Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1103 Under the Japanese Lin City (1)

Run faster, run faster...

When the old farmer finally arrived at the entrance of Qiuhai Village after rolling and crawling all the way, all he saw was dazzling fire, villagers lying dead in the field, and the Japanese pirates who had finished burning, killing, looting, and venting their beastly lust on the women in the village...

"Beasts, a bunch of beasts..."

The old farmer knelt at the entrance of the village, which was like a hell on earth. Looking at the burning houses and the bodies of the villagers scattered everywhere, he couldn't help but beat his chest and cry loudly. He was so angry that he, an old man, ran too slowly and failed to remind the villagers to escape in time. I hate this world where the people are in dire straits, and of course what I hate most are the Japanese pirates who are inhumane and inferior to animals.

The sudden appearance of the old farmer and his wails frightened the little Japanese pirate who was venting his animalistic desires. His body couldn't help but tremble, and the incident was over in an instant. This made him feel humiliated in front of his subordinates, and he cursed Baga and backhanded him. He grabbed the Japanese sword, without looking at it, and threw it towards the source of the cry. The Japanese sword flew straight past like a crossbow and pierced the old farmer's throat. The remaining force remained unabated, and nailed the old farmer to the ground behind him. On a big tree.

"A spoiled old dog!"

The little leader of the Japanese pirates stood up, put on his pants and belt, walked to the old farmer, stepped on the old farmer's body, and pulled out the Japanese knife.

"You guys, please put on your pants for me. We went to the next village. We got there too late, and the women and money were robbed by others. We won't even be able to get rid of the shit. Don't blame me for not blinking an eye at murder." .”

The little leader of the Japanese pirates waved his Japanese sword, pointed the tip of the sword in the direction of a village, and gave orders to the Japanese pirates under his command.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

When the Japanese pirates heard this, they immediately roared like wolves and tigers, and charged towards the village pig with ferocity.

The sun is shining high, the autumn wind is blowing, and Jingnan County is as lively as ever.

There were as many people enjoying the cool weather in front of the city gate as before. The teahouses, wine shops, butcher shops and other shops on both sides of the street were doing well, with customers visiting from time to time. In the open space outside, there were two rows of small vendors with large linoleum umbrellas selling various products. There are a lot of people on the street, people are driving bullock carts to deliver goods, some are selling goods from farmers, some are bargaining in front of small vendors, and some are shopping leisurely...

"Huh? Look, why is there a fire over there? The direction you look at is in the direction of Zhangqiu Village. It couldn't be some stupid woman cooking and burning down the house, right? The fire might have also ignited the neighbor's house next door. Bar?"

Someone among the crowd enjoying the cool air under the city gate suddenly noticed a fire and thick smoke rising into the sky in the distance, and they couldn't help but uttered a cry of surprise.

"It really is."

After hearing this, people stood up and looked in the direction of the fire, gathering around as if watching the excitement, making curious guesses.

"It's strange. There are more and more fires. It seems like the whole village and every household is on fire."

The people watching the excitement realized that something was wrong. There was one fire, but it quickly turned into two or three. After a while, there were dozens of fires. It felt like every household in Zhangqiu Village. It's like they're all on fire.

"Holy shit, what's going on? Look, look, there's a fire over there, and over there, there's a fire over there too. That's in the direction of Zhulou Village, Shilipu Village and Shangyao Village, right? What's the matter? Are they all on fire too?!”

"What's going on? Look, there's another fire. Is that Xulou Village? Why is it also on fire?"

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, this is very wrong... Why are so many villages on fire?"

At first, people thought it was fun, but as they watched, people gradually felt that something was wrong, and their faces became serious.

Just when everyone was confused, a ragged villager ran up the road in front of the city gate, crying and shouting to the onlookers at the city gate:

"The Japanese pirates are coming, the Japanese pirates are coming to kill..."

"The Japanese pirates who killed thousands of people did not blink an eye. They killed all the people in our village, leaving no chickens or dogs behind. It was so miserable. I escaped by luck."

The words of the villagers who were running for their lives were like a bolt from the blue, exploding over the heads of everyone in the city gate cave.

The Japanese pirates are coming! ! !

The Japanese pirates are coming! ! ! ! ! !

The murderous Japanese pirates are coming! ! !

When people heard that the Japanese pirates were coming, they all turned pale with fright, and even the timid ones peed their pants.

The shadow of famous trees and the ferocity of Japanese pirates are all known to everyone in Jingnan County. Jingnan County is located on the coast and has experienced several Japanese pirate robberies. Even Jingnan County was attacked twice by Japanese pirates. When the Japanese pirates cross the border, they will kill all the men, women, and children. Some beautiful women may be spared, but surviving is definitely a greater disaster than death for them. After they are snatched away by the Japanese pirates, they will be tortured endlessly. The Japanese pirates took turns causing harm, and they were unable to survive or die, and it was so miserable.

Soon, the news of the Japanese pirates' arrival spread into the county. This spread faster than the plague and was more panic than the plague.


All hell breaks loose.

The whole Jingnan County was in chaos. The street shops were closed and the small vendors had to close their stalls. People were panicked. People on the streets were yelling in fear and running around like headless flies. They rushed home to pack their things and prepare to escape. Passers-by and pedestrians collided and crowded... The whole county was in chaos.

When more than a dozen Japanese pirates with bare head and bare feet, murderous spirit and arrogant power appeared in the sight of the east gate of Jingnan County from a distance, the panic in the entire Jingnan County reached its extreme and the chaos reached the extreme.

Before the Japanese pirates besieged the city, people packed up their belongings and rushed frantically to other city gates to escape. Especially the west gate of the county town was crowded with people fleeing. People were pushing and crying, and people were vying to escape from the city.

The well-informed wealthy families were the first to pack up their belongings and drag their families out of the city to flee, followed by some officials and servants from the county government, who also took their families to escape from the city. After hearing the news, there were as many people fleeing as ants, and those who took the lead were the first to flee. When leaving the city, you pushed me and refused to give in, blocking the entrance to the city.

"Close the city gate! Close the city gate! The county has an order to close the city gate without any mistake! Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

Liu Dadao led a team of government officials, holding official documents stamped with the magistrate's seal, and rushed towards the west gate while shouting. Liu Dadao took the lead, and with great bravery, he broke out a path among the fleeing people, rushed to the city gate, shouted loudly, threw the official document to the soldiers guarding the city, stretched out his arms and used force to block the people blocking the city gate. He pushed forward two steps away, then pulled out his sword, guarding the city gate with the force of a man guarding the gate and a horseman not opening the door, intimidating the people who were crowding out of the city, and ordered the government officials and city guards to close the city gate.

When the gatekeepers saw the official document with the bright red magistrate's seal, they dared not disobey and closed the city gate together with the government officials.

At the same time, Liu Mu, Liu Dachui, and Liu Daqiang all held the same official documents and rushed to the East City Gate, South City Gate, and North City Gate with their government officials, and closed the city immediately before the Japanese pirates entered the city. Door.

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