Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1096 A moment of fame

What I'm most afraid of is the sudden silence in the air! ! ! ! !

The prisoners glared at each other, causing the entire teahouse to fall silent instantly, just like absolute zero, falling into absolute silence.

What? !

what did they say? !

They said that in order not to delay the farming season, the new magistrate Zhu Ping'an had the audacity to give more than a hundred prisoners in custody who had not paid taxes a holiday and asked them to go back to the autumn harvest and report back to the prison after the autumn harvest? !

Everyone in the tea house was completely stunned. Their heads turned stiffly like wooden figures, and their eyes stared straight at the prisoners who were talking, as if they were suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, and they were out of focus like a mentally retarded person.

What the hell? ! Give prisoners a day off? !

From ancient times to the present, for thousands of years, I have never heard of any official dare to give a prisoner a holiday! After looking through all the famous figures in history, I have never heard of anyone who dared to give prisoners a day off? !

Did he, Zhu Ping'an, eat the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage? ! Still crazy? ! Or was your head caught in the door? !

After Qiwanzhai Teahouse was absolutely silent for a few seconds, the buzz suddenly exploded. People came back from their stunned state and took a breath of cold air. Huge waves suddenly surged in their hearts, surrounding the prisoners in disbelief. Asking questions, asking about various details, such as the number of prisoners released, the scene at the time, etc.

The storyteller who was originally taking a tea break, after receiving the news, did not bother to take a tea break in the background. He put down his tea cup and ran out. He became the most active person in questioning the prisoners. He was like an ancient news reporter, asking very detailed questions. carefulness.

In the end, people confirmed the authenticity of the news: the new magistrate Zhu Ping'an was considerate of the people's sufferings. As the autumn harvest was approaching, he gave a holiday to the 108 prisoners in the prison who had not paid taxes and allowed them to go home to participate in the war. Autumn harvest, requiring them to return to the prison to report after the autumn harvest.

This was almost like a legend. After understanding the whole story, the storyteller was very excited and felt that today was the right time. This is the freshest and most authentic first-hand material. It is even more legendary than a legendary story. You can imagine that when you process this news, it will definitely be very popular. The storyteller made up his mind to follow, pay more attention to, and ask more about the new county magistrate's stories.

After the shock, everyone in the restaurant had mixed praise and criticism for Zhu Pingan.

Some people think that Zhu Ping'an is crazy and stupid because of his studies. He dares to give prisoners a harvest holiday. After the harvest, they can go back to report on their own and then go to jail? !

Of course, more people praised Zhu Pingan's feat.

Many people in the restaurant felt their faces were hot. A second ago, they were humiliating the new magistrate Zhu Ping'an for being incompetent, a waste, and a loser. The criticism of such a waste magistrate would be a disaster for the people of Jingnan. Next In one second, they dared to risk the disapproval of the world and give more than a hundred prisoners a harvest holiday. How courageous and considerate of the people must be to do such a shocking feat that no one before or future generations dared to do. He can be called the first person in history, with courage soaring into the sky!

Is it a devastating disaster for the people of Jingnan?

He was so benevolent and considerate of the people's sufferings that even prisoners could be treated with such tenderness, let alone the general public.

In short, Zhu Pingan became famous all of a sudden.

Zhu Ping'an's reputation quickly spread from Qiwanzhai Tea House to the streets and alleys of Jingnan County, and then quickly spread to all villages in Jingnan County. In a few days, the whole Taizhou Prefecture began to spread the word about Zhu Ping'an. More than a hundred prisoners were given an autumn harvest holiday. Within half a month, Hangzhou Prefecture, Yanzhou Prefecture, and Jiaxing Prefecture, which were close to Taizhou Prefecture, all knew the name of the new magistrate of Jingnan County, Zhu Pingan, and his shocking feats.

Jingnan County was shocked.

Taizhou Prefecture was shocked.

The entire Zhejiang Provincial Government was shocked.

Zhu Ping'an suddenly became famous, and Zhu Ping'an's name began to be known to the Zhejiang Provincial Envoy for the first time.

"The higher you hold him, the harder he falls! After the autumn harvest, when the prisoners don't report back to the prison, let's see how Zhu Pingan ends up."

Master Yao knew that Zhang Xiancheng was in a bad mood, so he came to Zhang Xiancheng's office room, waved back, took the teapot, poured Zhang Xiancheng a cup of tea, handed it to Zhang Xiancheng, who looked calm, and said with a smile.

After listening to Chief Yao's words, Zhang County Cheng Buyu's expression softened a lot, and he accepted the teacup handed over by Chief Yao.

"Although I understand the truth, I just feel unhappy. We have worked hard for decades, and our reputation is not good. How come Zhu Ping'an has only been here a few days, and he obviously disobeyed the law and released prisoners without permission? , but has such a great reputation." Zhang Xiancheng took a sip of tea and said to Chief Yao with an unhappy look on his face.

If the people of Jingnan County heard what Zhang Xiancheng said, they would definitely spit on his face. You still have the nerve to say that you have worked hard and acted like a cow or a horse, but you have worked hard to get money, bullied others, and acted recklessly.

"Brother Zhang, be patient and don't be impatient. The autumn harvest will only take half a month at most. When the time comes, Zhu Ping'an will look good."

Chief Yao picked up the teacup and said with a smile.


Zhang Xiancheng nodded.

"However, we can't just wait around. We have to find something for him to do, so as not to make him uneasy anymore." Chief Yao twitched the corners of his mouth sinisterly, revealing a fox-like smile, and the corners of his mouth were full of bad water.

"How do you say it?" Zhang Xiancheng asked with great interest.

"That's it, that's it." Chief Yao leaned into Zhang County Cheng's ear and told him his plan.

"Okay! Okay! That's it." Zhang Xiancheng nodded repeatedly, unable to hide the smile on his lips.

On the second day, shortly after the county government responded to the call, the grievance drum rang in front of the county government gate.

"Who plays the drums? Please come to the hall."

This was the first time that Zhu Pingan heard the drum beating for grievances since he took office. Zhu Pingan took it very seriously and immediately asked people who were beating drums to complain about grievances to be invited into the lobby.

"Mr. Magistrate, I reported theft three months ago and lost a cow. It's been three months and there's still no news? It's almost the autumn harvest. Without the cow, how can my family still harvest? . I beg the magistrate of Zhizhi County to make the decision for me."

A man wearing coarse clothes and bare arms walked into the lobby with slanted shoulders, knelt down with a thud, lowered his head and complained.

Three months ago?

After hearing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but turn his head and look at Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao, and Zhang Danian, the prison official who were sitting in the hall, and asked softly, "Is this possible? Where are the files at that time?"

"Yes." Zhang Xiancheng and the other three nodded.

"My lord, back to the county. At that time, the previous magistrate was directly responsible for this case. The file was also kept by the previous magistrate. The humble official did not have the file on this case." Zhang Danian, the prison official, stood up and said, pushing the file to the former magistrate. .

The former magistrate was murdered less than a month after taking office. The cause has not yet been discovered. There has been no handover. His belongings have been filed after his death. There is no paper at all. It has been three months since this case was stolen, and the scene of the theft is no longer there.

There is no way to solve the case in court. Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to apologize and ask the person involved to go back first, promising to solve the case as soon as possible.

The person who threw the cow here just left the lobby, and then the drum of injustice started ringing again outside.

This time it was the pig-throwing case. The case also happened three months ago. By coincidence, the file was also kept by the former magistrate and disappeared.

After the loser left, the drum of injustice started again.

This time it was a lost sheep. It also happened three months ago. By coincidence, the file was also kept by the former magistrate and disappeared.

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