Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1081 The plan cannot keep up with the changes

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shines into the room through the morning glow. It is bright and gentle, making people feel comfortable physically and mentally. Zhu Ping'an didn't have the habit of staying in bed. He had already gotten up and practiced calligraphy by the window. He wrote a big letter.

Zhu Ping'an was practicing calligraphy, while Li Shu sat aside and was served by Hua'er and Qin'er, drinking medicine.

The nourishing and anti-fetal medicine prescribed by Dr. Zhang should be taken once in the morning and once in the evening, half an hour before meals.

"Brother Zhu, I'm going to pay my respects to my grandmother first. Brother Zhu came back from prison yesterday, and my grandmother must have received the letter by now. Later, after breakfast, Brother Zhu will have to go there with me again. trip."

After Li Shu drank the decoction, she held her fragrant cheek with her little hand and watched Zhu Ping'an practicing calligraphy for a while. She guessed that it was almost time to say hello, and she said softly.

Morning and dusk are the daily rituals for children and younger generations to serve their parents and elders in the feudal era. It can also be said to be a rule. The larger the family, the more they pay attention to this rule, and the Linhuai Marquis Mansion is no exception.

"Well, okay, after breakfast, we will go to visit my grandmother first, and then I will go to visit Master Xu and the staff." Zhu Pingan nodded. After he came out of the prison, he should go to visit the old lady. In the morning, it was time for the juniors of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion to pay their respects. Most of them were female relatives, so it was not convenient for me to go at this time. It would be more appropriate to go over with Li Shu to visit the old lady after breakfast. Li Shu was very considerate.

Li Shu took Hua'er and Qin'er to the old lady's place to say hello. Zhu Ping'an continued to practice calligraphy by the window. After writing two words, Li Shu came back to say hello. The girls put out breakfast and the two of them sat down to eat together. Breakfast.

After breakfast, Zhu Ping'an was about to go to the old lady's house with Li Shu when a girl came running out of breath.

"Uncle, miss, a team of officials came from the front yard. They said they were from the civil service department. They came to deliver an urgent document to my uncle and asked him to pick it up quickly." The little girl ran over and saluted Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu, hurriedly Busy reporting back.

Early in the morning, the official department delivered an urgent document? !

How long has it been! Do officials work so early? This must be an urgent document that was sent out overnight, right? !

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, and there was a faint foreboding in his heart.

"I went to the front yard to pick up the official documents, and then we went to visit my grandmother together." Zhu Pingan turned to Li Shu and said.

"Well, I'll go with you." Li Shu nodded.

When he arrived at the front yard, Zhu Ping'an saw the officials who had come to deliver urgent documents. The leader was a middle-aged official with a mustache and a protruding forehead. He looked like a deer-headed and rat-like person.

"I am Liu Yanzhi, the head of the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel. I am here to deliver an urgent official document from the Ministry of Personnel to Zhuzhi County."

The middle-aged official looked at Zhu Pingan with some arrogance and specifically stated his official position, calling Zhu Pingan the magistrate of Zhu County. The head of the Literary Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel is a sixth-rank Beijing official, while the county magistrate is a seventh-rank local official, indicating that he has a higher status than Zhu Ping'an.

"Xiaoguan Zhu Pingan has met Chief Liu." Zhu Pingan slightly arched his hands.

Liu Yanzhi had no intention of returning the favor and glanced at Zhu Ping'an arrogantly without even clicking his chin.

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth, this Liu Yanzhi really lived up to his deer-headed and rat-eyed appearance.

"Zhu County Magistrate, I am conveying an urgent official document to you today. The official document is as follows: Jingnan County Magistrate has been vacant for more than a month. Official affairs are neglected, lawsuits are backlogged, order is disordered, taxes and corvees cannot be collected, and Jingnan cannot be relieved from floods and droughts. The county cannot be ignorant for a day, and the people cannot be without their parents for a day. Now Jingnan is in urgent need of a county magistrate to take charge. Zhu Ping'an, the magistrate of Jingnan, received this official document and immediately set off for Jingnan to take up his post. There must be no mistakes. This is an emergency letter stamped with the official seal. County Magistrate Zhu needs to keep the official documents."

Liu Yanzhi took out an urgent official document stamped with the bright red seal of the Ministry of Personnel from his arms and read it out. After the reading, Liu Yanzhi specifically showed the official seal to Zhu Pingan, and then handed the official document to Zhu Pingan.

Set off to Jingnan immediately! You didn't even give me a day! You were so eager to drive me out of the capital! Rush to Jingnan!

The mother is the egg of the other mother!

When Zhu Pingan heard the urgent document read by Liu Yanzhi, he couldn't help but frown, feeling extremely unhappy.

After accepting the urgent official document handed over by Liu Yanzhi, Zhu Pingan glanced down and confirmed the contents of the official document.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as what Liu Yanzhi read.

Originally, I wanted to visit Master Xu Jie and then go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs for activities, which delayed the departure by more than a month. Unexpectedly, before he could leave, the Ministry of Civil Affairs sent someone to send him an urgent document urging him to leave for Jingnan to take up his post immediately. This is an urgent document that the Ministry of Civil Affairs must be working on overnight. As soon as the curfew is over, they will send someone to deliver it to them.

So anxious!

How is it possible to say that there is nothing fishy in this?

"Haha, County Magistrate Zhu is really careful, but how could I read such an important emergency document wrongly?" Liu Yanzhi laughed at Zhu Ping'an's move to confirm the content of the emergency document.

Zhu Ping'an looked up at him, and Liu Yanzhi raised his head arrogantly.

"There are still many things going on in the lower government office." Zhu Ping'an looked up at Liu Yanzhi and said slowly.

"I have nothing to do with the affairs of Zhu Zhi County. I am only responsible for conveying urgent official documents from the Ministry of Personnel. Violating the official documents of the Ministry of Personnel is a serious crime. I think Zhu Zhi County should know about it without me telling him. Zhu Zhi County still overcomes the difficulties. Let's set off for Jingnan to take up the post immediately. Of course, don't say that the official department is impersonal. I make the decision privately and give Zhu Zhixian an hour to prepare. After an hour, I will wait at Qihua Gate for Zhu Zhixian to sign and go through the formalities. By the way, Seeing off Zhu Zhi County. Farewell, see you at Qihua Gate."

Liu Yanzhi interrupted Zhu Pingan's words, finished speaking angrily, said goodbye, turned around and led the servants away.

After Liu Yanzhi left, Li Shu took Hua'er, Qin'er and the others out of the next room. In order to avoid suspicion, they separated from Zhu Pingan when they arrived in the front yard. Zhu Pingan went to pick up urgent documents, and they entered this room and waited.

"What?! Are you leaving for Jingnan immediately?!"

Li Shu couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw the urgent official document from the Ministry of Personnel delivered by Zhu Ping'an, and her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

I just made a plan last night to go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to clear things up and postpone my departure until three months after my death. However, now such an urgent official document has been issued, disrupting everything. It’s so hard to keep up with the changes in plans!

"Ah?! Do you want me to go to Jingnan immediately? What kind of bullshit official document is this!"

The boss of Hua'er opened his mouth and cursed the official document repeatedly. He wanted to tear this urgent official document into pieces. Even if he tore it into pieces, he would not be relieved, and he would have to step on it again.

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