Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1112 The Crisis of City Destruction

Under the bloody supervision of Heihachiro, the Japanese pirates braved falling rocks and gold juice and rushed towards the city wall again without fear of death. In addition, Heihachiro also mobilized the birds, bows and arrows among the Japanese pirates to suppress the defenders who threw stones and poured gold juice on the city.

"Tie Sun is quite anxious, don't worry, I will serve you food right now!"

A government official picked up a basin of hot golden juice, cursed loudly, and poured it over the Japanese pirates climbing under the city.


The sound of a musket sounded, and a projectile flew from the city and hit the Jinzhi Yamen servant on the forehead.


The Yamen servant's body stiffened instantly and he stumbled. The basin in his hand fell down the wall with a clang. He reached out tremblingly and touched his forehead, then put his hand in front of his eyes. The palms of his hands were red and white. The red was blood and what was the white. Yamen servant His eyes widened, as if he wanted to distinguish, but his eyes were distracted, and his body suddenly fell to the bottom of the city. A Japanese pirate who was climbing up was thrown to the bottom of the city.

Suddenly, the pressure on the Jingnan city wall suddenly increased! Many government officials and soldiers were killed one after another on the city wall.

"Hold on! Persistence is victory!" Zhu Pingan ran back and forth on the city wall to boost morale, braving the loss of people and the birds.

Zhu Pingan always appears in the most dangerous places, and his figure is like a beacon inspiring everyone. Encouraged and inspired by Zhu Pingan, the government officials and soldiers on the city wall persisted to fight against the Japanese pirates.

The sound of arrows piercing the air, the sound of blunderbuss being fired, the shouts of killing, and the screams were all intertwined.

The battle has entered a fever pitch.

This is a confrontation of blood and perseverance. Strategy has no place. Fear and death grow wildly on the city walls.

persist in!

persist in!

Keep it up!

However, there was a huge disparity in strength between the offensive and defensive sides. There were too many Japanese pirates and too few government officials.

More than half an hour later, the Japanese pirates finally climbed up the city wall.

"Hahahahaha, one thousand taels, one thousand taels belongs to me." The first Japanese pirate burst out laughing after climbing up the city wall.


A government officer took advantage of the Japanese pirate who had just climbed up the city wall and had not yet gained a firm footing. He swung his knife at the Japanese pirate's head and chopped it off. This Japanese pirate is a veteran who often rolls and crawls on the battlefield. As soon as he climbed up the city wall, he kept an eye on his surroundings.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, the yamen servant chased after you, catching up and slashing. The Japanese pirate raised the Japanese knife in his hand to block, and while blocking, he stretched out his foot and kicked hard at the yamen servant's calf. The yamen servant was kicked unprepared. Staggering, the Japanese pirate took the opportunity to roll forward, and the Japanese knife penetrated the Yamen servant's abdomen and came out from his back.

All this happened within one second. One second the government officials had the advantage, and the next second they were killed by Japanese pirates.

"Third brother!"

Another government officer witnessed this scene, shouted in pain, and rushed over with a knife.

"Weak chicken!"

The Japanese pirate sneered, raised his foot and kicked the impaled Yamen servant back, and kicked him into the arms of the rushing Yamen servant. He knocked the Japanese pirate over and staggered, while the Japanese pirate took the opportunity to jump forward, brandishing his sword with a flash of wind. Usually, a knife was cut through the officer's throat.


The yamen officer who rushed over made a painful sound in his mouth, and there was a blood line in his throat. Blood spattered out. Coldness and darkness swept over him. The hand holding the knife gradually dropped, and the knife fell to the ground. Then, with a pop, he Together with the yamen servant in his arms, they collapsed on the city wall and fell forever.


"Pitifully weak!"

After killing two government officials without any injuries, the Japanese pirate sneered disdainfully, shook his wrist to shake off the blood droplets attached to the blade, jumped up and rushed towards the next government servant with his sword.


The Japanese pirate yelled loudly while sprinting, swung his knife like a god of death, and slashed diagonally at the officer's neck.

The Japanese pirate's bravery in killing two people in a row shocked the government officer. Seeing the Japanese pirates charging at him, the government officer was so frightened that cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his hands kept trembling. He couldn't even hold the knife, let alone killing the Japanese.

