Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1105 I sleep in the city

"Hurry up and open the city gate. Are you blind? Didn't you see that the county magistrate is also leaving the city to escape? Why don't you hurry up and open the city gate?"

The sound of people urging the city gate to be opened was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, deafening and shaking the city gate.

Liu Dadao was as solid as a rock amidst the roaring mountains and tsunami, unmoved, standing in front of everyone without moving an inch.

However, the government officials behind him were not so determined. They looked at Zhu Ping'an who was walking quickly towards the city gate with a quilt on his back. They couldn't help but hesitate when they heard the roar of the people. After a moment of hesitation, someone came forward. He whispered to Liu Dadao, "Brother Liu, look, the county magistrate is about to flee the city. How about we open the city gate."

"Fart!" Hearing this, Liu Dadao turned around and glared at the big bull-like eyes, yelling angrily, "Don't you dare slander the young master? How could my young master be so greedy for life and afraid of death? How could he abandon the city and flee from the city? "

"Ha! The overcooked duck has a tough mouth. The county magistrate has come with a bedroll on his back and still doesn't admit it. If you are sensible, you should hurry up and open the city gate. Why, you are still waiting for the county magistrate to give way. If you open the city gate, it will make the county magistrate lose face, you have to give the magistrate a step down."

"Haha, yes, yes, the county minister is not running out of the city to escape, but the county minister is going out of the city to ask for help, okay? As long as you open the city gate quickly, you can say whatever you want. You are saying that the county minister is carrying a bedroll to beg for help. OK."

The people who crowded in front of the city gate couldn't help but sneered after hearing Liu Dadao's words, and began to ridicule Liu Dadao.

"It's not open yet, right? Look, the county magistrate is already here."

"Quickly, hurry up and make way for the county magistrate to go to the city gate."

When people saw that Liu Da Dao was stubborn and refused to open the door, they couldn't help but jeered. Zhu Pingan also came over. The quick-thinking people were shouting and directing everyone to leave a direct passage to the city gate for Zhu Pingan to reach the city gate. The road is convenient for Zhu Ping'an, the magistrate, to reach the city gate.

"Why should we give way to him? He even abandoned the city and fled for his life even though the county magistrate didn't defend the city."

"That's right. Why should you give way to such a dog official?"

Many people were puzzled. They felt that a dog official like Zhu Ping'an who abandoned the city and fled was not worthy of giving way to them.

"You are stupid. Do you still want to leave the city? He is the magistrate, and that idiot is stubborn. He will not open the city gate without the magistrate's order. Now that the magistrate is here, why don't you quickly get out of the way and let him go to that idiot? Give me an order to open the city gate."

The quick-thinking people couldn't help but curse anxiously, lest they waste time and delay opening the city gate.

"Oh, oh, that's it, I give in, I give in, I have to give in on this road."

When those who didn't understand heard the words, they suddenly understood and proactively made way out of the way.

The city gate hole that was originally blocked instantly formed a path leading directly to the city gate that could be walked by one person.

"Master Magistrate, please, please."

People looked at Zhu Ping'an walking quickly, their eyes lit up, as if they had seen the key to walking, not to mention how enthusiastic they were.



he came.

Under people's expectant and enthusiastic eyes, Zhu Pingan walked over quickly, carrying a quilt on his back.

three meters

two meters

one meter

Finally, Zhu Ping'an came under people's expectant eyes. He walked up to them and nodded to them.


Then, he walked straight over.





Voices of surprise rang out from the crowd, one after another, one after another, continuously.

At this moment, the people fleeing who were crowding in front of the city gate were all dumbfounded, standing motionless like a bunch of logs, staring at Zhu Ping'an with their eyes.

Seeing Zhu Ping'an walking straight in front of them, but instead of walking straight through the road they gave up leading to the city gate, he nodded to them and then turned straight 90 degrees in front of them. Instead of entering the city gate, he walked up the steps leading to the city wall and walked all the way to the city wall.

In full view of everyone, Zhu Pingan walked up to the city wall, untied the quilt tied to his chest, shook it, spread it on the city wall, put the sword in his hand on the front of the quilt as a pillow, stretched out as if nothing had happened, and then He just lay down and regarded the Japanese pirates outside the city as nothing, as if he were taking a nap during a spring outing.

The magistrate is here!

The magistrate went up to the city wall!

The magistrate slept on the city wall!

The people who fled in front of the city gate were shocked one after another at this moment, each wave more shocking than the other.

The reality is exactly the opposite of what they imagined.

It turns out that the county magistrate did not flee the city with the quilt on his back, but built a bunk on the city wall and vowed to live and die with the city wall! !

The magistrate!

People couldn't help but blush, ashamed of their villain's way of judging a gentleman's heart, and ashamed of their cowardly evasion.

Zhu Ping'an lay down on the city wall, but his image stood up in people's hearts, standing tall and tall!

"Well, that's it."

Zhu Pingan lay down and moved a few times, found a comfortable position, settled on the bedding position with satisfaction, then sat up from the bedding, stepped on the battlements, looked at the people under the city wall, smiled slightly, and said to everyone He cupped his hands and said loudly, "Dear fellow villagers of Jingnan County, from now on, I will make my home here. The Japanese pirates will not retreat for a day, and I, Zhu Ping'an, will not go down the city wall for a day. I swear to live and die with the county. If I break my promise, Half a step down from the city, all fellow villagers, everyone can kill me, Zhu Ping'an."

Zhu Pingan's words sounded like thunder above people's heads, shocking everyone again. People looked up at Zhu Pingan in disbelief.

"Catch the big sword and post it on the city wall."

Zhu Pingan took out a roll of official documents stamped with the county magistrate's seal from his arms and threw it from the city wall to Liu Dadao below the city.

"As you command, sir."

Liu Dadao took the official document with one hand, unfolded it and posted it on the city wall. The content of the official document is the oath made by Zhu Ping'an, which states that anyone who breaks his promise can be punished, and it is stamped with the bright red seal of the county magistrate.

The magistrate is serious! !

After everyone saw the contents of the official document, they were even more shocked. This is simply a suicide document. If the magistrate breaks his promise, people can really kill the magistrate based on this document. This is called killing an official by order. He will not commit any crime and will have no worries. .

The county magistrate truly lives and dies with the county! No way out!

People looked up at the magistrate Zhu Ping'an who was sitting on the ground on the city wall, and the fear in their hearts disappeared unconsciously.

At this moment, Zhu Ping'an was like a needle that calmed the sea of ​​panic in people's hearts.

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