Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1116 Spare your nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine deaths

"Open the arsenal, take out all sabers, spears, shields and cloth armor, and distribute them all to the people defending the city."

Zhu Pingan ordered the arsenal to be opened again and all remaining weapons and equipment distributed to the people participating in the defense of the city.

The arsenal was turned upside down, and only 533 sabers, 660 spears, 250 shields, and 380 pieces of cloth armor were collected. These weapons and equipment were not enough to arm the 2,000 people defending the city, but fortunately, two wooden boxes were found in the corners of the arsenal. After opening them, they found that they contained spare spearheads, totaling more than 600. The spears were cut from the wood and mounted on them. Finally, the urgent need of the moment was solved. Coupled with the hundreds of swords contributed by the people in the city, everyone finally had a weapon, so that they would not have to fight the ferocious Japanese pirates with their bare hands.

There were suddenly so many defenders on the city wall. Naturally, they couldn't hide it from the Japanese pirates below. The Japanese pirates below the city noticed it immediately.

"Isn't Jingnan coming for reinforcements? Why are there so many more defenders on the city all of a sudden? I'm afraid there are two to three thousand more people."

"Are they coming for reinforcements?"

"Chief, there are suddenly many defenders on the city wall."

After the Japanese pirates discovered that the garrison on the city had increased, they couldn't help but start talking. They thought it was reinforcements from Jingnan, and the monstrous flames suddenly dropped by three points.

This Jingnan is different from other counties that can be defeated in one attack. It is very tenacious. Previously, Jingnan only had more than 100 defenders and blocked the attack of more than 3,000 people. Fortunately, in the last wave of siege, although our side paid more than a hundred lives, it also reduced the number of Jingnan defenders by more than 60 people. I thought that there were only thirty soldiers left in the Jingnan garrison, and they could capture Jingnan County in one go. However, they never expected that more than 2,000 reinforcements would arrive in Jingnan so quickly. I'm afraid it won't be easy to attack.

"Chief, reinforcements from Jingnan have arrived, numbering two to three thousand people." A Japanese pirate reported to Heihachiro.

"Say it again?" Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, reached out and took out his ears, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile.

"Chief, reinforcements from Jingnan have arrived, numbering two to three thousand people." Hearing this, the Japanese pirate repeated it again.


As soon as the Japanese pirate finished speaking, he saw a flash of white light, and then he found that his world collapsed on both sides. Before he could even let out a scream, his whole person was cut in half with a knife to the head.

"You are deceiving the public with your monstrous words and shaking the morale of the army. You are worthy of death! This leader is kind and will spare you nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine deaths."

Blood splattered on Heihachiro's face. Heihachiro stretched out his tongue and licked the blood that splattered on his lips. He squinted his eyes and looked at the Japanese pirates split in two on the ground as if they were looking at grass. He said coldly.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and the effect will be immediate.

The Japanese pirates who were still discussing the Jingnan reinforcements immediately stopped talking and did not dare to say a word.

"A bunch of idiots!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro wiped the Japanese sword clean, returned the sword to its sheath, glanced at the Japanese, shook his head and cursed.

Why do you call us idiots? !

We don't know why, and we don't dare to ask, all the Japanese pirates have such expressions.

"Idiot! Keep your dog eyes wide open and take a closer look at those so-called reinforcements on the city wall!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro stepped forward and grabbed a Japanese pirate's chin, turned his face to the city wall, and forced him to look at the city wall.

All the Japanese pirates followed and looked towards the city wall.

"Do you see it? Take a closer look at those so-called reinforcements in your mouth. Apart from the spears and weapons in their hands, do you see anything that looks like reinforcements?! Keep your dog eyes wide open and take a closer look at their clothes. , haven’t you seen it yet? They are all a bunch of ordinary people with mud-legged feet. What kind of bullshit reinforcements! A thousand sheep with knives are no match for a wolf. Such two-legged sheep are just selling their heads in a bid! Tell me. , How many of these two-legged sheep have you chopped down today?!" The Japanese pirate Heihachiro pinched the Japanese pirate's chin, pointed at the people on the wall, and asked loudly.

"I cut off three heads!"

"I chopped down a bunch of five heads!"

"I chopped off ten heads..."

"I cut off one head, but I got ten!"

Under the prompts of their leader Heihachiro, the Japanese pirates soon discovered that what was on the wall was not reinforcements, but a group of ordinary people armed with weapons. The pirate flames instantly became monstrous again, and they shouted ferociously one by one.

If it were reinforcements from the Guard, even though the Guard's combat power was weak, they would still be wary of it. But the common people, oh, the common people were just lambs to be slaughtered in their eyes. They were cowardly and incompetent, so they killed too many. .

Shock it with killing!

Know it with reason!

The good generals of ancient times were nothing more than this!

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro couldn't help but feel proud when he saw that the Japanese pirates under his command had regained their morale.

"Tell the leader that fifteen siege ladders have been built."

At this moment, a Japanese pirate came forward and informed Heihachiro that fifteen siege ladders had been built.

"Xingxi, there are many rewards. After the city is broken, everyone who participates in building the ladder will be rewarded with a beautiful woman."

Hearing that fifteen siege ladders had been built, the Japanese pirate Heihachiro nodded with satisfaction and ordered rewards for the Japanese pirates who participated in building the ladders.


Long live, long live...

Siege the city, siege the city...

The Japanese pirates howled excitedly, like a pack of hungry wolves from the grassland, their eyes glowing red.

"The two-legged sheep in the city can't wait any longer. Men, set up the siege ladder and prepare to attack the city!"

Seeing that the military morale was available, the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro showed a smile, moved his gaze to Jingnan County, slowly pulled out the Japanese sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Jingnan County, and shouted loudly with a ferocious look on his face.

"Siege the city!"

"Siege the city!"

A group of Japanese pirates lifted up the prepared siege ladder, looked at the city wall ferociously, and howled even more excitedly, infiltrating people like hungry wolves.

"The Japanese pirates are about to attack the city, cheer up!"

"Cheer up and hide behind the crenellations to avoid being attacked by Japanese pirates."

"Japanese pirates are nothing to be afraid of. In the last battle, we killed nearly two hundred Japanese pirates. When you see a Japanese pirate, don't be afraid. Just treat the Japanese pirate as a pig. Use the spearhead in your hand to poke a transparent hole in his dog's face."

The government officials and soldiers who had experienced battles on the city wall saw the movements of the Japanese pirates below the city, and knew that the Japanese pirates were about to attack the city. They immediately loudly reminded and encouraged the people who had just joined the defense of the city, and told them the lessons they had learned with their blood and lives. , teach them all to the common people to prevent them from taking the wrong path.


After all, it was the first time for the common people to face such a scene. Although the government officials reminded them, looking at the ferocious faces of the Japanese pirates, they couldn't help but feel nervous, and the palms of their weapons were sweating nervously. However, when they saw Zhu Pingan standing firmly in front, as straight as a needle in the sea, their nervousness gradually calmed down.

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