Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1097 Using the case to make things difficult

In one morning, the Jingnan County government office rang five times, all of which were related to theft cases three months ago.

With so many owners coming together to express their grievances, it is impossible to say that there is nothing fishy involved. By observing the expressions of everyone in the hall, he saw that Zhang Xian Cheng and others showed no surprise, and even gloated at him many times. From this, Zhu Pingan knew that Zhang Xian Cheng and others must be behind all this.

However, Zhu Ping'an checked the records of the cases and court hearings at that time and confirmed that the owners had indeed come to the Yamen to report theft three months ago. This was a serial theft case with no clues or witnesses. At that time, it was an unsolved case with no hope of being solved, not to mention that all the files have been "lost" now.

The day before yesterday, he forced the prisoners to have a holiday; today, Zhang Xiancheng and others deliberately chose such a serial theft case to encourage the owners to come forward to complain. They were retaliating.

This is to make yourself look disgraced, embarrassed and embarrassed.


Zhu Ping'an raised the corners of his lips slightly, fighting with the sky would bring endless fun; fighting with the earth would bring endless fun; fighting with humans would bring endless fun.

Although there is no file, there are still court trial transcripts at that time. Zhu Pingan ordered the secretary to read the court trial transcripts of that day and read them. Through the trial transcripts, Zhu Pingan also had a more detailed understanding of this serial theft case.

Of course, in order to prevent the "loss" of files from happening again, Zhu Ping'an ordered Zhang Danian, the jailer of the execution chamber, to submit the file registration and archive book to understand the file archiving situation. Well, coincidentally, one page of the archive submitted by Zhang Danian was torn out. Looking at the date, it happened to be when the serial thefts occurred.

Zhu Ping'an stretched out his fingers to hold the remnants of the missing pages of the archive, and looked up and down. He saw very fresh tear marks. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Danian with a playful look at the corners of his lips. Zhang Danian lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhu Pingan, sweating profusely, but thinking of Zhang Xian Cheng's promise, Zhang Danian forced himself to straighten his back and look at Zhu Pingan.

"Zhang Dianli, please explain to me, what's going on?" Zhu Pingan fiddled with the remaining pages with his fingers and asked with squinted eyes.

"This, this, this, this is because the case file on this page was kept by the previous magistrate, so the previous magistrate tore up this page." When Zhang Danian answered Zhu Ping'an's question, he was very unconfident. He stumbled when answering, and his eyes wandered from side to side. , dare not meet Zhu Pingan's eyes.

"Did the previous magistrate tear it off?" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile when he heard this, "Such a fresh tear mark."

"Lord County Lord, the tear marks look fresh, but they are actually very old. The reason why they look fresh is mainly because we kept the archives well." Zhang Danian explained stiffly, swollen his face and pretended to be fat.

"Keep it well?"

Zhu Ping'an smiled silently and reached out to flip through the archive. The inside was wrinkled and torn, and it couldn't be related to how well it was kept.

"Lord County Lord, don't you suspect that Beizhi tore up the archives on purpose? Beizhi has been in the county government for ten years. There is not a day when he is not working hard and diligently. Beizhi dares to guarantee it with his head. This page is absolutely true. Wan was indeed torn off by the former magistrate, and it was definitely not a despicable act. Please take a closer look, Lord County Magistrate." Zhang Danian's lie was exposed in front of his face, and his face instantly turned as red as pig liver, but he acted as if he had suffered a life loss. As if he could not bear the unbearable injustice, he raised his voice emotionally and swore the oath on his head on his neck, filled with righteous indignation.

When a liar's lie is exposed, he often likes to use his voice and hysteria to cover up. This behavior is often self-defeating, but makes his lie clearer and more vivid.

This is the case with Zhang Danian.

The corner of Zhu Ping'an's mouth curled up, watching Zhang Danian's exaggerated performance as if he were watching a play, and then said with a smile, "It turns out that Zhang Dianli has been working in the county government for ten years, and he works diligently and conscientiously every day." ', it's not easy, then you should take a rest, I will give you a 'long vacation' in a few days."

"Thank you, Lord County Master, for your kindness." Hearing this, Zhang Danian breathed a sigh of relief and straightened his waist even more.

Huh, as expected, as Zhang Xiancheng and Chief Yao said, this little county magistrate is from outside. If he wants to secure his seat, how can he do it without us locals? Without us, he is just a bare county magistrate and nothing. ah. Even though he is a county official, as long as we hold each other, he will be subdued. Just like today, he just saw what he could do. He had to swallow this breath and even used holidays to win over me.

"Punishment? Oh, he dares?! Let me tell you, the county magistrate didn't even dare to mention it, and he still wants to give me a holiday." After Zhang Danian returned to the torture chamber, he went around bragging about his heroic deeds in the head-on game with Zhu Ping'an.

Everyone was encouraged and became more confident in driving away Zhu Pingan.

While Zhang Danian and others were colluding, Zhu Ping'an had already taken six people including Liu Mu and Liu Dadao to visit and investigate the place where the serial thefts occurred. Because the records of the court trial are limited, it is impossible to solve the case based on this. Otherwise, this serial theft case would not have been shelved to this day. It is necessary to conduct on-site investigations and visits to find clues to solve the case.

Zhu Ping'an took Liu Mu and others to visit the five stolen persons in order to learn more about the situation and inspect the crime scene. Through interviews, it was found that although the five stolen persons were located in two villages, they were not far apart and were located on both sides of the road that ran through the two villages.

However, due to the passage of time, most of the crime scenes were destroyed and not many clues were obtained.

Zhu Ping'an also visited the neighbors of the person who was robbed, asking whether he had seen any suspicious persons on the day of the crime and in the days before.

"If there's anything suspicious, it's that our dog is suspicious. When we meet strangers, our dog usually bites us very happily, but that night was very strange. Our dog didn't bite at all."

"Zhang Mazi from the village head is very suspicious. He usually deducts some money, but a few days he just buys meat and eats it."

"Suspicious person? In the past few days, traveling businessmen came to my house to ask for water, and even praised my cattle for their good water quality."

"Zhang San is such an honest person. He had a quarrel with his wife that night. We all went to break up the quarrel. When we came back, the sheep was lost."

"That night, I was confused and heard the sound of a car passing on the road behind me, but I didn't take it seriously. When I woke up, I heard Lao Liu saying that the donkey had been stolen. We went to see it, and there were ruts on the road behind the village. , all the way to the village head."

"There's nothing suspicious. It's been a long time and I can't remember clearly."

Zhu Pingan got a lot of information during his visit, and there were many useful clues, but they were quite messy.

Considering that the stolen items are live animals such as cattle, sheep, and donkeys, the target is relatively large and difficult to hide privately. After the thief steals it, he will definitely sell it as soon as possible in order to avoid being discovered. To this end, Zhu Pingan also visited villagers, butchers, and township livestock markets to carefully inquire about the trading situation of cattle, sheep and donkeys during the incident, and to further search for clues.

At the end of the day, my legs were almost broken, but fortunately, the harvest was not small.

Zhu Pingan listed, analyzed, and eliminated one by one, and finally sorted out twelve suspects. However, because too much time has passed, many clues and evidence have been destroyed. Based on the existing clues and evidence, it can no longer be ruled out.

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