Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1079 A life-threatening illness

"Sister Li, what's wrong with you? What did the doctor say?" Zhu Pingan held Li Shu's little hand and asked with concern.


Li Shu stopped talking, blinked her watery eyes, and looked at Zhu Ping'an reluctantly. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and a layer of mist brewed in Li Shu's eyes instantly and spread.

Why does this scene look so much like the farewell scene between the male and female protagonists in the TV series? ! Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, as if he was being held by someone's hand, and his face turned pale with nervousness.

"Sister Li"

Zhu Ping'an reached out and took Li Shu into his arms, comforting her, "It's okay, it's okay. With me, everything will be fine."

"Brother Zhu, Doctor, the doctor said that I am suffering from a serious illness that is life-threatening." Li Shu leaned in Zhu Pingan's arms, holding Zhu Pingan's clothes with her little hands, and slowly raised her face, her eyes filled with mist. Xuanran was about to cry, and she was so pitiful, like little white flowers floating in the cold wind.

Suffering from a life-threatening illness? !

Is it so serious? !

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he felt as if he was struck by thunder, and his heart sank straight into a deep pool as if a stone was tied to it.

Scenes of bickering when I was a child, scenes of laughing and scolding, scenes of borrowing books, scenes of cutting my wrists and feeding blood when I was in trouble at sea, scenes of preparing delicious food for myself in different ways every day.

Coming in droves

"The doctor said, there are still eight months. In eight months, I will..."

Li Shu leaned tightly against Zhu Pingan's chest, her voice was trembling and inaudible. Zhu Pingan could feel Li Shu trembling.

Eight months!

Eight months to go! ! !

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he felt as if he had been fatally injured, his heart spasmed to the point of stopping, and his face instantly turned pale.

how so? ! Is it because Li Shu was frightened and fell ill from overwork because she was imprisoned? !

Why? !

It was obvious that he was the one who caused the trouble, why should the punishment befall Li Shu! ! If God has eyes, please transfer all misfortunes to me.

Zhu Pingan hugged Li Shu tightly, and looked at Li Shu, who used to be charming and charming in the past, but was now sick and weak. At this moment, Zhu Pingan regretted that he had visited Yang Jisheng that day and suggested revising the memorial.

"The doctor said there are still eight months. After eight months, I will just do it." Li Shu lay in Zhu Pingan's arms and said weakly, as if she was cold, and her body shivered more and more violently, "I just... She's about to give birth." After saying that, Li Shu couldn't help it anymore and started to giggle.

Qin'er and other girls in the room had already endured the discomfort, but now they couldn't bear it any longer, covering their little mouths and laughing.

"Quack doctor, what a quack doctor says, sister Li?! She's about to give birth?!" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but comfort Li Shu when Li Shu trembled and said weakly that I would be pregnant in eight months, but what happened next? Li Shu said, "I'm about to give birth." This twist suddenly flashed Zhu Ping'an's waist.

I will give birth in eight months

Zhu Ping'an was so shocked by Li Shu's words that he opened his mouth wide enough to fit a fist in. He was stunned for a second, swallowed, and asked with a trembling voice, "You mean you will be here in eight months?" About to give birth?!”


Li Shu blinked her big watery eyes and nodded innocently, just like a little fox.

After receiving Li Shu's affirmative answer, Zhu Pingan was so excited that he felt like a volcano erupting, reaching a high point in an instant.

The baby is due in eight months.

That is to say, Li Shu was already pregnant before she was sent to prison.

I'm going to be a dad!

Zhu Ping'an's excitement could not be expressed in words. It was as if every cell was erupting like a volcano.

As for what Li Shu had just teased him about with his life-threatening illness, Zhu Pingan had long forgotten about it. And Li Shu wasn't lying. Being pregnant was of course a matter of life and death, as she gave birth to a little life.

"Look at how stupid you are~~" Li Shu rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Hehe." Zhu Pingan giggled.

"You're going to giggle!" Li Shu said softly, stretching out her little hand to push Zhu Ping'an, "I smell so bad, so I just go to others. Qin'er, hurry up and set up a charcoal pot at the door for Brother Zhu to step on." Go over and burn off the bad luck; Mozhu, go and prepare grapefruit leaves and nectar water. Just mix the bath water in the altar we went to the temple to pray for blessings last time; Mo Sheng, go to the kitchen and ask Ma Liu and the others to prepare it. There is a table of wine and food that Brother Zhu likes to eat, oh, there are also pickled side dishes, pick up a small plate too."

In the blink of an eye, Li Shu arranged everything in an orderly manner.

"Take good care of yourself and don't worry about these things. I can take care of them."

Zhu Ping'an carefully helped Li Shu lean against the pillow, as if Li Shu was a fragile doll. Zhu Ping'an's cautious attitude made the girls around him cover their mouths and snicker.

"Miss, the soup is ready."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, had just come into the house from outside carrying the boiled soup.

Step across the brazier, bathe in grapefruit leaf nectar water, and change clothes.

By the time Zhu Ping'an changed his clothes and came out of the bathroom, a table of delicious, delicious and delicious food had already been set up.

"Uncle, that day you were kidnapped by those ferocious Jinyi guards and just left the house. After the young lady forced herself to arrange things, she fainted as soon as her vision went dark. We were all frightened. Doctor Zhang came over to diagnose the young lady's pulse. , only then did I find out that the lady was pregnant with the baby. She was also overworked and worried, and she was overly nervous and anxious, so she fainted."

During the meal, Zhu Ping'an learned the whole story from Hua'er, Baozi's little maid.

"Mr. Zhang prescribed a prescription and took some medicine. The lady drank a few. The last time Dr. Zhang went back for a follow-up visit, he said that the lady was auspicious and the fetal image was stable. The lady took this one today, and she can invite you again tomorrow. Dr. Zhang is here for follow-up consultation."

"Only the young lady and our personal maid know about the miss's bad baby. Oh, by the way, now the uncle is also included. I haven't told anyone about it. In the first three months, the uncle can't tell anyone, otherwise he will offend the 'fetal god' Those who are unhappy can only tell outsiders after three months. That’s what the old people say.”

"Sixth Miss and the others thought she was sick, and my uncle was caught and imprisoned. They said a lot of sarcastic things, just to see her laugh. Now it's good, my uncle is released from prison. When the time comes, they will know that the miss is pregnant. It's a baby, huh, it would be strange if their teeth fell into their stomachs if they weren't surprised."

When the little maid Baozi was serving Zhu Ping'an's meal, her little mouth kept clicking. Thanks to the little maid Baozi's mouth, Zhu Ping'an learned all the big and small things that happened in Linhuai Marquis Mansion during the nearly one week he spent in prison.

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