Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1107 Explanation and Confidence

While Zhu Ping'an was busy directing the deployment of defenses on the city wall, the discordant sounds under the city wall never stopped. Those who did not listen to persuasion and were bent on fleeing from the city, because Zhu Pingan did not order the city gate to be opened and meet their demands, their cries, curses, and jeers never stopped, especially when Zhu Pingan focused on strengthening the west When the city wall section was being defended, these discordant sounds reached a climax, as if boiling and filling the sky.

"Young and old men, you have all seen it. Even though our county magistrate is young, he is very cunning. Look, there are only more than 150 soldiers in the county. Just because the county magistrate is in Xicheng, he is here There are more than 60 soldiers left in the west city, and only 30 soldiers are left in each of the east gate, south gate, and north gate."

"Everyone knows that the leading Japanese pirates clearly appeared at the east gate, but our little magistrate deployed heavy troops at the west gate. It was not just for public use but for private use. He was deploying heavy troops to protect himself. He said he would live and die with the county. , but mobilized heavy troops to protect himself. It is estimated that when nothing can be done, he will break out of the city with these heavy troops. This is to be a bitch and build a memorial arch at the same time. "

"When the Japanese pirates break the city, we don't have to run away. Xiaozhi County has these soldiers protecting it, so we can run away at any time."

"Everyone, young and old, please open your eyes wide and see clearly the true face of this sanctimonious little magistrate. Don't be betrayed and help people count money..."

The discordant sounds under the city wall were getting louder and louder, reaching the level of affecting the preparations for war on the city wall. This could not be left alone. Zhu Pingan put down the stone in his hand, patted the dust on his hand, and walked slowly to the city wall to stomp on it. .

The people under the city wall have been paying attention to Zhu Pingan, especially those who are full of resentment against Zhu Pingan because they cannot leave the city. They are staring at Zhu Pingan without blinking. As soon as Zhu Pingan came over, everyone focused their attention on Zhu Pingan.

"Master County Magistrate, you talk about coexisting with the county, but in the end you deploy heavy troops to protect yourself..."

"That's right, you say one thing and another behind your back. When the Japanese pirates attack the city, you will have someone to protect you, and you can be protected and escape at any time. We poor common people will have no choice but to be slaughtered by the Japanese pirates."

"Master County Magistrate, in order to satisfy your false reputation of coexisting with the county, do you want so many of us innocent people to be buried with you? Don't you think you are too selfish? If you really want to leave a good reputation in the minds of us people, While there are still no Japanese pirates at the west gate, please open the city gate and let us escape. We will remember you well after we leave the city."

Zhu Ping'an walked to the city wall and stamped on it before he opened his mouth. Those people below the city who wanted to leave the city but couldn't were already taking the lead in attacking. At the moment of life and death, they didn't care about their superiority or inferiority. You won't let us leave the city to survive, so what do we have to fear?

"Dear fellow villagers, I, Zhu Pingan, said that we will live and die with the county, so I will definitely live and die with the county. This time the Japanese pirates attacked the city, I, Zhu Pingan, had only two outcomes, either victory or death. The white paper, black letters and red seals are still there on the city wall. This There is no need for you, my fellow villagers, to have any doubts. At any time, if I, Zhu Pingan, abandon the city and flee, you can all behead me, Zhu Pingan, immediately. Even if you are afraid and do not behead me, Zhu Pingan, on the spot, you can report it to Taizhou Prefecture afterwards. , Taizhou Prefecture will definitely chop off my Zhu Ping'an's head for the crimes of escaping from Lincheng, betrayal, and failure to abide by military orders."

Zhu Pingan stood on the city wall, looked at the sarcastic people below, pointed at his head, and explained to everyone seriously.

When the people under the city wall heard the words, they looked up at the official documents with the official seal posted on the city wall, and couldn't help but nodded. That's right, the official documents with the magistrate's seal were all posted, and the magistrate couldn't regret it even if he wanted to.


It's still wrong. Since you have to live and die with the county, why are you selfishly mobilizing heavy troops to protect yourself?

After thinking of this, some people couldn't wait to question Zhu Pingan, "The county magistrate said it nicely, so why did you mobilize a large number of troops to stay in Xicheng? You are not using power for personal gain, using public weapons for private purposes, and deploying troops to protect yourself."

