Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1077 Return safely

The sun has set in the west, and twilight is coming from below the horizon, covering the sky and soon dominating the world.


With a harsh sound of metal friction, the door of Beizhen Fusi Imperial Prison opened, and a young man with stubble and shabby clothes walked out. It was Zhu Ping'an who had received the imperial edict of amnesty and was demoted to Jingnan County Magistrate. .

The reason why he was wearing shabby clothes was not because Zhu Pingan kept a low profile, but because the clothes Zhu Pingan wore when he entered the prison were no longer found. It was probably sold by the people in the prison to make money. The prison authorities never expected that Zhu Pingan would be able to get out of the prison, let alone that Zhu Pingan would be able to get out of the prison so quickly. When you get out of prison, you can't go out wearing prison clothes, otherwise it will be no different from escaping from prison, so the jailer rummaged through the box and found this shabby clothes from the corner.

"The free air outside is so comfortable to breathe."

Zhu Pingan walked out of the prison gate, stretched his waist, shook his neck, and took a breath of air intoxicatedly.

Sister Li and the others have to worry about something bad these days. It is better to return home quickly to save them from worrying about me.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an ignored the free air, determined the direction, and walked quickly towards Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

By the time Zhu Ping'an jogged all the way back to Linhuai Hou Mansion, night had filled the air and the curfew was about to begin.

"Where did the beggar come from?! This is the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, leave quickly."

Because of the dark night, Zhu Pingan was stubbled and groaning again, his body was much thinner, and his clothes were shabby. The concierge Zhang did not recognize Zhu Pingan for a while, and thought that Zhu Pingan was a beggar who broke into the Linhuai Marquis Mansion. .

"Ahem, Lao Zhang, it's me."

Zhu Ping'an coughed, looked up at the concierge Lao Zhang, and showed his iconic honest smile.

"The voice is a bit familiar. You are the uncle, you are the fifth uncle. The fifth uncle is back."

When the concierge Lao Zhang heard Zhu Pingan's voice, he couldn't help but froze for a moment. He felt that the voice was a bit familiar. Seeing the honest smile on Zhu Pingan's face, he suddenly felt that this person was very familiar. He rubbed his eyes hard and looked again, and finally recognized Zhu Pingan. It was safe, and his voice was trembling with excitement. He didn't expect that the uncle who was taken away to prison by Jin Yiwei would come out so quickly, and he couldn't help shouting out happily.

The prison was a place like hell. After being arrested, I heard that no one could come out alive.

Unexpectedly, my uncle came out. My uncle is really powerful, even more powerful than the Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

The concierge Lao Zhang excitedly opened the door to Zhu Pingan and invited Zhu Pingan into the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

Zhu Ping'an entered the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, said a few words of excited greeting to the concierge, and then walked to the backyard without stopping.

It was getting late, and red lanterns were hung at the entrances of all the courtyards of Linhuai Marquis Mansion. The lights were brightly lit everywhere. From time to time, the aroma of fine wines and delicacies, as well as laughter and laughter could be heard from inside, showing the spirit of a noble family.

Compared with the lively courtyards, the Jingxiang Garden is much deserted, and there is not a trace of laughter.

Compared to the aroma of fine wine and food from other courtyards, what comes out of the Jingxiang Garden is the smell of soup and medicine.

The sixth lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion had dinner at the old lady's house, passed by the Jingxiang Garden, and returned to the garden where she lived. The girls Jinque and Yin Ge held two lanterns, and they immediately smelled the rich aroma of the Jingxiang Garden. The soup tastes medicinal.

"It's hard for people in Jingxiang Garden to bear the smell of such a strong soup," Jinque said in a low voice.

"It's so deserted, as if no one lives there. Usually their courtyard is the busiest." Yin Ge added.

"Giggle~~ Let her rise again. She is as arrogant as a peacock. She is obviously a country girl, but she lives a nobler life than the princess in the palace. Now she is fine. Lang Jun is in prison, and he has become a A sick chicken, she was suddenly knocked back to her original shape, let’s see how she still puts on such a stinky air in front of me.”

The sixth lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion took out her embroidered handkerchief and covered her nose and mouth. She glanced at Jingxiang Garden and thought of the days when she was suppressed by Li Shu. She couldn't help but giggle, full of gloating.

"She said she is a young lady, but she is just a country girl. How can she be compared to a young lady? The old lady likes the young lady the most. The old lady knows that the young lady likes pink and jade cloud satin. When we divided the satin, the old lady specially kept all the satin. I gave it to the young lady. And the young lady’s fiancé, Mr. Xu, has been transferred to the Ministry of Household Affairs. With Mr. Zhang, an old friend of Wei Guogong, looking after him, Mr. Xu’s future is limitless. He can be promoted if he wants to be promoted. That one has been imprisoned. Well, what kind of prison is this? People eat people without spitting out their bones. How can they come out alive after being imprisoned there? What's the use of him getting the top prize? Can compare with Mr. Xu."

Yin Ge is a thoughtful girl. She knows what her young lady likes to hear, so she deliberately belittles Li Shu and Zhu Ping'an to cater to the preferences of the fifth lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

"Hun said, what kind of fiancé is this? I'm so embarrassed."

The sixth lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion spat and cursed, but her face felt as if she had eaten honey. It sounded more like praise and encouragement than scolding. It was a typical inconsistency between what she meant and what she said. She wished that the girl Let’s go on.

"My servant didn't tell you nonsense. The Duke of Wei came here to get the Geng Tie, which means he was born in the same year." Yin Ge did not disappoint Miss Sixth's expectations and continued to talk about this topic.

"Miss is the truly blessed person." Jinque also agreed.

Jinque and Yinge boasted for a while, and the sixth lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion was so elated and happy that their pretty faces were as rosy as a ripe peach.

The three of them were talking when they suddenly saw a person walking across from them. He quickly walked into the light range of the lantern and appeared in their sight - a young man with stubble and shabby clothes.

man? !

Why did a man come into the backyard? ! Still wearing shabby clothes? ! Could it be that he broke in secretly with evil intentions? !


The sixth lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion was so frightened that she couldn't help but scream.

The two girls Jinque and Yinge also screamed closely, the lanterns in their hands shaking like chaff in a sieve.

"I go!"

Zhu Ping'an on the opposite side was startled by their screams.


The screaming Miss Six felt a little familiar when she heard Zhu Ping'an's voice, and couldn't help but stop screaming.

Looking along the flickering lantern light, I saw Zhu Ping'an's face clearly. Although he had a stubble and a sigh, he recognized it.

No way? !

Miss Six rubbed her eyes and took another closer look to make sure she saw it right. It was really Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an came out of prison!

The sixth lady was stunned. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was as if cold water had been poured on her whole body. The mood that she had been so elated and happy just now suddenly became terrible. The sense of superiority she had just found suddenly disappeared. There was nothing left, and he thought of the past days when he was suppressed by Li Shu.

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