Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1088 Such a subordinate

Are things in the world difficult or easy? If you do it, what is difficult will become easy; if you don't do it, what is easy will also be difficult.

Although the situation in Jingnan is a mess, Zhu Pingan believes that everything is difficult at the beginning, and as long as you do it, you can sort out the mess.

After listening to everyone's reports, Zhu Ping'an thought for a moment and clarified his thinking: if there is a backlog of cases, then work overtime to try and make judgments; if there is a backlog of official duties assigned by the Taizhou Prefecture, then deal with them one by one; if all the tax money and grain are not collected, then then Just go to the grassroots level to check the situation and call for taxes; if there is a flood disaster, provide timely relief, build water conservancy projects, and solve the hidden dangers of floods and droughts; if there is a dispute in the Miaoman village, then do a good job in maintaining stability; if there are frequent bandits and pirates, then They recruited soldiers, horses, trained young men, strengthened city defenses, and deployed arrangements to suppress bandits. There was a hidden danger of Japanese pirates committing another offense. Given the current situation in Jingnan, early warning and defense were still the main focus.

Although the county government is small, its organizational structure is as complete as that of the country, and specific responsible departments can be found for each task.

As the county magistrate, he is responsible for all work in Jingnan and is in charge of the trial of cases; Zhang County Magistrate is in charge of taxation, money and food; Chief Yao is in charge of official affairs dispatched by Taizhou Prefecture; Li Dianshi is in charge of public security, arrests, recruitment and training of young men. In view of the current situation in Jingnan, , the government officials and existing civilians will serve as soldiers to strengthen training, consolidate city defense, and carry out bandit suppression as appropriate; the sixth office of the county government will carry out specific implementation according to their duties. At the same time, the Lifang will send people to Miao villages and villages where disputes occur to investigate the situation. Report in a timely manner, based on facts, based on the overall situation, and maintain stability.

After clarifying his thoughts, Zhu Ping'an arranged the work, looked around everyone, and said softly: "This is the arrangement for the time being. Do you have any suggestions? Please feel free to give me advice. Ping'an has shallow qualifications and insufficient experience, so there must be something inappropriate in the arrangement. I also ask all colleagues not to worry and to speak frankly."

"No, the county magistrate may be young, but his thinking is clear, he is experienced in handling matters, and his arrangements are impeccable."

Zhang Xiancheng and others all shook their heads, approving Zhu Ping'an's arrangements with both hands, and did not have any different opinions on safety.

"In this case, I would like to ask you all to assume your responsibilities according to the division of labor. From today, from now on, you will work overtime to deal with the backlog of official business in Jingnan as soon as possible. If problems are found in the process, we will solve them together."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone again, struck while the iron was hot, and settled the matter directly.

"Don't worry, your honor, we will do our best to assist you and do a good job."

Zhang Xiancheng and others were very cooperative, responded enthusiastically, were in high spirits and were full of energy.

Zhu Ping'an was a little surprised that everyone was so cooperative. Could it be that I was overthinking it before?

Yes, this saves me a lot of trouble.

Next, Zhu Ping'an arranged for six people including Liu Mu and Liu Dadao to be included in the third class of the county government in the hall. As the county magistrate who had sole power in ancient times, he still had this power. As a result, the Jingnan County government office has a total of 22 yamen servants in the Zao class, 32 arresters in the fast class, and 52 civilians in the strong class.

Zaoli Yamen, equivalent to the modern judicial police, are responsible for following the magistrate's left and right guards to clear the way, standing on both sides of the hall during trials, maintaining discipline, escorting criminals, and executing torture and cane punishments. Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui were recruited into the Zaoban Yamen.

The fast class catcher, or catcher for short, is equivalent to the modern police of the public security bureau and police station. He is responsible for summoning defendants and witnesses, detecting criminals, and searching for evidence. Liu Mu and Liu Daqiang were assigned to the fast class as catchers.

Zhuangban Yamen, equivalent to the modern armed police, are mainly responsible for guarding key locations such as city gates, Yamen, warehouses, and prisons, and patrolling urban and rural roads. Liu Dagang and Liu Daxu were incorporated into the Zhuang Ban Minzhuang.

After the work was arranged, everyone dispersed. When the hall was dismissed, Zhu Ping'an stopped the prison clerk who was leaving the house and ordered him to collect and sort out all the backlogged case files and hand them over to his daily office room in the second hall.

In the yard outside the second hall, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others changed into brand-new yamen uniforms, equipped with waist knives, and hung waist tags with their names on them. They became official yamen servants on the payroll of the yamen and began to admire themselves beautifully. .

"Brother Mu, are we now policemen?" Liu Dadao pressed the standard waist knife on his waist and said to Liu Mu excitedly.

"Yeah, wearing this leather makes me feel like I'm feeling windy when I walk." Liu Dachui was also very excited.

"In the past, the police officers in our county were so powerful. They were all important people in our county. They could walk sideways. Once, there were police officers in the county who were chasing criminals and passed by our village. I didn't expect the formation of that guy. , our brothers have also transformed and become official policemen of the county government."

Liu Daqiang couldn't help but think about the past, touching his uniform of a government officer, as if he didn't believe that he had become a policeman.

"It's not all thanks to the young master. We have to handle our errands well and don't embarrass the young master." Liu Mu reminded everyone.

"That's natural." Liu Dadao and others were unambiguous.

In the second hall's office room, Zhu Ping'an waited for a long time, but did not see the execution room clerk delivering the piled case files. He couldn't help but frowned. The execution room was only about ten meters away from his office room. Why was it so slow to deliver the papers? !

Zhu Pingan stood up and walked out of the room, walking towards the household room.

When Liu Mu and the others saw Zhu Pingan going out, they stepped forward and prepared to accompany him to protect him. When they came, Li Shu emphasized to them that they should protect Zhu Pingan at every step. After learning that Zhu Ping'an was going to the torture chamber, he gave up his plan of personal protection.

After entering the torture room, Zhu Ping'an understood why Tofusa Noshi had not sent him the case file for a long time. This was because although the people in the execution room, including Noshi, were all in the room, they were all working hard and looked busy, but in fact they were If you don't put in the work, there will be no results at all. Until now, they have not compiled a single file! Yes, there’s a room full of people who haven’t even sorted out a single file!

"Ahem, Mr. County Lord, why are you here? It's a big place here. You can just wait in the room. I have sorted out the files and sent them to you. It's just that these files have been backlogged for too long. Where are the files? They are numerous and miscellaneous, and the files are also incomplete, and it will take time to sort them out." Seeing Zhu Ping'an coming to the door, Zhang Danian, the criminal history officer, hurriedly put down the tea cup in his hand, coughed, and greeted him with enthusiasm on his face, and explained. One after another.

The gangsters, clerks, and others all also echoed, saying how heavy the workload was, how difficult the work was, and so on.

"Thank you for your hard work. If you have difficulties, overcome them. Work overtime and try to sort out the files today."

Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth, and encouraged everyone.

After leaving the execution room, Zhu Ping'an's face darkened, and then he went around the five rooms of the household, ritual, soldiers, officials, and workers. No surprise, the working conditions of these five rooms were exactly the same as those of the household. Every reason for working as a foreigner is very good. Difficulties are presented one after another, pushing three and blocking four.

Li Dianshi won't talk anymore. He hasn't come to the Yamen yet to answer the question.

Zhang Xiancheng and Chief Secretary Yao are also in the same situation. Although they are in the office and seem to be working, they are not working hard.

My subordinates, who are friendly and enthusiastic about their work, have long been united behind the scenes!

This is not to show off one's power, this is to try to dismount oneself!

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