Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1120 The simplified version of the Mandarin Duck Formation shows its power

The young and strong people in the city were all common people. They didn't even kill pigs, let alone kill people. They smashed rocks and poured gold juice on them, thus indirectly killing the Japanese pirates. They gritted their teeth and overcame the obstacles and hesitations in their hearts, but They were asked to directly kill the Japanese pirates with knives, stab them with spears, and kill them with their own hands, but they couldn't help but feel timid and hesitant, and couldn't take action for a while.

Qing Zhuang hesitated and missed the opportunity; the Japanese pirates did not hesitate. As soon as they showed their heads, they inserted the weapon in their hands into the chest of Qing Zhuang on the city. They stepped on Qing Zhuang's dead body, climbed up the city wall, and then suddenly assassinated Qing Zhuang next to him. .

The Japanese pirates behind were like ants, crawling up the gap, brandishing Japanese knives, like wolves entering a flock of sheep, rushing into the young people on the city and killing them, expanding the area occupied by the city wall, and joining the Japanese pirates below the city.

After paying a heavy price of blood and life, the young men in the city overcame the fear and obstacles in their hearts and wielded the weapons in their hands towards the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates were extremely fierce, each of them killed without blinking an eye, and their skills were much higher than those of the young men in the city. Especially the real Japanese pirates, whose sword skills were extremely powerful. They could jump to dodge and slash, and there was a flash of sword light. All directions above and below were white, and no one could be seen. , Qingzhuang, who was within one to eight feet of his body, was chopped to the ground by the Japanese pirates if he didn't pay attention. The young and strong people in the city were no match for the Japanese pirates. After the Japanese pirates attacked the city wall, they suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, the Japanese pirates only had fifteen siege ladders, and the number of Japanese pirates who climbed up the city wall was not large. The young men on the city had the numerical advantage and used their numerical superiority to surround and kill the Japanese pirates. If not, the city wall would have been attacked by the fierce Japanese pirates. Came down.

Under the city are your parents, wives and children, you must defend it even to the death!

The young men on the city fought hard against the Japanese pirates. The fierce Japanese pirates broke through the gap several times, but were blocked several times by the young men on the city.

After several rounds, although the Japanese pirates attacked the city wall, they were still unable to expand their advantage. They were blocked in a corner by the young men on the city, let alone lower the city wall and open the city gate to welcome the Japanese pirate army into the city.

Although the young men on the city had the numerical advantage, they could not drive the Japanese pirates off the city wall for a while!

For a time, the two sides were in a stalemate!

It is not a static stalemate, but a dynamic stalemate, a stalemate like a flesh and blood mill. The two sides are going back and forth on the city wall. The Japanese pirates chop down the young people from time to time, and the young people strangle the Japanese pirates from time to time.

Fifteen siege ladders, fifteen flesh and blood mills.

There was a steady flow of blood under the mill, and the blood flow merged into a river of blood. When you stepped on it, there was a splashing sound.

On the city wall, there were corpses everywhere. The corpses and broken limbs of Japanese pirates and young people were crisscrossed all over the place.

"Kill, rush out!"

The Japanese pirates are like trapped animals, their eyes are red with blood, and they are getting more and more crazy, trying to break through the siege and fight their way out.

"Kill! Drive the Japanese pirates away!"

For the sake of their parents, wives and children below the city, the young men on the city gritted their teeth and fought the Japanese pirates tenaciously, hoping to drive the Japanese pirates off the city wall.

Both sides are furious, and the battle has become fierce. Blood is bleeding every second, and people are dying every minute.

"Everyone, please pay attention to your position. In groups of ten to twenty people, assemble nearby. The shield soldiers are forward and use their shields to block the Japanese pirates' swords; the spear soldiers are in the middle and use their spears to stab the Japanese pirates. The archers should ignore the Japanese pirates below the city and follow them. Behind the spearmen, they shot and killed the Japanese pirates who resisted at the top of the city; while the spearmen were behind, responsible for protecting the rear row."

During the fierce offensive and defensive battles, Zhu Ping'an always stood on the front line and commanded loudly. He greatly simplified Qi Jiguang's sharp weapon to kill the Japanese pirates - the Yuanyang Formation - to the level that untrained young people can understand and use it.

