"Wolf cubs, gold, silver, and women are all in the city in front of you. If you want it, you can attack this city for me. The first son to attack the city wall will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver; the second to tenth place will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver. Those who attack the city wall will be rewarded three hundred taels of silver each; after the city is breached, everyone will be rewarded, and there will be no sealing order."

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachi Langzhu, rushed forward to the place where two arrows were placed under the city wall. He stood down, pulled out the Japanese sword from his waist, and swung it towards the city wall with all his strength. With a ferocious smile on his face, he shouted to all the Japanese pirates in broken Chinese.

Stimulated by the heavy reward, a group of Japanese pirates rushed towards the west gate of Jingnan County with scarlet eyes, howling and going crazy.

"Jingnan County is vulnerable to a single blow. One day, I will serve Amaterasu and conquer the imperial capital of China."

Seeing his men rushing towards the Jingnan city wall like mad dogs and hungry wolves, the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro was full of ambition and confidence. He believed that his Japanese pirates could break through Jingnan County with one strike. With the wealth of Jingnan County, his team could He has grown stronger, and if he continues like this, one day he will definitely be able to break through the capital of the Ming Dynasty...


In the smug eyes of the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro, the Japanese pirates rushed towards Jingnan County crazily.

My life is at an end, my life is at an end... The people of Jingnan are completely in despair. On the attacking side are more than 3,000 Japanese pirates who look like wolves, tigers, mad dogs and hungry wolves. On the defending side, there are only less than a hundred government officials, Soldiers, how can we hold the county seat like this? Alas, my life is at an end. The people are crying in despair, waiting for death to come.

"Fire the arrow!"

After the Japanese pirates entered the shooting range of bows and arrows, Zhu Pingan immediately loudly ordered to release arrows and kill the Japanese pirates with bows and arrows.

Under Zhu Pingan's shouting, all the government officials and soldiers overcame the fear in their hearts, tremblingly drew their bows and fired arrows.

I have to say that the level of archery skills of the government officials and soldiers is really unsatisfactory. Not only are they weak, but their accuracy is extremely poor.

There were a total of 100 government officials and soldiers on the city wall (there were originally 60 government officials on the west city wall, and Zhu Pingan urgently ordered 10 people to be transferred from the east city, and 15 people from the south gate and north gate to help defend the west city). When the arrows rained down, only a dozen unlucky Japanese pirates were shot to the ground. For the Japanese pirates who were so outnumbered, they couldn't even make waves.

Not only that, because the feathered arrows were weak, many of the Japanese pirates showed their ability to catch arrows with their bare hands.


When the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro saw the weak performance of the Jingnan defenders, he spat in disdain.

"Hahaha, are all the women in the city? The arrows shot down are so weak and weak. I really laugh to death."

"A bunch of girls, hahahaha... The little girls on the city wall, listen to me, clean your butts and wait up there for me. When I go up, I will pamper you, hahaha..."

The Japanese pirates, who were catching arrows with their bare hands, lifted up their unlined clothes, patted their crotch pants against the city wall, twisted their buttocks, and laughed to mock the guards on the city wall.

"These turtles!"

"I'm so angry!"

The government officials and guards on the city wall were angry and annoyed, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. Not only were these sons of bitches Japanese pirates numerous in number, but they were also so powerful in martial arts. Can we hold the county seat? !

"Fire the arrow! Shoot the motherfucker!"

When Zhu Ping'an saw this, he shouted loudly, took the lead in drawing the bow and arrow in his hand, and aimed it at the head of one of the Japanese pirates who was twisting his butt and taunting him.

We cannot allow Japanese pirates to damage the morale of the city defenders!

Zhu Pingan was very decisive in shooting the arrow. After taking aim, he decisively let go and released the arrow. Firstly, he could not let the Japanese pirates destroy the morale of the city defenders. Secondly... Zhu Pingan was born as a scholar after all, and he was not very strong. He drew the long bow to eight points. It was already very difficult. Even if I wanted to aim a little longer, I couldn't hold on.

Feather arrows flew to the city.

Zhu Ping'an's archery level was infinitely equal to zero. As expected, the arrow... missed... missed a lot... at least two meters. The target Japanese pirate was not afraid at all, he didn't even blink an eyelid, and even some Want to laugh...


However, the target Japanese pirate opened his mouth, and his laughter was choked back by the screams around him. He turned around and saw an arrow stuck in the crotch of the similarly twisted Japanese pirate next to him. It hit his vital point and blood flowed like a stream. Note, the screams are like killing a pig.

Is this... okay? !

Seeing the arrow hitting the wrong side, hitting the crotch of another Japanese pirate who was twisting and taunting, Zhu Pingan twitched his lips in disbelief, but his face said, "Well, that's where I was aiming!" "Looks like.

"The county's great shot!"

"The county magistrate is mighty!"

The government officials and soldiers on the city wall didn't know that Zhu Pingan was aiming at the Japanese pirate's head but he shot the person next to him in the crotch trousers. They thought Zhu Pingan was aiming at the Japanese pirate's crotch trousers. They just saw the turtle Sun Niu was the happiest, and the little girls were the happiest when he mocked us. Now Zhu Ping'an shot his egg with an arrow, and everyone couldn't help but feel boosted in morale and cheered loudly for Zhu Ping'an.

"Shoot the fuck up!"

Inspired and inspired by Zhu Pingan, a group of government officials and guards swept away the gloom and shouted, drawing their bows and shooting arrows.

Turtle grandson, if you twist again, I will let you twist again, if I let you taunt again, I will shoot your balls out! Shoot your head off!

Suddenly, arrows rained down.

With the dual blessing of anger and encouragement, this round of arrow rain was much more effective than the first wave of arrow rain. More than 20 Japanese pirates fell to the ground after being struck by arrows, including three Japanese pirates who caught the arrows with their bare hands. They were given special care. , at least a dozen people were aiming at them. Although they once again performed catching arrows with their bare hands, what's the use of catching an arrow? There are still seven or eight arrows, and one of them will hit.

Even a martial arts master like Xiao Feng in the martial arts drama would not dare to fight with thousands of troops.

What’s more, this is reality.

Of course, there were also many Japanese pirates who were not shot at their vital points. They were only hit by arrows in non-fatal parts such as shoulders, arms, legs, etc., but it was enough to temporarily lose their combat effectiveness. In addition, the arrowheads used by the government officials and soldiers were soaked in "gold juice" in advance according to Zhu Pingan's order. As long as the Japanese pirates hit an arrow, even if it was not a vital part, the bacteria and viruses in the gold juice would take the opportunity to enter the wound, causing them to die due to wound infection.

"A bunch of girls, they can't even shoot an arrow."

After a Japanese pirate who was as strong as a bear was hit by an arrow in his shoulder, he pulled out his feathers without changing his expression, grinning and taunting.

"This arrow smells bad. It's bad luck."

After taunting him, the strong bear Japanese pirate put the pulled arrow on his bow, fully drew the long bow, and aimed at a guard on the city wall. When he was about to let go and let go of the arrow, he smelled a smell coming from the arrow cluster. Smell, he cursed in disgust, threw it on the ground, pulled out an arrow from the quiver, and put it on the longbow.

"Haha, the Ming Dynasty's military equipment is in disrepair, and the arrows are all moldy. How can it not stink?" the Japanese pirate next to him said with a smile.

"Haha, in our Satsuma domain, ten heads of such a quartermaster are not enough for the lord to chop off."

The strong bear Japanese pirate smiled sarcastically and let go of the arrow in his hand. The arrow flew like flying and hit the guard in the face.

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