Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1115 Breaking the situation

"Now I finally understand why the county magistrate said, 'It's not more than thirty brothers, but more than thirty thousand brothers.'"

The government officials on the city wall opened their mouths and looked shocked as they watched the people below the city pouring onto the city wall. More and more people were coming up to the city wall. Looking around, the people rushing to line up and swarming up the city wall were like a long dragon, winding up, in front of them. The head of the dragon cannot be seen, and the tail of the dragon cannot be seen behind it.

"With one mouth of our county minister, we can defeat thousands of troops. As long as the county minister is here, everything is possible." The soldier next to the Yamen servant looked at Zhu Ping'an's back and said with reverence. Seeing so many people rushing towards him, With the city walls guarding the city, the despair in his heart was swept away, and his face was filled with hope.

Just like the soldiers, the government officials and soldiers on the city wall saw this scene, and hope for the defenders grew again in their hearts.

The desperate atmosphere that shrouded Jingnan County like a thick fog dissipated as if blown by a strong wind.


The critical situation of death has ushered in a turning point. Zhu Ping'an's mobilization will definitely go down in history.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, when Jingnan's life and death were at stake, you stepped forward. You are all heroes, the pride of Jingnan, and the patron saint of Jingnan. I, Zhu Ping'an, would like to thank you all."

On top of the city wall, Zhu Ping'an looked at the crowds swarming up the city wall. The corners of his eyes couldn't help but moisten. He cupped his hands and bowed to the crowd.

"The words of the county magistrate are serious. We should be the ones to thank the county magistrate. When the county magistrate first came to Jingnan, he spared no effort to protect Jingnan. We, the native Jingnan people, have no reason not to protect Jingnan."

"Mr. Magistrate, please don't say that. We are ashamed that we did not receive the praise from the Mgr. County Magistrate. If the Mister Magistrate hadn't awakened the dreamer with his words, we would have become cowards who were killed by the Japanese pirates and were despised."

"Master Magistrate, you are the patron saint of Jingnan."

"Master Magistrate, we are not cowards. We will fight the Japanese pirates to the end and protect our parents, wives and children."

"Jingnan is also our Jingnan. We were born in Jingnan and grew up in Jingnan. If Jingnan is in trouble, of course we must stand up."

People spoke one after another, not daring to accept Zhu Ping'an's bow.

"Ping'an is all incompetent, causing all the fellow villagers to take risks to defend the city. Ping An would like to apologize to all the fellow villagers."

Zhu Pingan once again bowed his hands. As the parent official of Jingnan, he was unable to protect Jingnan. He was forced to mobilize the people to defend the city and let the people face the brutal and inhumane Japanese pirates. Zhu Pingan felt full of guilt.

"What crime did the magistrate have? If it hadn't been for the magistrate's insistence, we would have been killed by the Japanese pirates outside the west gate. Also, magistrate, you risked your life to protect Jingnan, we all saw it."

"What does the Japanese pirates' attack on the city have to do with the county magistrate? If the magistrate hadn't been guarding the city on the wall, Jingnan would have been captured by the Japanese pirates long ago."

"The magistrate is our great benefactor, not a sinner."

"It's hard for a good woman to make a meal without straw. We in Jingnan don't have a defense post, so how can we have any defense force? More than 3,000 Japanese pirates attack the city. It's normal if we can't defend it. It's abnormal if we can defend it. The county magistrate has just arrived, and there are What a crime of incompetence. Besides, the county magistrate organized government officials and gatekeepers to defend the city, and it was already a miracle that more than 3,000 Japanese pirates were able to defend the city. The county magistrate was not only innocent, but he also made a great contribution."

"The county magistrate's words are serious. If we don't defend the city, if the Japanese pirates attack the county town, we will be dead. Defending the city can still make a way for us to survive for our parents, wives and children. If the county magistrate hadn't reminded us, we would have to wait for death."

People said excitedly, they know very well what Jingnan is like. There is no power to defend the city. If the Japanese pirates only come with a hundred or so people and cannot defend the city, it can be said that the county magistrate is incompetent, but the Japanese pirates suddenly With more than 3,000 people here, if we can hold on, Zhu Pingan has done a good enough job. It is impossible for anyone to do better than Zhu Pingan. Last year, the Japanese pirates captured the county seat with only a hundred or so people.

"Thank you very much, fellow citizens, for trusting me, Zhu Ping'an. I, Zhu Ping, will definitely live up to the trust of my fellow citizens."

Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands again.

Everyone returned the favor one after another.

"Fellow fellows, your determination and courage to protect Jingnan are obvious to all. However, swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield. In order to avoid increasing casualties, now we ask those over fifty to come down the city wall; there are old and young people above. , go down to the city wall; if there is an only son in the family, go down to the city wall; if there is a wife but no heirs in the family, go down to the city wall; if father and son are both on the city wall, the father will go down to the city wall; if brothers are on the city wall together, the younger brother will go down to the city wall."

Zhu Pingan stood in front of everyone, raised his hands and said loudly.

"Master Magistrate, I've lived for seventy years. I'm old enough. Let's let the younger ones go. Don't think I'm old, but I have a lot of kung fu. No two or three ordinary young men can be a match for the old man."

"The county magistrate, as the saying goes, brothers are brothers in fighting tigers, and father and son are soldiers in battle. The three of us, father and brother, are more powerful on the city wall."

"Master Magistrate, we will not go down. We will defend Jingnan to the death, and we will fight the Japanese pirates to the end."

"A noble man like the magistrate is fighting on the city wall to defend the city. We won't get down from the city wall..."

The people on the city wall said excitedly that everyone could not stand on the city wall and vowed to protect Jingnan to the death.

In order to express his persistence, the seventy-year-old man blew his beard and glared, hugging the city wall and not letting go.

"Uncle, uncle, fellow villagers, we all see your determination and courage to protect Jingnan. However, on the battlefield, swords have no eyes, and the Japanese pirates are cruel and inhumane, which will inevitably increase casualties; and the city wall is narrow, There are so many of us and it is difficult for us to do our best, which gives the Japanese pirates an opportunity to take advantage of. In addition, all the fellow villagers can also help defend the city below the city. You can maintain the order of the county, assist in collecting and transporting wood and stones, and collecting feces and urine... …”

Zhu Ping'an had to persuade again and again before he persuaded those over fifty, old and young, to come down the city wall.

After such screening, more than 2,000 strong civilians were left on the city wall. Although the number was not as large as the Japanese pirates, they were enough to defend the city.

"Brothers, I, Zhu Ping'an, have nothing to repay you for taking the risk of defending the city. I can only treat you with sincerity. Everyone is registered and treated the same as government officials and soldiers. All those who have the courage to defend the city will be rewarded with ten taels of silver each; because they defend the city Those who are wounded while defending the city will be rewarded with an additional ten taels of silver; those who are killed while defending the city will receive an additional fifty taels of pension for each person. After this battle, all those who are interested in serving as county government officials or errands will be given priority."

Zhu Ping'an recruited literate government officials and civilians to register all the people, and they were treated equally with government officials and soldiers. Everyone was also subject to the previously issued reward order. In addition, he also promised everyone that after the war, anyone who was interested in serving as a county government official would be are given priority.

The heavy reward order solved the people's worries; the appointment order gave everyone an opportunity to eat the royal food.

Originally, the people defended the city just with enthusiasm. Now, with the heavy reward order and the appointment order, the people have no worries and have more hope. They are more active in defending the city, full of energy and high morale.

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