"Grandson, it's not your turn to act wild on the city wall!"

Liu Dashao kicked a Japanese pirate off the city wall who had climbed up the city wall, and rushed over with his broadsword. At the critical moment, he stood in front of the Yamen servant, and raised his sword to block the Japanese pirate's slashing Japanese sword.

After being blocked, the Japanese pirate didn't panic, and repeated his old trick by raising his foot to kick Liu Dadao. Liu Dadao was experienced and raised his foot at the same time when the Japanese pirate raised his foot. He gathered enough strength to kick the Japanese pirate, and the Japanese pirate was kicked. Staggering, Liu Dadao stepped forward and slashed with his knife. The Japanese pirate hurriedly blocked with the knife. Liu Dadao was very powerful. After blocking once, Liu Dadao's wrist was shaking a little. Liu Dadao turned his wrist and thrust the blade towards the Japanese pirate's neck. , the Japanese pirate hurriedly raised his knife to block, but unexpectedly, Liu Dadao changed direction and swung the blade towards the Japanese pirate's abdomen. The Japanese pirate thought that Liu Dadao was a powerful man, but they didn't expect that Liu Dadao was so flexible. He had no time to dodge and was hit in the abdomen. Liu Dadao opened the chest with one blow. After being injured, the Japanese pirate was no match for Liu Dadao. Liu Dadao solved his sinful life with two swords.

After a while, many Japanese pirates climbed up the city wall one after another. Each Japanese pirate was very brave, and there were only a few people on the city wall who were as brave as Liu Dadao. Generally, two government officials and soldiers might not be able to defeat them together. A Japanese pirate passed by, and the Japanese pirate who climbed up brought great pressure and casualties to the city wall.

The situation is urgent and the pressure is high. It seems that the city wall will be lost soon.

"My lord, the Japanese pirates have climbed up, and my brothers suffered heavy casualties. What should I do?" a government official cried and complained.

"Just do it!"

Zhu Ping'an roared, lifted up his official uniform and tied it around his waist, then rushed to the front line with the knife in hand.

Zhu Pingan aimed at a Japanese pirate who was fighting with two government officials. Zhu Pingan opened his hidden knife and moved out of sight. He swung his knife from behind and attacked the Japanese pirate, preparing to kill him. However, behind the Japanese pirate there was something like As if he had eyes, when Zhu Pingan was about to hit him, he ducked sideways to avoid Zhu Pingan's fatal knife, and then kicked Zhu Pingan to the side, sending Zhu Pingan flying at least two meters away.

Well, Zhu Pingan's combat ability is indeed a scumbag. If the sneak attack fails, he will be killed. However, Zhu Pingan takes the lead and spiritually greatly inspires everyone. For a time, everyone's morale soared.

"Just do it!"

The county magistrate is working so hard, what are we afraid of? He has done it with the Japanese pirates! The government officials and soldiers followed Zhu Pingan and shouted, passing by Zhu Pingan and rushing towards the Japanese pirates. For a moment, daggers met on the city wall, and blood flowed like a river.


Zhu Pingan spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, cursed, put his hand on the ground, and struggled to get up. In the process of getting up, Zhu Pingan noticed a pot of boiling golden juice not far away from the corner of his eye.

"Damn it, why didn't you think of it earlier!" Zhu Pingan's eyes lit up, and then he slapped himself in self-blame.

"Use fire, use fire to burn the rope!"

Zhu Ping'an shouted to remind everyone, and ran to the stove, took out a burning wood, ran to the city wall, and pointed the torch at a rope above the flying claw. The ropes of the Japanese pirate flying claws are made like rattan armor. They are soaked in tung oil and dried repeatedly. They are invulnerable but only afraid of fire. The torches burn brightly and soon the ropes are on fire. The ropes crackle and catch fire. The fire is getting bigger and bigger, one by one. The stock burned out quickly.

A Japanese pirate just emerged from the city wall and was about to climb up when the rope in his hand burned. With a desperate scream, he fell off the city wall. Several Japanese pirates who were climbing below also screamed in despair. Fell down.

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