Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1087 Obedient Hua'er

In the dead of night, insects chirped, and stars glittered like gems on the dark sky.

An oil lamp flickered in the inner house of Jingnan County, echoing the stars outside the window. Zhu Pingan sat at the table, looking at the flickering light of the oil lamp, lowering his head and pleading guilty, flipping through the fish scale atlas of Jingnan County, studying the mountains, rivers, fields and soil of the county, and understanding The villages under the jurisdiction are densely located, and the county's tax and grain household registration and customs and sentiments can be understood to facilitate future administration and peace of the people.

After browsing for a while, Zhu Pingan felt a little thirsty. Just as he was about to pour tea to moisten his throat, he saw a cup of steaming tea, held by a pair of fleshy white tender hands, appearing in front of him as if he had a tacit understanding. .

With these fleshy little hands, you don’t have to guess who they are.

Sure enough, Zhu Ping'an looked up and saw Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, holding hot tea in her small hands and handing it to him.

"Hua'er, aren't you sleeping yet? You've been traveling day and night for half a month, sleeping in the open air, and taking care of me. You haven't been able to get a good rest. When you arrived in Jingnan, you were busy cleaning up the county government house and settling in. It's been really hard on you. Please hurry up. Go and have a rest, and don't worry about me. I'll look through the fish scale album for a while, and I'll almost have a rest."

Zhu Ping'an took the hot tea, thanked Hua'er, and said warmly, asking Hua'er to rest first.

"Oh, oh okay. Okay, uncle."

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, Hua'er's face suddenly turned red, she nodded her head twice, held the corner of her clothes and went down.

After Hua'er left, Zhu Ping'an drank half a cup of tea and continued to open his fish scale album until he reached the last page of the last one. Then he rubbed his eyes, stretched, and sorted out the fish scale album. , locked it in the drawer, put out the oil lamp with the lamp cover, followed the starlight outside the window, and went to the bedroom to go to bed.

Except for his clothes, Zhu Pingan opened the quilt and lay on the bed.

Hey, Hua'er's hands and feet are so nimble, even the quilt has been scented with aromatherapy. It smells good. As soon as Zhu Ping'an lay on the bed, he smelled a faint fragrance between his noses, and couldn't help but think of this in his heart.

I can finally have a good sleep.

Zhu Pingan lay on the bed and stretched out, preparing to have a good sleep. The next second, Zhu Pingan froze as if his acupuncture points were tapped, because as soon as Zhu Pingan stretched in the bed, he touched Arrived with a fiery body

"Auntie," Hua'er's shy voice trembled from Zhu Pingan's ears, just like a little cat, her voice was soft and soft, "Belt, quilt. The quilt is warm."

Painting? Painting? !

Zhu Pingan retracted his hand in an instant, and his whole body seemed to be on a spring. He suddenly sat up from the bed, his blood surged, his heartbeat accelerated instantly, and it made a thumping sound, like a drum.

"Hua Hua'er, why are you here?" Zhu Ping'an's voice sounded like his mouth had been burned.

"My aunt, it's the lady's order. The lady asked me to sleep with my aunt after arriving in Jingnan, and feed my aunt. I won't let my uncle go out to play with women, and I won't leave other girls the opportunity to crawl into bed."

Hua'er followed Zhu Ping'an and sat up, pulled up the quilt to cover her chest, revealing the belt of her bellyband on her neck, and a patch of snow-white that couldn't be covered. Her baby-fat little face was lowered, and she replied in a waxy voice, "Little Her face was as red as the overripe crayfish in the pot, and her whole body exuded an irresistible temptation under the starlight.

Feed. Feed? !

Zhu Ping'an's eyes turned red when he heard Hua'er say this word, and the blood pressure in his body was like a volcano erupting, rushing straight to his forehead.

Fight, stop

Zhu Ping'an's throat was so dry that only a trace of rationality was strangled by impulse. He took a deep breath, suppressed the restless blood and impulse in his body with difficulty, and turned his eyes away from Hua'er.

Zhu Ping'an believed what Hua'er said.

Hua'er was Li Shu's most loyal girl, and she carried out Li Shu's every word as an imperial edict. Li Shu was even more jealous than Empress Dugu. She was always merciless to those of the opposite sex who tried to climb into bed. Hua'er knew this very well. If it wasn't for Li Shu's orders, Hua'er would never do it.

Li Shu had a criminal record. When she was in the capital, one time when Li Shu was having her menstrual period, she arranged for Hua'er to take care of her when she went to bed, and also told Hua'er to make herself comfortable.

No wonder Hua'er blushed so hard when she asked her to go and have a rest before going to bed. She went to have a rest first, and then she thought she was urging her to come and warm the bed before going to bed? !

"Auntie, it's late at night, let's settle down." Baozi's little maid said with a shy and trembling voice.

After saying that, Hua'er lay down with her eyes closed and her eyelashes trembling. She looked like an uncle, you can do whatever you want.

This evil feudal society

Zhu Ping'an's blood became hot again, and his nose felt a little itchy. He didn't know if it was bleeding.

"Ahem, I remembered, there is a book of fish scales that I haven't read yet, please go to sleep first."

Zhu Ping'an used great willpower to drag himself off the bed, picked up his clothes, and ran away.

Early the next morning, Zhu Ping'an went to the hall with a pair of panda eyes, and Hua'er also tidied the house with a pair of panda eyes.

When Liu Dadao and the others met, they winked in private. The young master must have been frustrated during this journey. Was this a long night? !

They didn't think there was anything abnormal. In ancient times, it was normal to have three wives and four concubines. It would be abnormal for an outstanding person like the young master to have only one person in the house. Hua'er was the young lady's dowry girl and the young lady. Everyone in the house knows privately that the lady has appointed the maid as the first wife. The young lady arranged for Hua'er to accompany the young master when he took office, just to take care of the young master's daily life. This is so normal.

Today is the first time that Zhu Ping'an has formally summoned the county officials and servants, and called them by name. He ordered the county magistrate, the chief secretary, the dianshi and the six-room magistrate to report on their work and learn more about the situation in Jingnan County.

During roll call, Dianshi Li Dafu came.

The county magistrate Zhang Changru and the mayor Bo Yao Wenyuan explained that Li Da drank too much yesterday and had not sobered up yet, so he came to Yingmao.

Zhu Ping'an nodded without saying anything. Li Da drank a lot at the reception banquet.

Through the reports of Zhang Changru and others, Zhu Pingan had a better understanding of the situation in Jingnan County Government. It was bad, very bad, a mess, it couldn’t be worse: Jingnan County Government had a backlog of major, important and minor cases. Hundreds of cases have yet to be tried, and there are almost no more prisoners in the jail. The official duties sent by Taizhou Prefecture have piled up in a small mountain. Last year's tax money and food have not been collected yet. Many villages have been flooded by rain, and the Miaoman village and adjacent villages have been flooded. There have been many disputes in the village. Bandits have frequently occurred in several nearby mountains. Pirates have continued along the coast. There are also signs of Japanese pirates committing crimes again.

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