Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1113 The Japanese pirates retreated?

Under Zhu Pingan's reminder and demonstration, many government officials and soldiers also used torches to burn the ropes. Except for a few ropes that had been soaked with urine and river water by the Japanese pirates in advance, most of the flying claw ropes were burned. Burned out.

The Japanese pirates did not make wall-climbing ladders in advance, and most of the climbing tools such as flying claw ropes were burned. The few ropes that were soaked in urine and could not be burned were also focused on by the defenders. For a while, huge rocks and gold liquid fell down one after another. , the Japanese pirates screamed and fell to the bottom of the city.

After struggling to clear away the Japanese pirates on the city wall, Jingnan County defended the first wave of Japanese attacks.

"The Japanese pirates have retreated!"

"The Japanese pirates have escaped!"

"We defended, we defended!"

After the Japanese pirates retreated, the government officials and soldiers on the city wall cheered and celebrated their victory happily.

"Defended?! The Japanese pirates retreated?!"


"Very good."

When the trembling and desperate people below the city heard that the Japanese pirates had retreated, they opened their mouths in surprise, were overjoyed, cried with joy, and ran around cheering happily. Jingnan County was like a sea of ​​cheers.

Amid a burst of cheers, Zhu Pingan stood on the city wall with a relaxed expression but an extremely heavy heart.

Zhu Ping'an's eyes were profound.

Although the county seat was defended with difficulty, the situation was not optimistic at all. Because, firstly, this was just the first wave of attacks by the Japanese pirates, and they would definitely attack the city again after repairs; secondly, our own side suffered heavy casualties. Thirty-two of the 100 government officials and soldiers on the west city died in this wave of defense. Twenty-nine people were injured, a total of 61 casualties, and only 39 government officials and soldiers were still fighting on the city wall. Third, the Japanese pirates were still outnumbered. Although the Japanese pirates suffered more losses, more than a hundred people were injured, but this loss was only a drop in the bucket for the Japanese pirates. They still had three thousand soldiers. Multiple people.

Zhu Pingan knew very well that the Japanese pirates retreated because simple climbing equipment such as flying claws and ropes were destroyed. They needed time to cut down trees to make ladders. When the ladders were completed, the Japanese pirates attacked again.

There were thirty-nine defenders on the city, and more than three thousand Japanese pirates below the city.


How to defend this city? !

Considering the ferocity of the Japanese pirates and the huge disparity in the number of enemies and ourselves, we were afraid of the next wave of attacks. As long as the Japanese pirates attacked the city wall, the city wall would be declared lost. If the city wall was lost, Jingnan County would also fall.

It's difficult.

Zhu Pingan looked at the retreating Japanese pirates and couldn't feel relaxed.

"Sir, have a drink of water."

Liu Dadao walked up with a helmet under his elbow and a bowl of water in his hand, handing it to Zhu Pingan.

"Dadao, thank you. Thanks to you today, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Zhu Ping'an took the bowl, smiled and patted Liu Dadao's shoulder, thanking him sincerely.

Really, today on the city wall, thanks to the presence of Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang, and Liu Dachui, the government officials and soldiers on the city wall are no match for the Japanese pirates. The ferocious and brave Japanese pirates are like wolves among sheep after climbing up the city wall. They can easily kill government officials and soldiers one on one, and they can defeat one enemy, two enemies, and three enemies. They can also fight back. Only Liu Dadao and Liu Daqiang are highly skilled and their personal force value exceeds that of the Japanese pirates. If not for Liu Dadao and Liu Daqiang, The big guns and others were on the city wall to rescue people, killing everyone in all directions, and the city wall had long been lost. Moreover, Zhu Ping'an is a weak scholar whose physical fitness is much worse than that of government officials and soldiers. The reason why he is still standing here intact is because of the close protection of Liu Dadao and Liu Daqiang. If it weren't for Liu Dadao and Liu Daqiang, Liu Daqiang and the others protected Zhu Pingan. Even if Zhu Pingan had nine lives, he was sent to the west by the Japanese pirates on the city wall.

"Young Master, why are you so polite to us? If it weren't for Young Master, we would have died a long time ago. Now that we are following Young Master, we have become spies, and we are all eating the royal food. This is a great thing for the glory of our ancestors. Besides, Young Master is not one of the civil servants to avoid the sword. Arrow, regardless of the danger, kill the Japanese with a knife, we martial arts practitioners, killing the enemy is our duty." Liu Dadao smiled innocently, touched the back of his head and shook his head.

"Dadao, are you injured?"

Zhu Ping'an noticed that Liu Dadao raised his arm and touched the back of his head, and there was a large amount of blood on the clothes on his waist, so he couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"No, these are the blood of pirate cubs."

Liu Dadao shook his head and explained that in order to reassure Zhu Pingan, Liu Dadao opened his clothes and showed Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Pingan was relieved when he saw that Liu Dadao was not injured.

"Look, the Japanese pirates have retreated, but they have not retreated. The Japanese pirates have set up camp one mile outside the city."

A cheering government official on the city wall suddenly noticed that the retreating Japanese pirates outside the city had not retreated, but had set up camp a mile outside the city. He couldn't help but sweat dripping from his forehead, and he exclaimed.

His words attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked outside the city.

"Really, shit, the Japanese pirates really haven't retreated. The Japanese pirates have camped under the city. Are they going to attack the city again?!"

“The Japanese pirates didn’t retreat?!”

"The Japanese pirates haven't left yet! The Japanese pirates haven't left yet!"

When everyone saw that the Japanese pirates had indeed set up camp a mile below the city, with no intention of retreating, they could not help but panic and sweat profusely.

"Hurry up, some Japanese pirates are cutting down trees and dragging tree trunks to the camp. What are they doing cutting down trees?!"

"Ladder?! Did the Japanese pirates cut down trees to build siege ladders?!!!"

"Yes, look, they put tree trunks side by side, as well as crossbars and siege ladders!! The Japanese pirates are really building siege ladders!!!"

"The Japanese pirates are building a siege ladder. What should I do? The Japanese pirates are building a siege ladder. They must be evil-minded and want to attack the city."

"With the siege ladder, it is much easier for the Japanese pirates to climb the city wall. The Japanese pirates are fierce and there are many, there are still two or three thousand, and we only have more than thirty people left. If the Japanese pirates attack the city again, how can we defend the city? ah."

"How can we keep this?"

"Hey, there are not enough people on the city wall to hold the Japanese pirates in their teeth. The Japanese pirates can break through the county town with a single charge. God, please, what to do, what to do, we are dead, we are dead."

Then, the sharp-eyed people saw the Japanese pirates cutting down trees to build siege ladders, and they couldn't help but become more frightened and screamed in despair.

Soon, people both above and below the city knew that the Japanese pirates were cutting down trees to make siege ladders and preparing for the next wave of siege. Everyone knows that there are only more than thirty government officials and soldiers guarding the city, but there are still two to three thousand Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates are all ferocious and highly skilled in martial arts. After the Japanese pirates have an siege ladder, how can the county be defended? .

The county seat cannot be defended!

The county seat cannot be defended!

Jingnan County is filled with such comments.

For a time, an atmosphere of despair swept across Jingnan County again, and people's desperate cries could not be heard.

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