mind so quickly because of the emperor's golden words.

Could it be that he ordered the execution of this nerd? !

It's a pity that this nerd doesn't look like a treacherous person, and the jailer can't help but pity Zhu Ping'an. In fact, even though the jailers often ridiculed Zhu Pingan, in my heart I still admired Zhu Pingan for persisting in studying and practicing calligraphy in prison. Therefore, three meals a day were never left behind by Zhu Pingan.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao Zhu, we meet again."

The leading eunuch was Meng Chong, who had left in the morning. He came to Zhu Pingan's cell and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

When Zhu Ping'an saw Meng Chong, he couldn't help but feel excited. Meng Chong had only asked for information in the morning and came to announce the order in the evening. Looking at Meng Chong's smiling face, it was obvious that he had brought good news.

Although Zhu Pingan was somewhat sure of the arrival of this moment after Meng Chong's questioning in the morning, Zhu Pingan still couldn't help but be excited when he saw Meng Chong with a smile on his face and the imperial edict in his hand.

"Eunuch Meng." Zhu Ping'an suppressed the excitement in his heart, cupped his hands and replied softly.

"Master Qianhu, please ask someone to open the cell door so that the Zajia family can announce the decree to Master Xiaozhu." Meng Chong said with a smile to the leader of the Jinyi Guard who was accompanying him.

The leader of Jin Yiwei nodded and ordered people to open Zhu Pingan's cell door.

"The imperial edict has arrived, Zhu Pingan will receive it." Meng Chong unfolded the imperial edict.

"Zhu Pingan, the sinner, pays homage to our emperor. Long live my emperor." Zhu Pingan paid homage to the imperial edict.

"By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict: Zhu Ping'an, a lecturer in Prince Yu's palace, did not report the knowledge, shielded and protected Yang Jisheng, concealed Yang Jisheng's crimes, and falsely accused the ministers. Remembering the first offender, he had meritorious service and was demoted to the county magistrate of Jingnan."

Meng Chong's voice reading out the imperial edict echoed in the prison.

Did you really go out? !

The jailer kneeling on the ground looked shocked and incredulous.

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