Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1106 The situation is serious

Wo Lin is below the city, and I am sleeping on the city!

Zhu Ping'an's magical operation deeply shocked and infected the people who were crowding in front of the city gate to flee, and gave them a powerful sedative.

The news that the county magistrate had built a pavement on the city wall and vowed to live and die with the county quickly spread throughout Jingnan County. The atmosphere of panic that had been hanging over Jingnan was mostly dispelled in an instant.

So, there is still fear

"Master Magistrate, please, please order the city gates to be opened so that we can escape from the city. Master, I kowtow to you. Please open the city gates and let me take my mother out of the city to escape."

"Mr. Magistrate, if you want to live and die with the county, you can live and die with the county. We won't stop you, but you can't drag us along. I'm a coward. I don't want to die. I don't want to live with the county. Survival or death.”

"Master Magistrate, I, an old woman, have kowtowed to you. I beg you to quickly order the city gate to be opened. If you don't open the city gate, I, old woman, will not be able to kneel down."

Although Zhu Pingan was shocked and infected many people, there were still many people at the scene requesting, or perhaps using the words "blackmail" and "demand" more appropriately, asking Zhu Pingan to order the city gates to be opened to allow them to escape from the city.

"Dear fellow villagers, it's not that I, Zhu Ping'an, won't let you escape from the city, but that fleeing from the city at this time is undoubtedly asking for death. The Japanese pirates are burning, killing and looting outside the city, and are now gathering towards the county seat. If you leave the city now, you will bump into the Japanese pirates. On the edge of the knife... At this time, staying in the city and relying on the city wall for defense is the best choice..."

Zhu Pingan stood on the city wall and patiently explained to everyone that Zhu Pingan's explanation was very similar to Liu Dadao's previous explanation. After all, Liu Dadao also learned his rhetoric at the time from Zhu Pingan.

Just like Liu Dadao's explanation, many people at the scene who were frightened and wanted to flee the city didn't buy it. They wanted to escape from the city and did not listen to Zhu Pingan's explanation or believe Zhu Pingan's words.

If it were normal times, Zhu Ping'an would definitely continue to do their ideological work patiently. However, today is different from usual. The Japanese pirates are about to attack the city. The situation is very critical and very serious. The current defense situation of Jingnan County is not optimistic. Jingnan County is in danger. Zhu Pingan has no time to explain to them more.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, please rise. At this moment, the Japanese pirates are about to attack the city, and the city gate cannot be opened. I have to take responsibility for the tens of thousands of people in the county, and I ask for your forgiveness, fellow citizens." Zhu Pingan apologized to the people in the city.

Suddenly, there was a lot of cursing and crying under the city wall.

Prioritizing matters, Zhu Pingan set about deploying the defense of Jingnan County despite the cries and curses from the city.

After setting up the defense, Zhu Ping'an discovered that Jingnan's defense situation was much more severe than he had imagined.

The first problem is that there are few people.

Jingnan County's defensive force mainly consists of county government officials and city defenders. There are 106 yamen servants in three classes in Jingnan County, but 23 of them followed Li Dianshi and fled the city. Currently, there are only 83 yamen servants left. There were 80 soldiers guarding the city in Jingnan County, but 12 of them ran away, leaving only 68 guards left. In other words, Jingnan County has a total of 151 people available to defend the city.

Although the number of Japanese pirates who robbed Jingnan is unknown, judging from the scope of the Japanese pirates' ravages, it is estimated that there were no less than 2,000 people.

We have 151 people, but there are more than 2,000 Japanese pirates. The strength ratio between the enemy and ourselves is close to 20 to 1. We are severely outnumbered. In addition, the more than 2,000 Japanese pirates are desperadoes who often see blood. They are extremely cruel. It is said that the real Japanese pirates are all highly skilled in martial arts. The 151 people on our side... It is okay for the Yamen to catch petty thieves, but it is really difficult to go to the battlefield. They were dead, and the soldiers guarding the city were ill-armed, lacked training, and had been drained by drinking and sex. Zhu Pingan really didn't dare to have much hope in their combat effectiveness.

However, the current situation is such that Zhu Pingan has no choice but to maximize their combat effectiveness.

In order to maximize their combat effectiveness. Zhu Pingan issued three orders with the county seal on the city wall.

A heavy reward order. Zhu Ping'an issued a heavy reward order: all government officials and soldiers who dared to defend the city would be rewarded with ten taels of silver each; those who were injured while defending the city would be rewarded with an additional ten taels of silver; those who died while defending the city would be given an additional fifty taels of compensation. As the saying goes, there must be brave men under heavy rewards. Zhu Ping'an's heavy reward order more than doubled the spirit of the government officials and soldiers.

A beheading order. Zhu Ping'an named six people including Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, as well as six other selected government officials, a total of twelve people as war supervisors. Zhu Ping'an issued three beheading orders: if the war superintendent goes first and the soldiers retreat, the war superintendent will be beheaded; Anyone who dares to disobey military orders will be killed without mercy!

An arm order. Zhu Ping'an divided 151 people, each with 30 people, into 5 defense teams. One team was deployed at the east gate, south gate, and north gate to defend the city. Two teams were deployed at the west gate to defend the city. Support each other at all times.

The second problem is that the defense equipment is ineffective.

First of all, there are no trenches outside Jingnan County, and time is short at this moment, and there is no time to dig trenches. As for thorns and other things that resist the enemy, there is even less of them.

Secondly, there is a serious shortage of defensive weapons. There were no artillery pieces, the catapults had long since fallen apart and rotted away. A few catapults were found in the armament warehouse, but they were in disrepair and most of them were unusable. Only two catapults were barely usable, and only twenty crossbows were usable. Many roots. Zhu Ping'an ordered all three beds to be placed at the west gate. There are not many rolling logs, only eight. The nail tools inlaid around the logs are also rusty, but they can still be used after polishing. Jingnan County has none of the wolf fangs commonly used in city defense.

Finally, there were not enough bows and arrows. There are less than a hundred bows in the county arsenal, and not many arrows.

The only good news is that there are quite a few standard sabers, spears and shields in the arsenal, enough to arm government officials and soldiers, and there are still many left. In addition, there are some simple cloth breastplates in the arsenal. Although the defensive power is not very good, after the government officials and soldiers put on the cloth breastplates, it gave them a lot of comfort and increased their sense of security. I also have a lot more courage.

Before the large Japanese pirate troops arrived, Zhu Ping'an ordered his government officials and soldiers to carry stones and huge trees to the city wall to use as defensive weapons. Some people also volunteered to join him and carried a large number of stones and huge trees to the city wall.

In addition to these, Zhu Pingan also carefully prepared a "taotie delicacy" for the Japanese pirates: golden juice.

Zhu Pingan sent people to nearby houses to collect an unlimited amount of feces and urine, and set up more than thirty large pots on the city wall to boil the mixture of feces and urine until it boiled.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power and lethality of this "delicious food" is much higher than other defensive weapons on the city wall.

This is considered the category of biological and chemical weapons.

It's hot autumn now, and the Japanese pirates are bareheaded and barefoot. The golden juice is boiled and poured down, which is enough to burn the Japanese pirates. Once burned, the bacteria and microorganisms rich in feces will infect Japanese pirates through the wound. In this way, even if the Japanese pirates were lucky enough to escape with their lives, they would still die due to wound infection.

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