Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1121 United as one

The real Japanese Miyamoto Taro is just a microcosm on the city wall. As the young and strong people on the city become more and more proficient in the simplified version of the Mandarin Duck Formation, the numerically inferior Japanese pirates are becoming more and more disadvantaged in the fight, even though their individual bravery far exceeds that of the young and strong people. People, but one plus one is greater than two. The strength of the organization is more suitable for war than the bravery of individuals.

Although the decline of the Japanese pirates is becoming more and more obvious, the Japanese pirates rely on the siege ladder and continue to be joined by fresh troops, and they are still charging without fear of death.

Fighting is the main theme of the city wall. Blood and death are frequent visitors on the city wall. Several vultures are hovering in the sky, waiting for a feast.

Time passed slowly, and the balance of the war slowly tilted towards the defenders, little by little, little by little...


After fighting for more than an hour, the balance of the war completely tipped towards the defenders, and there was no longer a single Japanese pirate standing on the city wall! The Japanese pirates were completely driven off the city wall, and the second wave of Japanese siege failed.

"Hold it!"

"We held it!"

The young and strong people in the city were leaning on their swords, their legs snapped, and they knelt in the blood and looked up to the sky, crying and cheering.

This is a victory that can only be cried but not laughed.

A miserable victory!

The Japanese pirates left more than 500 corpses in this wave of siege, and more than 400 young people in the city also died. Most of the remaining young people were injured, wrapped in gauze bandages, and their bodies were stained with blood. .

Looking around, we can see that the city wall is completely devastated, with broken scales and broken armor, rivers of blood, and corpses scattered everywhere...

"Stone, close your eyes, we're holding on."

A young and strong commoner knelt on the ground, crying and stretched out his hand to brush the eyes of his friend who died in the battle, helping his friend close his eyes. Beside him, his friend's body was already cold and covered with scars. An arrow pointed at the sky at his throat. He held a war knife with a curled blade firmly in his hand. His eyes were wide open, as if he was still fighting.

"Monkey, let go. The Japanese pirates are dead and have been driven off."

There was a young and strong commoner who wanted to collect the corpse of a neighbor monkey, but found that the monkey's hands were tightly holding the neck of a dead Japanese pirate corpse. Even if the fingers were broken, they could not be separated. In order not to hurt the monkey's fingers, they cut off the pirate's head and separated the two people. Until the end, the monkey's fingers still maintained the strangling movement.

There are countless scenes like this on the city wall...

"Heroes of Jingnan, have a safe journey! Live forever!"

Zhu Ping'an was walking on the city wall and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He couldn't help himself and knelt on the city wall with a "Plop" sound. He pressed his head heavily on the ground and paid homage to the young man who died on the city wall. Common people, government officials and soldiers.

Everyone on the city wall was deeply moved when they saw the magistrate kneeling down to pay homage to the people who died in the war. The magistrate was an official of the imperial court, how noble he was, and he knelt down with tears in his eyes to pay homage to the people who died in the war.

When I think about the fight again, the county magistrate, Zhu Ping'an, a weak scholar, took the lead and never took a step back.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

A strong thought came to people's minds, such a county official is worthy of our lives.



Everyone followed Zhu Pingan and knelt down to pay homage to the people who died on the city wall.

It is late autumn now, the weather is very hot, and it is easy to rot and breed bacteria and viruses. If you are not careful, it will cause plague. Ancient medical technology was limited, and awareness and level of epidemic prevention were low. If the plague spread, there would be a large-scale outbreak and unlimited infection, and the consequences would be even more terrifying than the ravages of Japanese pirates.

Therefore, after paying homage and paying homage, Zhu Ping'an ordered a bamboo forest with beautiful scenery and close to mountains and rivers in Jingnan County to be turned into the "Jingnan Anti-Japanese Heroes Cemetery", and directed people to commemorate the government officials and government officials who died on the city wall. Soldiers and young common people were buried in the cemetery. After the war, a cemetery was built and a monument was erected to record the biography. It will be remembered forever in the history of Jingnan for people to admire and enjoy the incense and sacrifices of the people of Jingnan County from generation to generation.

As for the corpse of the Japanese pirate, Zhu Ping'an ordered his head to be chopped off in front of the Japanese pirate outside the city, and then separated it and threw it into piles of firewood to be burned. On the one hand, it exercises the courage of the people and makes them see blood; on the other hand, it intimidates the Japanese pirates outside the city. The Japanese pirates in the island country believe in Shintoism and believe that if the head is chopped off, the soul cannot return to its homeland, cannot be reborn, and cannot ascend to heaven. Even if he is a fake Japanese, as a native of Ming Dynasty, he still pays attention to leaving a complete corpse so that he can be reincarnated in the next life. Not to mention having their bones bruised and thrown into ashes. In ancient times, only those with deep hatred, serious sins, and heinous crimes would be crushed into ashes. For the Japanese pirates outside the city, this was a nuclear bomb-level psychological battle, which made them frightened and out of their minds.

"With my order, call for, no, ask the medical doctors in the county to bring medicines such as gold sore medicine to bandage and treat the injured. All expenses will be recorded in the name of the county government. After the war I will come and pay my respects."

Zhu Pingan looked at the injured one by one on the city wall, bandaged the wounds of the injured, comforted everyone to recover from their injuries, and noticed that the injured lacked medical treatment and suffered from trauma. Zhu Pingan took out his seal from his arms and ordered a group of people to recover from their injuries. The official went to the medical center to ask the doctor to treat the injured.

"Thank you, Lord County."

"Thank you, Mr. Magistrate."

The injured people were flattered and moved, and thanked Zhu Pingan one after another.

Zhu Pingan hurriedly ordered everyone not to move without courtesy, so as not to injure their wounds again. He appreciated everyone's heroic fighting, thanked everyone for their sacrifices in defending Jingnan County, and comforted everyone to take a good rest.

While Zhu Pingan was looking at the injured, he heard a commotion coming from the steps of the city wall. He looked up and saw hundreds of men, women and women carrying pots and pans, holding hot meals, and carrying baskets of food. Carrying baskets of stones, carrying door panels, water tanks, roof beams, millstones and other heavy objects, carrying quilts and other objects, they broke through the obstacles and quickly walked up the city wall.

"The county magistrate, the little old man and all the fellow villagers have come to deliver food to everyone. In order to protect us, you fought with the vicious people for an entire afternoon without even drinking a sip of water. The little old man and all the old men saw it. Here, it hurts in my heart. We are also from Jingnan, we live and die with Jingnan, and we must also do our part to protect Jingnan. Magistrate, please eat quickly, we will help you defend the city. I heard it is because There is a shortage of stones and wood, so these Japanese pirates are allowed to climb up the city. We have plenty of these door panels, beams, and stones at home. We can unload these guys and lift them up, and we can defend the city."

The leader was an old man in his seventies, with white hair and wrinkles on his face. He walked up the city wall with a cane and said to Zhu Pingan and others from a distance.

"Yes, we and Jingnan will live and die together. Mr. Magistrate, we will help you defend the city. You can eat quickly."

The people behind the old man followed suit.

Later, more and more people rushed to the city wall, carrying door panels, stones and other heavy objects from their homes onto the city wall to help defend the city.

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