Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1122: Tao Eat Pot Pulp

With united will and this momentum, Jingnan will be as stable as Mount Tai. Zhu Ping'an felt extremely convinced after seeing this scene.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, fellow villagers. We appreciate your kindness. The Japanese pirates have not yet evacuated, and they may attack the city again at any time. The swords are not long-sighted, and the city wall is very dangerous. Folks, please get down quickly."

Zhu Pingan hurried up to meet him, stretched out his hand to support the leading white-haired old man, thanked the old man and everyone, and reminded people that Japanese pirates may attack the city at any time. There are no swords on the city wall. For the sake of safety, people are asked to get off the city wall quickly.

"Mr. Magistrate, don't worry about me. At such an old age, I have already lived a long life. As for us, down below, we heard that you were fighting miserably. We heard that you stone and After waiting for the news that the defensive utensils for the city had been exhausted, we were very anxious down below. The boards of my coffin were made of jujube wood, which was heavier than the wood. When this board was dropped, the head of the little Japanese pirate was designated to be hit. flowering."

The white-haired old man shook his head, took Zhu Pingan's arm, and asked Zhu Pingan to watch the six young men carrying the coffin board.

"Master Magistrate, if you hadn't fought tooth and nail to protect us, we would have been killed by the Japanese pirates long ago."

"Mr. Magistrate, I brought my millstone here. This millstone is easier to hit than a stone."

"My water tank is also very heavy."

People said one after another, showing off the heavy objects they had carried and carried, stomping down the things to the city wall.

Zhu Ping'an and the young people, government officials, and soldiers in the city were all moved and hurried forward to help carry the heavy objects. Everyone worked together and quickly moved heavy objects such as stones, planks, and millstones to the foot of the city wall.

With the stones, door panels and other city defense utensils brought up by the fellow villagers, it was enough to last for a while.

"Mr. Magistrate, please hurry up and get some food. You have been fighting all day. You can't go without food and drink."

After carrying the heavy objects, people delivered the meals they brought to Zhu Ping'an and the young and strong people guarding the city.

It's hard to let go of love, and after everyone had been fighting for a long time, it was time to eat, so Zhu Pingan accepted everyone's kindness.

"Thank you, thank you, hey, Hua'er? What a nonsense! Why did you come up here? Didn't I ask you to hide in the cellar at home?!"

Zhu Pingan took the meal from a commoner who crowded over and thanked him repeatedly. After saying a few words, he suddenly felt that the clothes of the man who handed the meal looked familiar. He took a closer look and saw that this was not a painting. A woman dressed as a man. Wearing his own clothes, the pants and sleeves were a lot too long and didn't fit at all. Although he painted his face with plant ash, Zhu Pingan could still recognize Hua'er's iconic bun face at a glance.


Hua'er was recognized by Zhu Pingan and was startled like a country mouse. Her mouth opened in an O shape in surprise. She was so surprised that she forgot to breathe. She almost suffocated before coughing, right? I've disguised myself like this, can my uncle still recognize me? I tied my hair into a boy's bun, wore boys' clothes, and smeared plant ash on my face. How could my uncle still recognize me?

I can't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror.

My uncle actually recognized me? !

My uncle is too familiar with me, right? ! Only if you are very, very, very familiar can you do it.

It seems that my uncle has been paying attention to me all this time, so he recognized me even though I was disguised to such an extent.

My uncle has been paying attention to himself.

Thinking of this, Baozi's little maid Hua'er's heart skipped a beat, and her face could be seen blushing through the ashes of the vegetation.

"Aunt, uncle, you got the wrong person. I, I'm not Hua'er..." After Hua'er coughed, she gritted her teeth and refused to admit it.

"What did you call me?"

This stupid girl, Zhu Pingan was speechless. You called me uncle, and you said I recognized the wrong person? !

"Aunt...Uncle..." Baozi's little maid answered subconsciously. After answering, seeing Zhu Pingan's speechless expression, Hua'er belatedly stretched out her paw to cover her mouth.

"Ahem, my uncle is so amazing. He can recognize paintings at a glance. I can't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror. My uncle, please eat quickly. The food is almost cold. I've been wanting to come up for a long time. Those big-headed soldiers stopped me. Don't let me come up, these are my uncle's favorite foods, and they are all made by Hua'er himself."

The little maid of Baozi opened the lunch box as if she were presenting a treasure, and handed it to Zhu Ping'an diligently, chirping non-stop like a happy little sparrow.


How can I put it this way? I cannot praise the quality of the food cooked by Hua'er. The chicken nuggets were burnt to a crisp. Her knife skills also made the ingredients go through a lot of pain. The cuts were of different sizes. Compared with Li Shu's, this cooking skill is simply inferior. It’s been a thousand miles.


Looking at Hua'er, she looked like a dog waiting for praise. She raised her chin and looked at him with shining eyes. If she had been given a tail, she would have wiped the city wall clean by now. Zhu Ping'an really felt that He couldn't bear to dampen her enthusiasm, so she put on an expression of approval against her will, took the chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken and put it in her mouth. Well... As expected, she added too much salt, which made Zhu Pingan's cheeks tremble. , Zhu Ping'an wondered if this girl had beaten the salt seller to death.

"Well, not bad, great progress." Zhu Ping'an praised against his will.

"Ahem, it's not that good..."

Hearing Zhu Ping'an's praise, Baozi's little maid Hua'er's little face was as bright as the little sun. She was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, but she still pretended to be humble and waved her fat paw, but It's a pity that Hua'er's acting skills are infinitely inferior, and his humble scene makes him look like a villain who has succeeded.

"Oh, it's really not that good...Oh, I'm just talking too much. Brother, please eat quickly, the food is almost cold."

Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, was as happy as a dog. She was so happy that she almost forgot to let Zhu Pingan eat. When she saw the lunch box in her hand, she said "ah" and remembered the business, and hurriedly handed the lunch box to Zhu Pingan's hand.

On the city wall, the villagers also delivered the meals they brought to the people guarding the city. For a while, the city wall was filled with the fragrance of the food.


At this moment, the Japanese pirates' shouts of killing came from the city again.

Zhu Ping'an quickly put down the lunch box in his hand and looked up to see that the Japanese pirates were beginning to gather again outside the city. The Japanese pirate archers were already in place. He hurriedly shouted to everyone, "Quick, brothers, raise your shields and hold up your arms." The wooden planks were used to protect the villagers and they quickly descended the city wall, because the Japanese pirates were preparing to attack the city again."

"Master Magistrate, we are not going down, we have to help defend the city." The white-haired old man led the crowd and shouted.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, we appreciate your kindness. However, the large number of people is not conducive to our defense of the city. Besides, you can help us to defend the city by helping us collect defensive utensils under the city. The Japanese pirates are about to attack the city, and there is no need to delay, folks. Let’s get off the city wall quickly.”

Zhu Pingan said loudly.

Under Zhu Ping'an's persuasion that "people under the city can also help defend the city," the people were finally persuaded.

Zhu Ping'an ordered the city defenders to use shields and planks to cover the people down the city wall.

"Quick, you go down with us. If you don't obey again, I will send you back to the capital." Zhu Ping'an said sternly when he saw Hua'er lingering there and not leaving.

"You eat other people's food and you are so cruel to them..."

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's threat to retreat to the capital, Hua'er reluctantly puffed out her cheeks and followed the others down the city wall.

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