Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1080 Plan

Zhu Ping'an was released from prison and Li Shu became pregnant. For Jing Xiangyuan, these two events can be said to be a double happiness for Jing Xiangyuan.

Moreover, Zhu Ping'an returned safely from the imperial edict, which made Li Shu's worries and anxiety disappear. The root cause of the disease was cured immediately without medicine. Zhu Ping'an also had an extra bowl of rice for dinner, and his pretty face changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. It became rosy. Qin'er and Hua'er couldn't help but joke that their uncle was the lady's panacea.

However, the fly in the ointment is that although Zhu Pingan was released from prison safely, he was demoted to Jingnan County Magistrate.

"Where is Jingnan? How is the environment? Is it a remote place? It can't be a barren land, right? Hua'er, Qin'er, you will start arranging things from tomorrow, count the gold and silver, and pack the luggage. While we are still in the capital, send people out to buy more cloth, medicinal materials and some daily necessities that are in short supply, so that we can avoid trouble when we get to Jingnan."

After dinner, Li Shu asked Zhu Ping'an in a sweet voice and softly told Hua'er and Qin'er to get ready for departure.

"Jingnan is roughly in the area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang, maybe a little further to the southeast. It seems to be a coastal county. I will go to the official department tomorrow to ask carefully. Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the southeast has been well developed and is not a wilderness."

Zhu Ping'an didn't know the specific location of Jingnan County. He asked Meng Chong before leaving the imperial prison. Meng Chong didn't know either. He just heard that it was a coastal county. The specific situation could only be checked at the Ministry of Personnel tomorrow.

Although Zhu Ping'an doesn't know the specific location of Jingnan, he generally knows that it is located on the southeast coast. Now that Japanese pirates are raging on the southeast coast, Jingnan County must not be able to stay out of it. In addition, Zhu Ping'an always feels that the reason why he was demoted is When he arrived in Jingnan, he must have an inseparable relationship with the Yan Party. He didn't know what dangers were waiting for him in Jingnan. Zhu Pingan didn't want Li Shu to take risks with him. Considering this, Zhu Pingan said softly to Li Shu, "Sister Li, I've thought about it. You should stay in the capital while I go to Jingnan to take up my post."

"Zhu Pingan, what do you mean? Did you think that I was pregnant and wanted to get rid of me and go to Jingnan alone to have sex and have a good time?" After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Li Shu immediately became furious and her little tiger teeth were all wet. It came out.

"No." Zhu Pingan said speechlessly with a black line on his forehead, "Am I that kind of person?!"

"Hmph~~" Li Shu snorted, turned her head, gave Zhu Pingan a back view, and ignored Zhu Pingan.

"Japanese pirates are raging along the southeast coast, and Jingnan probably can't stay out of it. I'm worried about you," Zhu Pingan explained softly.

After listening to Zhu Ping'an's explanation, Li Shu finally turned around, but she still puffed up her cheeks and pouted her mouth, "I'm not afraid."


Zhu Ping'an sighed helplessly, "Okay, then I'll go to Jingnan first and settle in before you come back."

"If you don't want to take me to Jingnan, just say so. Why bother saying that these things are available or not? Today will delay tomorrow, and tomorrow will delay the day after tomorrow. Who knows how long you will delay it. Besides, you are a big man, how can you do that? Clean up the house. When you want to settle down in Jingnan, you will inevitably have to tidy up the house, buy furniture, buy daily necessities, hire some women, girls, boys, and even find a wet nurse in advance. How can you, a big man, do it well? ." Li Shu puffed up her cheeks and let out a sweet sigh. She counted on her fingers and listed the things she needed to do to settle down in Jingnan one by one.


Zhu Ping'an understood what Li Shu meant. Li Shu just wanted to follow him to Jingnan to take up his post.

The attitude is very firm. I will not give up until I achieve my goal.

Zhu Ping'an thought for a moment and nodded helplessly, "Okay, tomorrow I will visit Master Xu and then go to the staff department to see if I can postpone the departure to Jingnan for three days. After a month, the fetal image is stable, and we will leave for Jingnan to take up our post. It is during this time that we should make more preparations."

According to the usual practice, even if you are relegated, you will still be given time to prepare. After all, it is a relegation, not an exile. This is still a humane thing. I'll go find Xu Jie and then go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to talk. If I postpone the departure to Jingnan for more than a month, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Li Shu has been pregnant for more than a month. Another month and a half will be enough for three months, and the fetal image will be stable.

"You said so, then I'll go with you." Hearing Zhu Ping'an nod in agreement, and considerately waiting for her baby to be three months old and the fetal image to be stable before setting off, Li Shu's pretty face instantly became charming. Like a peach, she is rosy, charming and cute, her fragrant cheeks reveal two cute dimples, her cherry mouth slightly raises a beautiful arc, her eyes are filled with happy colors, and the words in her little mouth are full of arrogance and pride. The tone was reluctant, as if since you made such a strong request, I would reluctantly agree to it and go to Jingnan with you.

Well, this is very Li Shu, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Li Shu was a little embarrassed and stretched out her little hand to pinch Zhu Ping'an.

"I'm so happy. I have a little fairy like you to accompany me to Jingnan. This relegation is like a vacation. Not to mention Jingnan, Lingnan and Hainan are also willing." Zhu Ping'an knew Li Shu's arrogant temperament. He coaxed very face-savingly.

"You're already a father, and you're still so glib."

Li Shu couldn't help but smile and say something, her watery eyes filled with spring and charming charm.

"Actually, it's okay to be banished and leave the capital. Nowadays in the capital, the strict party covers the sky with one hand, and the Holy Emperor has great favor and trust for Yan Song. Master Xu still swallows his humiliation, compromises, and flatters me in front of Yan Song, let alone a little kid like me. Hanlin. After being bent over for a long time, I got used to it. I don’t want to be a hunchback in the future. Being away from the capital, I can straighten my waist and do things down-to-earth, so I don’t have to deal with intrigues and intrigues. "

Zhu Ping'an looked out the window at the endless starry sky and said slowly, his eyes shining brightly.

"Brother Zhu's waist is not bent, it is very straight. No one can be straighter than Brother Zhu's waist." Li Shuzhen leaned her head on Zhu Pingan's back, put her hands around Zhu Pingan's waist, and said seriously, the fragrance was like orchid, refreshing. .

The sky is as cold as water at night, and I lie down to watch Altair and Vega.

The sky was already dark, like the Emperor of Heaven splashing ink, blackening the sky, leaving only the twinkling stars.

Hua'er and Qin'er helped Li Shu wash up and go to bed. Qin'er retired, and Hua'er stayed on duty in the small suite.

After sleeping on the prison grass bunk for a week, Zhu Pingan was still a little unaccustomed to sleeping on this soft and comfortable big bed. However, smelling the fragrance of Li Shu next to him and hugging Li Shu's soft body, Zhu Pingan quickly entered. I fell asleep and snored everywhere. Being held in Zhu Pingan's arms and leaning on Zhu Pingan's strong chest, Li Shu felt much more at ease. Although Zhu Pingan snored everywhere, Li Shu quickly fell asleep.

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