Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1104 Under the Japanese Lin City (2)

"My lord, the Japanese pirates are here. They are murderous beasts. Before the Japanese pirates besiege the city, I beg you, my lord, please open the city gate quickly and let us escape from the city."

"We have to go out. Open the city gate and let us out."

"Servant, do you know who our master is? Our master is the fifth master of the Long family, one of the five great families in Jingnan. If you recognize me, open the city gate as soon as possible. In the future, our fifth master will be richly rewarded, including gold, silver, jewels, and beautiful maids. It’s indispensable for you.”

After the city gate was closed, the people who gathered in front of the city gate to escape were emotionally coerced and asked Liu Dadao and others to open the city gate and let them escape from the city while the leading Japanese pirates appeared at the east gate and the city was not yet besieged.

"Dear fellow villagers, it's not that I don't open the city gate, but it's not safe outside now. The Japanese pirates are burning, killing and looting outside the city. If you go out of the city now, you will undoubtedly hit the knife edge of the Japanese pirates. Our Jingnan County city has high walls and thick walls, which are easy to defend. It is difficult to attack. As long as we work together to defend the city, the Japanese pirates will not be able to break through the county seat. Staying in the city is the best choice now. Besides, the Japanese pirate forward has arrived at the bottom of the city, which will open the city gate. If the Japanese pirates take the opportunity to get in, , the inside should be coordinated with the outside, and all the people in this city will suffer." Liu Dadao and others firmly stood in front of the city gate, shook their heads vigorously, and explained earnestly.

Liu Dadao and others' earnest persuasion was not accepted by everyone. As soon as they finished speaking, everyone booed.

"Don't listen to him, everyone. Shit City has thick walls and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Staying in the city is the best choice. Don't talk about the far ones, just talk about the nearby ones. How many years have passed since our Jingnan County They have been attacked twice by Japanese pirates."

"That's right. I personally experienced it once. I was stabbed in the back. I was lucky enough to survive. In our county, we can't help but beat people. It's like an egg shell, it will break when hit."

"If we stay in the city now, won't we become turtles in a urn? When the Japanese pirates attack the city, we won't have anywhere to run. We can only watch helplessly as the Japanese pirates come and chop off our heads."

"I'm still young, I haven't married yet, I don't want to die, please open the city gate quickly and let us out.

"If you want to die, don't hold me back, I want to go out, let me out, wuwuwu, let me out..."

People became more and more excited, roaring and crying, and kept pushing Liu Dadao and others, demanding that the city gate be opened.

"There are more and more Japanese pirates outside..."

I don't know who shouted, just like a drop of cold water dropped into a hot pan of oil. The people suddenly exploded and became more excited. They punched, kicked, scratched and scratched Liu Dadao and other government officials, demanding to open the city gate.

"Back off! No one is allowed to open the city gate without the county's order. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

Liu Dadao and others were like canoes in the sea, having to draw their swords to maintain order.

"Bah! The powerful and wealthy people all ran away, leaving us here as bait for them to delay their escape..."

"Li Da and Li Dianshi from the county government were the first to run away with their families. I saw it with my own eyes. Several big households in the county also ran away. Why didn't you close the city gate when they ran away? Why did you wait until they all ran away? , you close the city gate again! Why are you so worried? You don’t want us to stay in the city as bait!"

"Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps! Why can the officials leave the city, but we can't?"

"Open the city gate and let us out!"

Under the pressure of the Japanese pirates approaching the city, people became excited and gathered together like a torrential flood, sweeping Liu Dadao and others so hard that they were in danger of overturning in an instant.

"Look, who's that walking down the street?! Isn't that the county magistrate?"

"The County Lord is here!!"

At this moment, the sharp-eyed people saw Zhu Pingan striding up the street in official uniform, and couldn't help shouting loudly. Their voices attracted everyone. When everyone heard that the Lord County Lord was coming, they all turned their heads and looked around, temporarily forgetting to storm the city gate. This greatly reduced the pressure on Liu Dadao, who was on the verge of overturning. Liu Dadao took the opportunity to order the government officials to pile bricks and stones behind the city gate to block the city gate.

It is indeed Zhu Pingan who is here.

In the sight of everyone: Zhu Pingan was dressed in official uniform, carrying a quilt on his back, tied to his chest with a rope, holding a long sword in his hand, striding toward the city gate...

Uh, does the appearance of the county magistrate look familiar? !

People looked at Zhu Ping'an, then looked down at themselves, and then turned to look at the people around them. Hey, doesn't it look familiar? The look of the county magistrate is the same as ours. They are all standard escape styles.

That's right.

Zhu Ping'an's outfit is indeed similar to that of people fleeing the city. Most of the people fleeing in front of the city gate are carrying quilts and baggage. It can be said that a quilt is one of the necessary equipment for escape. With a quilt, you don’t have to worry about being cold at night.

Seeing Zhu Pingan's image, people were both excited and angry.

People were excited that the county magistrate had also fled, and they could follow him out of the city to escape.

People were angry that the county magistrate actually wanted to abandon the city and run for his life! ! ! Nonsense, this is the look, running towards the city gate as if your butt is on fire, this is not an escape! ! ! As the parent officer of Jingnan County, and as the patron saint of Jingnan County, the Japanese pirates have not yet laid siege to the city, but the county magistrate wants to abandon the city and run for his life! Pooh! This is the parent official of our Jingnan people! When in danger, just run away.

We are really unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet such a parent!


Poor us.


It’s a shame that we’ve been praising you lately! We were blind at the beginning, but we were deceived by your hypocrisy of releasing a few prisoners, your blind cat meeting a dead mouse and solving a small unsolved case. We were unable to see clearly the true face of you, a scumbag official! Bah bah bah!

The people who crowded together in front of the city gate and prepared to escape from the city were filled with excitement and anger, and they lamented endlessly.

"The county magistrates are running away with their quilts on their backs, why don't you open the city gate quickly!"

"That man, didn't you say that the city gate will not be opened without the order of the county magistrate? It's okay now. The magistrate has come and has to flee the city. What else do you have to say? Why are you still standing there? Why don't you open it quickly? City gate."

"If you don't open the city gate quickly, the county magistrate will also run for his life!"

No matter how hard you scold this dog official then, now that the Japanese pirates are approaching the city, it is still important to escape for your life. The people in front of the city gate put away their excitement and anger, turned around, shouted at Liu Dadao and others, urging Liu Dadao and others to open the city gate. The voices of condemnation from the people gathered together were as loud as thunder and as turbulent as a tsunami.

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