"Dear fellow citizens, the reason why I, Zhu Pingan, mobilized heavy troops to focus on defending Xicheng is not out of selfish reasons to protect myself, but because Xicheng will become the focus of the Japanese pirates' invasion." Zhu Pingan pointed to his feet and explained.

"Will the West City become the focus of the Japanese pirates' attack? Hahaha... The county magistrate is really lying without drafting the plan. Japanese pirates clearly appeared outside the East City Gate, but now there is not a single Japanese pirate outside the West City Gate, but the county magistrate said that the Japanese pirates will attack the West City ?! The county magistrate really thinks that our people are stupid and easy to tease."

"That's right, the magistrate. We are not blind, and you can't fool us. Now that the Japanese pirates are clearly in the East City, how can they focus on attacking the West City? Why are you telling lies with your eyes open?"

"Hahaha, that's so funny."

"Look here, everyone. The magistrate is the magistrate. He can tell lies with his eyes open without blushing."

After Zhu Pingan explained, there was a roar of jeers under the city wall, and everyone questioned Zhu Pingan's remarks. Look, the Japanese pirates clearly appeared outside the east city gate, but you focused on defending the west city. This doesn't make sense.

"The Japanese pirates were carrying out a strategy of attacking from the east and attacking in the west. They used dozens of Japanese pirates to paralyze the east city and deceive us to defend the city. When they finally attacked, they unexpectedly attacked the west city gate. Therefore, I focused on the west city gate."

Zhu Pingan explained again.

"The county magistrate really lied without drafting. He said it all, the Japanese pirates belong to your family. You said they were attacking in the east and attacking in the west."

"That's right, how did you know that the Japanese pirates were attacking from the east to the west? If the Japanese pirates attacked the East City Gate, the number of people at the East City Gate would not be enough to fill their teeth."


"Seeing is believing, talking is unfounded. The Japanese pirates clearly appeared at the east gate, one at a time, one at a time, more and more. The county magistrate actually said that the Japanese pirates were attacking in the east and attacking in the west. It's really ridiculous."

Everyone under the city wall didn't believe it, and they continued to jeer.

"If you fellow villagers had paid attention before, you would have found that most of the villages where Japanese pirates were ravaged were concentrated on the west side of the county. Only a few villages were affected on the east side, while a large number of villages were affected on the west side. This also shows that, The Japanese pirates were concentrated on the west side of the county. If the Japanese invaded the county, the West Gate would be more convenient for them to gather and attack... In addition, the villages that suffered on the east side were relatively far away from the county seat, while the villages that suffered on the west side were only a few miles away from the county seat. , in terms of arrival first, it would be appropriate for the Japanese pirates from the west to appear at the west gate first, but it was the Japanese pirates from the east that appeared at the east gate first, so all this is just a trick to hide the fact that the Japanese pirates made noise in the east and attacked in the west. "

Zhu Pingan pointed to the east of the city and then to the west of the city, and explained to everyone with a confident look.

Of course he was confident. Zhu Pingan silently looked towards the west of the city and shouted silently, "Guangzong Yaozu."

In the old forest not far from the county seat in the west of the city, the rolling black luck is intertwined like a vicious python with the same rolling blood-red bad python luck. It rises into the sky with murderous intent. The two are intertwined and spiraling like a tornado from the old forest in the west of the city to the county seat. The sky over Ximen swept over. In an instant, black and blood-red luck was like rain, dripping and pouring on the white luck pillars above the heads of the people in the county. Then, the white luck pillars above the heads of the people were visible to the naked eye. Black, blood red transformation...

The blood-red luck represents the disaster of blood and light, and the black luck represents the energy of death.

This is Zhu Pingan's confidence.

Of course, Zhu Pingan cannot tell the people this way. He can only back up the details from the conclusion and use the details to present facts and reason to the people.

The effect is also ideal.

Zhu Ping'an presented the facts and reasoned, and his words were conclusive. After hearing the words, everyone under the city wall thought about it, and it seemed that this was really the case.

Of course, for those stubborn people who want to leave the city, no matter how reasonable Zhu Pingan's words are, they don't believe it. After Zhu Pingan's words fell behind, they retorted and questioned Zhu Pingan in the city. However, the scale, intensity and influence were much smaller than before, and they were no longer enough to affect the overall situation of Biwa.

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