This is not the Yuanyang Formation. At best, it is a weakened and dull version of the Yuanyang Formation. It is only three-thirds similar in shape and not even a bit similar in spirit. It does not have many on-the-spot changes of the Yuanyang Formation. There is only such a formation.

However, even so, under the command of Zhu Pingan, after the young and strong people in the city formed a simplified version and a dull version of the Mandarin Duck Formation with varying numbers of people, the damage was greatly reduced and the number of Japanese pirates killed increased significantly. The loss rate of enemy kills has changed from the original three to one and two to one to one to one, one to two and one to three.

Slowly, the Japanese pirates suddenly discovered that the young and strong people in the city seemed to have become more powerful. At the beginning, it was relatively easy to kill them, and they had the advantage even in a stalemate. But now they are becoming more and more disadvantaged, and the Japanese pirates around them are getting more and more powerful. There are fewer and fewer people coming, and the space for movement is being squeezed smaller and smaller by the young and strong people. If this continues, it won't take long for these two-legged sheep to be driven off the city wall.

"Baga! Rush out and open a gap!"

As soon as the real Japanese Miyamoto Taro climbed up the city wall, he saw that the fierce Japanese pirates were being beaten by two-legged sheep. He couldn't help but cursed, shouted, took the lead, brandished two long knives and rushed towards the young people.

Taro Miyamoto was born in the Japanese state of Zuozhou Boshu. He has an ancestral two-sword style. He holds two Japanese swords and is capable of killing people with ease. He is very famous among the Japanese pirates and is known as the "Tiger of the State".

As Japanese pirates who dominated the Ming Dynasty, you were pressed down and beaten by a group of two-legged sheep. What a shame for the Japanese pirates!

I will wash away your shame with my blood.

When Taro Miyamoto rushed forward with his swords, he sneered at the Japanese pirates on the city wall.

In his eyes, the young and strong people opposite him were already dead corpses.


Cut it with one knife!


The people on the opposite side held up shields to block it!

Although it was a bit unexpected, it was nothing. After Miyamoto Taro's knife was blocked, the other knife slashed at the calf of the civilian on the opposite side at an extremely tricky angle. But at this moment, two spears from the opposite side were thrust through the gap in the shield. If he insisted on cutting the lower legs of the people on the opposite side, he would also be hit by the spears. It was not worth it. Miyamoto Taro hurriedly put away his sword to avoid the spears, and took advantage of the situation to use it again. The hilt of the knife hit the shield hard.

With a "bang" sound, the people holding the shield felt a strong force coming along the shield. The shield suddenly rebounded onto their foreheads, their foreheads blackened, and their bodies stumbled back involuntarily.

Come to death!

When Taro Miyamoto saw the flaw in the shield-wielding civilians, he smiled ferociously, followed up, and stabbed him with a ruthless knife.


The people nearby replaced their shields in time, narrowly blocking Taro Miyamoto's killing blow.


The killing swords were blocked one after another. Miyamoto Taro was filled with anger, cursed angrily, and bravely swung his sword to kill again.

Before Taro Miyamoto could slash with his sword, several spears stabbed through the gaps in the shield again. Taro Miyamoto quickly put away his sword to avoid it, repeated his old trick, and hit the shield with the hilt of the sword again, deciding to wait until the shield staggered. When retreating, jump behind the shield and kill all those damn spearmen.


The same plot, the shield soldier staggered back, revealing a gap.

Miyamoto Taro was overjoyed and was about to jump along the gap into the formation and start killing people. However, before he could jump, he saw a cold light coming from the corner of his eye. Taro Miyamoto reacted quickly and quickly changed direction to dodge like an ape. An arrow grazed his cheek dangerously. A smile appeared on Taro Miyamoto's face, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He lowered his head and saw An arrow was stuck in his chest. Then, when Miyamoto Taro was slow to hit the arrow, several more spears penetrated his body.

I was a tiger of the state for a generation, but I died here!

Taro Miyamoto's eyes widened in disbelief and unwillingness, and then he fell to the ground, ending his sinful life.

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