Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1109: Strong Japanese

Japanese pirates were densely packed all over the mountains and plains. It was roughly estimated that there were at least two to three thousand people.

Each of these Japanese pirates had ferocious faces, half of their heads bald, wearing Japanese clothes, crotchless trousers, bare legs and feet, holding spears and Japanese knives, carrying bows and arrows on their backs, howling and killing, like evil ghosts crawling out of hell. Bloody and ferocious, he went straight towards the west gate to kill.


"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

"Kill! Kill!"

The Japanese pirates' screams of killing were deafening, and when they attacked, they kicked up billows of sand and dust, like a ferocious python.

"Oh my God, why are there so many Japanese pirates? They are so densely packed all over the mountains and plains. There must be at least three to five thousand of them. What should we do now?! Last year, more than two hundred Japanese pirates broke into the county. How is it possible that there are so many Japanese pirates this time? If we can hold the county seat, we might as well just jump down and commit suicide, at least we can leave a whole body..."

"Mom, why are there so many Japanese pirates? Oh, what can we do? We can't defend but can't, and we can't escape. God, please leave us a way to survive."

"I was scared to death. Look at the ferocious looking Japanese pirates. They look like ghosts from hell. They are so scary..."

When the common people saw the Japanese pirates charging over the mountains and plains, shouting and killing, they shivered with fear and cried for their fathers and mothers. A few people were so frightened that they wet their pants, their calves became weak, and they piled on the ground with a clucking sound.

The county town is filled with the atmosphere of despair. People are crying and crying in despair, as if the end has come.

Not only the common people, but also some of the government officials and soldiers guarding the city wall were so frightened that their calves were weak, their arms were trembling, and they could no longer hold the swords in their hands, and they fell to the ground with a clang.

They were fine catching petty thieves and checking the city gates to collect tolls, but defending the city and killing Japanese pirates was too much for them.

"What are you afraid of? If you are a man, cheer up! Japanese pirates are not three-headed and six-armed. They are all raised by father and mother. What is there to be afraid of! Japanese pirates are below the city, and we are above the city. Japanese pirates can't fly, and they don't have ladders or ladders to climb walls. We have a siege cone and lack of siege equipment. We are in an advantageous position, so there is nothing to be afraid of. As long as we bravely hold on, we will definitely be able to defend the county seat!"

In the midst of despair and fear, Zhu Pingan stood up and shouted loudly to everyone. Like a thunderous glance, he woke people up from despair and fear and gave them a shot of tranquilizer and cardiotonic.

"Cheer up, behind us is our home, our parents, wives and children. If we cannot defend the city, then the Japanese pirates will burn our home, kill our parents, and ravage our wives and children!"

Zhu Ping'an stood on the city wall and ran back and forth, shouting loudly, mobilizing before the battle, arousing everyone's fighting spirit and courage.

Under Zhu Ping'an's influence, although all the government officials and soldiers were frightened, they finally cheered up.

Zhu Pingan looked calm and composed on his face, but in fact his palms were full of sweat. This is the first time Zhu Pingan has seen Japanese pirates, and it is also the first time Zhu Pingan has encountered Japanese pirates attacking the city. Seeing the densely packed Japanese pirates attacking and killing people under the city, Zhu Pingan was also panicked. There were more than 3,000 Japanese pirates, and his own side There are only about a hundred people, how can we not panic, but panic can't solve the problem, and as the core of the defense, he can't panic, so Zhu Pingan hid the panic deep in his heart and showed his calmness and confidence to the outside.

The woods were not far from the county seat, and the Japanese pirates rushed over quickly, shouting to kill.

The half-moon head, the ferocious expression, and the wet blood on the Japanese sword... can be seen clearly on the city wall.

The government officials and soldiers on the city wall couldn't help but tremble again. A soldier who was holding a bow trembled in his hand, and before the Japanese pirates could get any closer, he shot out the bow and arrow.


Feather arrows flew towards the Japanese pirates below the city.

Although the soldiers panicked, their target was quite accurate, and they shot straight at a Japanese pirate a hundred meters away from the city. Just when they were about to accomplish a feat, they saw that the Japanese pirate leader who was running barefoot seemed to have eyes on his head. While running, he turned his head to hide, and with a flip of his backhand, he caught the arrow shot by the soldier in his hand.



"How can it be!"

Seeing the scene where the Japanese pirates snatched arrows with their bare hands, a gasp could not be heard from the city wall, and the government officials and soldiers were stunned.

How can we fight this?

I shoot you with a bow and arrow, but you can catch the arrow with your bare hands. How can you fight me? ! Morale took a huge hit.

To be honest, Zhu Pingan was also shocked when he saw this scene.

Are these Japanese pirates cheating? ! Although the distance was far and the bow and arrow were somewhat weak after being shot, the Japanese pirates were able to catch the arrows with their bare hands while running. This is too unscientific.

"Onboard! Onboard!"

The morale of the Japanese pirates was greatly boosted, and they all rushed towards the city wall as if they were beaten to death.

Far more than that, the Japanese pirate who caught the feather arrow, after catching the feather arrow, ran while drawing the long bow on his back, bending the bow and setting the arrow in one go, without even using a second in between. .

Treating others with their own medicine, arrows flew towards the soldiers shooting arrows on the city wall like meteors.

It was too fast, and the soldiers on the city wall were still in fear of the Japanese pirates catching the arrows with nothing. They just watched the feathered arrows rushing towards his face. The soldiers only had time to open their mouths, showing fear. Desperate expression.

Zhu Ping'an didn't have time to react. He didn't expect that the Japanese pirate could still shoot an arrow after catching it with his bare hands.

Just as he was about to shoot the soldier's head with an arrow, he saw a hand with exposed muscles stretched out and grasped the incoming arrow tightly at the critical moment. The feathers of the arrow shook like an arrow. Like a struggling fish, the gleaming arrow cluster was less than a centimeter away from the soldier's face.

The soldier survived the disaster, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his pants were already wet, and turned to look at the owner of the palm.

Liu Dadao!

It was Liu Dadao who had quick eyesight and quick hands at the critical moment. He stretched out his palm to catch the arrow and saved the soldier's life.



"We also have strong men!"

There was a burst of cheers and excitement on the city wall, and the morale that had been hit by the Japanese pirates catching arrows with their bare hands came back again.

"Grandpa gave it to me. I won't allow you little dwarfs who have a father and no mother to refuse."

After Liu Dadao caught the feather arrow, he cursed loudly and threw the feather arrow down the city with his backhand.

Liu Dadao played a trick. He knew that the Japanese pirate who caught the arrow with his bare hands was very powerful, so he chose the Japanese pirate next to him as his target.

The arrow flew like lightning and shot through the throat of the Japanese pirate. Instantly, he was bleeding profusely and fell to the ground.


"Damn it! That's awesome!"

Seeing this, everyone on the city wall cheered like thunder, and their morale was soared by Liu Dadao's hand!

"Da Dao, it's awesome. I'll give you the first credit!" Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but give Liu Da Dao a thumbs up.

"Haha... Master, this is nothing." Liu Dadao rubbed his head and smiled stupidly.

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